Nucleic acid blotting is a central component of many biological research techniques. In this book you will find descriptions of all the current techniques for DNA and RNA blotting. The authors guide you through blotting procedures and explain how each method works, highlighting the common pitfalls. Trying to master blotting techniques can be a frustrating experience, but help is at hand with "Nucleic Acid Blotting: The Basics." Together with the companion volume, "Nucleic Acid Hybridization: The Basics," you will be armed with all the fundamental information you need to become expert in these...
Nucleic acid blotting is a central component of many biological research techniques. In this book you will find descriptions of all the current techni...
Working with DNA is a guide to the materials and methods that are used in the recombinant DNA laboratory and is designed to help the novice understand how specific laboratory techniques work, but also has sections that may stimulate the thinking of experienced researchers. It isn't a book of step-by-step protocols and recipes, but is intended to broaden and strengthen the foundation of the reader so that working with DNA becomes more natural and make them aware of the many ways that a molecular research question may be addressed.
Working with DNA is a guide to the materials and methods that are used in the recombinant DNA laboratory and is designed to help the novic...
Basics Projektmanagement Architektur vereint die erfolgreichen Einzelbande Projektplanung, Ausschreibung, Terminplanung und Bauleitung der Studentenreihe BASICS in einem Buch, das um den neuen, bislang nicht erschienenen Band Kostenplanung erganzt ist, und beantwortet so in einem Zusammenhang die entscheidenden Fragen nach dem Wie und Warum der Bauabwicklung.
Basics Projektmanagement Architektur vereint die erfolgreichen Einzelbande Projektplanung, Ausschreibung, Terminplanung und B...
Computer aided design (CAD) is the rendering of architectural drawings using the computer, which today plays a central role in almost all architectural firms. This volume explains the principles and fundamentals of CAD and provides the student with a simple and easily understandable path to using the computer as a tool and medium. Subjects: The architectural design in dialogue with the computer; An introduction to working with software and hardware; Practical, user-oriented explanations of CAD functions; Digital visualization; Interfaces and data processing.
Computer aided design (CAD) is the rendering of architectural drawings using the computer, which today plays a central role in almost all architect...
Das Wissen uber die unterschiedlichen Stadtbausteine gehort zum grundlegenden Handwerkszeug jeder stadtebaulichen Planung. Aus diesen Bausteinen sind unsere Stadte und Quartiere zusammengefugt. Fur das stadtebauliche Entwerfen ist es unerlasslich, ihre Form und Struktur, die funktionalen Bedingungen, ihre Differenzierung von privaten und offentlichen Bereichen sowie die Vernetzung mit dem Umfeld zu verstehen. Die Beschaftigung mit den Stadtbausteinen stellt einen ersten Schritt dar, die gebaute Struktur der Stadt als physischen und sozialen Lebensraum zu begreifen und als solchen weiter zu...
Das Wissen uber die unterschiedlichen Stadtbausteine gehort zum grundlegenden Handwerkszeug jeder stadtebaulichen Planung. Aus diesen Bausteinen si...
Facadeapertures represent the realm of the exterior wall or facade, which establishes the connection between inside and out and makes it possible to illuminate and ventilate the spaces behind it. This volume deals with the various forms of openings, such as doors, windows, ventilation elements, and fixed glass panes, and their materialization, which also varies according to function; special attention is given to the subject of edges.
Types and positions of openings
Technical requirements
Construction types
Facadeapertures represent the realm of the exterior wall or facade, which establishes the connection between inside and out and makes it possible t...
The main task of the classical architect is project planning, from basic evaluation to design all the way to execution planning, the call for bids, construction management, and completion of the building. This volume explains the individual planning steps in context, presents the networking of the various specialists involved in the project, and offers a clear and practical description of the various levels of organization. Themes are - Planning steps from basic evaluation to handing over the keys, - Project participants (including the authorities, specialized planners, construction...
The main task of the classical architect is project planning, from basic evaluation to design all the way to execution planning, the call for bids,...
Unlike concrete or masonry, plants are a living building material that changes in the course of the seasons and the years. Their growth and varying appearance are factors that must be considered when designing and planning. In addition, plants can also be employed to create different design levels. They can be used as sheathing (green facades, ground cover - lawns) and to generate spaces of various heights (hedges, shrubs, trees).
Basics of using plants
Plant typologies
Function and impact of spaces
Design principles...
Unlike concrete or masonry, plants are a living building material that changes in the course of the seasons and the years. Their growth and varying...
Water is a special design element in open space planning and one that lends a decidedly distinguished touch. But it is not enough merely to insert water basins and fountains at the appropriate spots in architectural drawings. As early as the design stage the planner must begin to think about where the water is going to come from, where it is going to drain, and how it is going to be cleaned.
Water is a special design element in open space planning and one that lends a decidedly distinguished touch. But it is not enough merely to insert ...
Die Behaglichkeit von Innenraumen hangt von der Temperatur, der Feuchtigkeit und der ausreichenden Versorgung mit Frischluft ab. Je nach Nutzung und klimatischen Bedingungen sind unterschiedlich komplexe technische Systeme dafur notwendig. Basics Raumkonditionierung vermittelt ein Grundverstandnis fur diese Zusammenhange und erlautert anhand von Schemata die moglichen Stufen der Raumkonditionierung - von einfachen Prinzipien im Wohnungsbau bis hin zu vollstandiger Klimatisierung unabhangig von der Auenluft.
Anforderungen an die Raumluft...
Die Behaglichkeit von Innenraumen hangt von der Temperatur, der Feuchtigkeit und der ausreichenden Versorgung mit Frischluft ab. Je nach Nutzung un...