Standig fortschreitende Informationstechnologien machen es notwendig, sich umfassend mit dem Thema "Information und Gesellschaft" auseinanderzusetzen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich viele Forscher und Politiker mit der Frage befasst, wie Information verteilt ist und wie sie verteilt werden sollte. Der Band untersucht erstmals das Phanomen der Informationsgerechtigkeit aus der Sicht verschiedener Disziplinen und skizziert damit ein neues Forschungsfeld. Behandelt werden Fragen der Zuganglichkeit und Informationsethik, der Zugang zu Informationen fur verschiedene Bevolkerungsgruppen sowie...
Standig fortschreitende Informationstechnologien machen es notwendig, sich umfassend mit dem Thema "Information und Gesellschaft" auseinanderzusetz...
Das Internet hat nicht nur unsere sprachliche Kommunikation mageblich verandert, sondern alle Formen der Aufnahme, Weitergabe und Bewaltigung von Informationen. Die Interaktion von technischer Entwicklung, kommunikativer Praxis und deren soziokognitiver Dynamik ist das Thema des Bandes. Experten aus den Bereichen Sozialpsychologie, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Linguistik setzen sich in ihren Beitragen kritisch mit diesem Phanomen im technischen Zeitalter auseinander. Der Sammelband liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs uber Konvergenzprozesse zwischen Technik,...
Das Internet hat nicht nur unsere sprachliche Kommunikation mageblich verandert, sondern alle Formen der Aufnahme, Weitergabe und Bewaltigung von I...
Accessibility is never a given it degrades over time and must be recreated or maintained. Diverse mechanisms govern the accessibility of information over time, including social trends, processes of loss, preservation, and recovery. This book develops an interdisciplinary view on the long-term accessibility of information.
Accessibility is never a given it degrades over time and must be recreated or maintained. Diverse mechanisms govern the accessibility of informatio...
In an era in which social integration is increasingly predicated on digital participation, barrier-free access to the Internet and key information systems has become vital for equal participation in social life. This volume presents the basic theory and practice of designing barrier-free information systems, which are a key element of an inclusive information society.
In an era in which social integration is increasingly predicated on digital participation, barrier-free access to the Internet and key information ...
Information behavior research focuses on how people engage with information and knowledge. This work offers the very first German-language survey of recent research in this new discipline, which has flourished in recent years particularly in the US, yet also in the UK and Scandinavia.
Information behavior research focuses on how people engage with information and knowledge. This work offers the very first German-language survey o...
In today's digital age, online and mobile advertising are of growing importance, with advertising no longer bound to the traditional media industry. Although the advertising industry still has broader access to the different measures and channels, users and consumers today have more possibilities topublish, get informed or communicate - to "co-create" -, and toreach a bigger audience. There is a good chance thus that users and consumers are better informed about the objectives and persuasive tricks of the advertising industry than ever before. At the same time, advertisers can inform about...
In today's digital age, online and mobile advertising are of growing importance, with advertising no longer bound to the traditional media industry...
The augmentation of urban spaces with technology, commonly referred to as Media Architecture, has found increasing interest in the scientific community within the last few years. At the same time architects began to use digital media as a new material apart from concrete, glass or wood to create buildings and urban structures. Simultaneously, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers began to exploit the interaction opportunities between users and buildings and to bridge the gaps between interface, information medium and architecture. As an example, they extended...
The augmentation of urban spaces with technology, commonly referred to as Media Architecture, has found increasing interest in the scienti...