The book presents a flexible, universal, and integrated three-dimensional model for managing projects. By tailoring and customizing the model to a specific industry or organization or by adapting it to a function or project classification, this model can be used to manage any project. It can also be used both in a traditional or an agile environment. The model's three dimensions are project lifecycle, project management processes, and finally competences, sustainability, and best practices. The book explains how these dimensions are managed together and how to apply and adapt the...
The book presents a flexible, universal, and integrated three-dimensional model for managing projects. By tailoring and customizing the model to a ...
Roughly half of all project managers have to lead customer projects as profit centers on contractor side with two big objectives: making the customer happy and bringing money home. Customer projects are a high-risk business on both sides, customers and contractors, but the dynamics of this business have so far been mostly ignored in literature. The book is intended to fill this gap. The book helps project managers better understand the dynamics of customer projects under contract from business development through handover and find solutions for common problems. A central aspect is...
Roughly half of all project managers have to lead customer projects as profit centers on contractor side with two big objectives: making the custom...
Knowing your market ahead of time can make for considerable savings and profit for those who can capture a market with their projects. The present book provides an in-depth description of the marketing of projects that helps projects succeed in the market. While marketing theory is a subject that has been studied countless times, there are no books at this time that discuss how to go about marketing projects. A project that is not based on a proper needs assessment and that doesn't reach its public is doomed for failure. The present book provides an in-depth, essential understanding of...
Knowing your market ahead of time can make for considerable savings and profit for those who can capture a market with their projects. The present ...
This book provides project managers the tools, techniques, checklists, templates, and insight to be project entrepreneurs. Thus, projects are strategically aligned and successful. Adding entrepreneurial tools and techniques to the traditional framework gives project managers a more comprehensive approach to projects and business. This book provides real-world examples of how these tools and techniques can be applied and used in organizations today.
This book provides project managers the tools, techniques, checklists, templates, and insight to be project entrepreneurs. Thus, projects are strat...