About the Scope of This Text This book contains two types of material ~ first, the many divergent and often diffuse meanings given to the concepts of association, associative memory, and associative recaZZ are expounded. A review of this kind was felt necessary because there apparently does not exist any single monograph which could serve as a reference to these topics. But the presentation of the main body of this text is motivated by quite other reasons: in recent years, plenty of interesting mathematical and system-theoretical material has been published which makes it possible to gain a...
About the Scope of This Text This book contains two types of material ~ first, the many divergent and often diffuse meanings given to the concepts of ...
Das vorliegende Manuskript indessen ist person1ieher geworden, als ieh zuerst beabsiehtigt hatte. Wo das geUiufige Gebaude der Vorstellungen und Termini nieht ausreiehte oder unzulanglieh sehien, habe ieh eigenes hinzugefiigt. Es ist iiberhaupt meinen eigenen Ansiehten und Zitaten aus eigenen Arbeiten ein Platz eingeraumt worden, der ihnen in einer unparteiisehen Dbersieht nieht zukommen wiirde. Ieh sehlieBe mieh der -modernen Linguistik- oder dem -Struktura lismus- an, was u. a. bedeutet, daB ich es vor aHem fiir wiehtig halte, die Struktur der Systeme, die die Spreehakte ermogliehen, in...
Das vorliegende Manuskript indessen ist person1ieher geworden, als ieh zuerst beabsiehtigt hatte. Wo das geUiufige Gebaude der Vorstellungen und Termi...
In trying to give an account of the statistical properties of language, one is faced with the problem of having to find the common thread which would show the many and multifarious forms of language statistic- embodied in scattered papers written by linguists, philosophers, mathe maticians, engineers, each using his own professional idiom - as belong ing to one great whole: quantitative linguistics. This means that the investigator has to find the system of this branch of science which would enable him to arrange the vast material in an orderly fashion, and present it as an organic whole....
In trying to give an account of the statistical properties of language, one is faced with the problem of having to find the common thread which would ...
The first edition of this book has enjoyed a gratifying existence. 1s- sued in 1965, it found its intended place as a research reference and as a graduate-Ievel text. Research laboratories and universities reported broad use. Published reviews-some twenty-five in number-were universally kind. Subsequently the book was translated and published in Russian (Svyaz; Moscow, 1968) and Spanish (Gredos, S.A.; Madrid, 1972). Copies of the first edition have been exhausted for several years, but demand for the material continues. At the behest of the publisher, and with the encouragement of numerous...
The first edition of this book has enjoyed a gratifying existence. 1s- sued in 1965, it found its intended place as a research reference and as a grad...
1m Bereich der Nachrichtentechnik hat die Informationstheorie im Verlaufe von knapp 20 Jahren eine umfassende Bedeutung erlangt. Diese Bedeutung beruht darauf, daB es sich hier nicht urn eine Theorie der Elektrotechnik, also die Theorie eines Nachrichtenmittels, sondern urn eine Theorie der Nachrichten selbst handelt. Seit den Arbeiten von SHANNON hat es nicht an Bemuhungen gefehlt, die Informationstheorie aus ihrer abstrakten Ferne an die Physik und die Technik der Nachrichtenmittel heranzuziehen und mit den hier gel tenden theoretischen Grundlagen in Beziehung zu setzen. An erster Stelle...
1m Bereich der Nachrichtentechnik hat die Informationstheorie im Verlaufe von knapp 20 Jahren eine umfassende Bedeutung erlangt. Diese Bedeutung beruh...