Knowing your market ahead of time can make for considerable savings and profit for those who can capture a market with their projects. The present book provides an in-depth description of the marketing of projects that helps projects succeed in the market. While marketing theory is a subject that has been studied countless times, there are no bo
Knowing your market ahead of time can make for considerable savings and profit for those who can capture a market with their projects. The present boo...
This book takes a unique perspective by viewing project methodologies as an assemblage of elements. It takes a natural science perspective to view and explain the elements of a methodology and how they influence project success. Different perspectives provide new insight into the relationship among project methodology, governance and, success.
This book takes a unique perspective by viewing project methodologies as an assemblage of elements. It takes a natural science perspective to view and...
This book offers a practical approach to benefits management and how it can be implemented in practice. It enables readers to decide how they can establish a benefits-focused program environment that is supported by senior stakeholders. Focusing on transformation and change programs, this guide includes practical guidance, including
This book offers a practical approach to benefits management and how it can be implemented in practice. It enables readers to decide how they can esta...