This is a new edition of the now classic text. The already extensive treatment given in the first edition has been heavily revised by the author. The addition of two new sections, numerous new results and 150 references means that this represents an up-to-date and comprehensive account of random graph theory. The theory estimates the number of graphs of a given degree that exhibit certain properties. It not only has numerous combinatorial applications, but also serves as a model for the probabilistic treatment of more complicated random structures. This book, written by an acknowledged expert...
This is a new edition of the now classic text. The already extensive treatment given in the first edition has been heavily revised by the author. The ...
This book gives a general outlook on homotopy theory; fundamental concepts, such as homotopy groups and spectral sequences, are developed from a few axioms and are thus available in a broad variety of contexts. Many examples and applications in topology and algebra are discussed, including an introduction to rational homotopy theory in terms of both differential Lie algebras and De Rham algebras. The author describes powerful tools for homotopy classification problems, particularly for the classification of homotopy types and for the computation of the group homotopy equivalences....
This book gives a general outlook on homotopy theory; fundamental concepts, such as homotopy groups and spectral sequences, are developed from a few a...
This textbook on the calculus of variations leads the reader from the basics to modern aspects of the theory. One-dimensional problems and the classical issues such as Euler-Lagrange equations are treated, as are Noether's theorem, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, and in particular geodesic lines, thereby developing some important geometric and topological aspects. The basic ideas of optimal control theory are also given. The second part of the book deals with multiple integrals. After a review of Lebesgue integration, Banach and Hilbert space theory and Sobolev spaces (with complete and detailed...
This textbook on the calculus of variations leads the reader from the basics to modern aspects of the theory. One-dimensional problems and the classic...
This book describes the construction and the properties of CW-complexes. These spaces are important because firstly they are the correct framework for homotopy theory, and secondly most spaces that arise in pure mathematics are of this type. The authors discuss the foundations and also developments, for example, the theory of finite CW-complexes, CW-complexes in relation to the theory of fibrations, and Milnor's work on spaces of the type of CW-complexes. They establish very clearly the relationship between CW-complexes and the theory of simplicial complexes, which is developed in great...
This book describes the construction and the properties of CW-complexes. These spaces are important because firstly they are the correct framework for...
Metric fixed point theory has proved a flourishing area of research for the past twenty-five years. This book offers the mathematical community an accessible, self-contained document that can be used as an introduction to the subject and its development. It will be understandable to a wide audience, including nonspecialists and provides a source for examples, references and new approaches for those currently working in the subject.
Metric fixed point theory has proved a flourishing area of research for the past twenty-five years. This book offers the mathematical community an acc...
We can best understand many fundamental processes in analysis by studying and comparing the summability of series in various modes of convergence. This text provides the reader with basic knowledge of real and functional analysis, with an account of p-summing and related operators. The account is panoramic, with detailed expositions of the core results and highly relevant applications to harmonic analysis, probability and measure theory, and operator theory. This is the first time that the subject and its applications have been presented in such complete detail in book form. Graduate students...
We can best understand many fundamental processes in analysis by studying and comparing the summability of series in various modes of convergence. Thi...
The aim of this book is to unite the seemingly disparate topics of Clifford algebras, analysis on manifolds, and harmonic analysis. The authors show how algebra, geometry, and differential equations play a more fundamental role in Euclidean Fourier analysis. They then link their presentation of the Euclidean theory naturally to the representation theory of semi-simple Lie groups.
The aim of this book is to unite the seemingly disparate topics of Clifford algebras, analysis on manifolds, and harmonic analysis. The authors show h...
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem. Hida begins with an overview of the theory of automorphic forms on linear algebraic groups and then covers the basic theory and recent results on elliptic modular forms, including a substantial simplification of the Taylor-Wiles proof by Fujiwara and Diamond. He offers a detailed exposition of the representation theory of profinite groups (including deformation theory), as well as the Euler characteristic formulas of Galois cohomology...
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last th...
Starting from the classical finite-dimensional Galois theory of fields, this book develops Galois theory in a much more general context. The authors first formalize the categorical context in which a general Galois theorem holds, and then give applications to Galois theory for commutative rings, central extensions of groups, the topological theory of covering maps and a Galois theorem for toposes. The book is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, the prerequisites are first courses in algebra and general topology, together with some familiarity with the categorical notions of limit...
Starting from the classical finite-dimensional Galois theory of fields, this book develops Galois theory in a much more general context. The authors f...
The purpose of this book is to study the relation between the representation ring of a finite group and its integral cohomology by means of characteristic classes. In this way it is possible to extend the known calculations and prove some general results for the integral cohomology ring of a group G of prime power order. Among the groups considered are those of p-rank less than 3, extra-special p-groups, symmetric groups and linear groups over finite fields. An important tool is the Riemann - Roch formula which provides a relation between the characteristic classes of an induced...
The purpose of this book is to study the relation between the representation ring of a finite group and its integral cohomology by means of characteri...