Die Soteriologie des lukanischen Doppelwerks gehort seit Jahrzehnten zu den umstrittensten Feldern neutestamentlicher Theologie. Auch wenn dem Verfasser heute meist eigenstandige Positionen in der Heilstheologie zugestanden werden, sind zentrale Inhalte und konzeptionelle Konsistenz weiterhin umkampft: Wie verortet Lukas das mit der Sendung Jesu seinen Anfang nehmende Geschehen im Gesamt der Heilsgeschichte? Wie kann der Verfasser mit Nachdruck davon sprechen, der auf Erden wirkende Jesus vermittle in der Begegnung mit ihm das Heil, wenn er es nicht in Beziehung zum Kreuzestod Jesu setzt?...
Die Soteriologie des lukanischen Doppelwerks gehort seit Jahrzehnten zu den umstrittensten Feldern neutestamentlicher Theologie. Auch wenn dem Verf...
Die Aufgabe einer diachronen Analyse des Johannesevangeliums ist in der neueren Forschung zugunsten von Auslegungsmethoden, die sich auf die Endgestalt des Textes konzentrieren, in den Hintergrund gedrangt worden. Zugleich wird neuerdings zunehmend damit gerechnet, dass Johannes die synoptischen Evangelien voraussetzt und kennt. Im Gegensatz zu diesen beiden Forschungstrends ruckt F. Schleritt die Frage nach der Genese des vierten Evangeliums in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses und zeigt, dass der von den Synoptikern unabhangige Evangelist den zweiten Teil seines Werkes, aber auch den von...
Die Aufgabe einer diachronen Analyse des Johannesevangeliums ist in der neueren Forschung zugunsten von Auslegungsmethoden, die sich auf die Endges...
Though the Epistle to the Romans repeatedly mentions the issue of evil, suffering, and oppression (Rom 5, 8, 12, etc), one rarely finds studies of its contribution to this issue. Yet the context of Hab 2:4 deals with suffering, oppression, and a promise of deliverance (Hab 1.1-4). This quote starts Paul's demonstration of the Gospel, the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises (1:2). For Paul the Scripture's function in Romans is to give hope to the believers (4:23 5; 15:4-13). This study investigates the contribution of Rom 1-3 to the issue of evil and suffering and its link with...
Though the Epistle to the Romans repeatedly mentions the issue of evil, suffering, and oppression (Rom 5, 8, 12, etc), one rarely finds studies of ...
Not limited to Zech 9-14 and the Passion Narratives, The Zechariah Tradition and the Gospel of Matthew is a comprehensive treatment of Zechariah traditions and texts in Matthew's Gospel. The study follows the canonical order of Matthew, which enables readers to follow the Matthean storyline as Zechariah traditions inform each stage of the story. Attention is also given to relevant parallels in the Synoptic Gospels. Two appendices, one arranged according to Zechariah and the other to Matthew, list references to Zechariah in Matthew. This monograph will be useful for the study of...
Not limited to Zech 9-14 and the Passion Narratives, The Zechariah Tradition and the Gospel of Matthew is a comprehensive treatment of Zechar...
In Christian tradition, sanctification and sanctity are terms often associated with ethical progress and idealism. This study, however, demonstrates that in Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians, the earliest extant Christian writing, sanctity refers not to ethical idealism, but exclusively to God's eschatological realm.
In Christian tradition, sanctification and sanctity are terms often associated with ethical progress and idealism. This study, however, demonstrate...
Philological and historico-religious analyses cast a new light on the Gospel and on the following questions. Do (alien) gods and idols belong for St. Paul to the field of motifs of "principalities and powers"? How, according to Paul, are the (false) knowledge of God and the adoration of God manifested in pagan religiosity? To what extent does Paul preach the one true God as Creator in his mission to the heathens?
Philological and historico-religious analyses cast a new light on the Gospel and on the following questions. Do (alien) gods and idols belong for St. ...
Der Band versammelt Studien zur Theologiegeschichte und der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments. Besonderes Gewicht liegt auf der synoptischen Jesustradition, den Briefen des Paulus und der Apokalypse des Johannes. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte bilden die Frage nach Israel, traditionsgeschichtliche Voraussetzungen und Entwicklungslinien in der Theologie des Paulus, seiner Nachfolger sowie der Johannesoffenbarung.
Der Band versammelt Studien zur Theologiegeschichte und der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments. Besonderes Gewicht liegt auf der synoptischen Jesustraditi...
Luke-Acts is the first early Christian writing to which serious historiographical interest can be attributed. In view of the intense debate in recent years concerning the character and forms of classical historiography, this collection seeks to clarify the relationship of the Gospel to classical historiography, illustrated through the comparison of exemplary texts. In doing so, it reveals connections to early Jewish historiography and the Septuagint, to Greek and Roman historiography as well as further early Christian development up to Eusebius and Theodoret. Furthermore, it includes...
Luke-Acts is the first early Christian writing to which serious historiographical interest can be attributed. In view of the intense debate in rece...
The present monograph is the slightly modified publication of a doctoral thesis in theology presented in November 2009 at the University of Lausanne (CH). It results from a pressing question in New Testament: an appraisal of the relationship of the work of Luke, more precisely of his Acts of the Apostles, to the Jewish faith. This problem, to which an unwavering consensus attached until the nineteen-sixties, has become a storm centre of New Testament research over the last three decades. The originality of this study is the reassessment of the Jewish question from the point of view of the...
The present monograph is the slightly modified publication of a doctoral thesis in theology presented in November 2009 at the University of Lausann...