Tourism energizes economies and fuels the economic transformation of countries from Cape Verde to South Africa. Its benefits are clear: it can trigger infrastructure improvements, create good jobs, increase domestic consumption, and diversify exports. It also empowers women, young people, and marginalized populations, contributes to each country's national image, and stimulates cultural heritage and environmental conservation. What's more, tourism is a demonstration sector which leads private sector growth through its linkages across other sectors. It has demonstrated resilience over the...
Tourism energizes economies and fuels the economic transformation of countries from Cape Verde to South Africa. Its benefits are clear: it can trigger...
Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve complex procedures to obtain or make land available for housing. Because a structured framework lacks for the analysis of such systems, this book proposes a systemic approach and applies it to Bamako and its surrounding areas. The framework revolves around the description of land delivery channels: starting from the status of tenure when the land is first placed in circulation for residential use, it identifies the processes whereby tenure can be...
Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve c...
En Afrique subsaharienne, les besoins en filets sociaux sont considerables. Si l'Afrique subsaharienne est la region la plus pauvre du globe, elle figure egalement parmi les regions les plus inegalitaires au monde. Dans un tel contexte, la redistribution doit etre consideree comme une methode legitime permettant de combattre la pauvrete et de garantir une prosperite partagee. Le present rapport fournit des elements empiriques demontrant la capacite de tels programmes a atteindre les plus pauvres et vulnerables; il contient en outre des enseignements pour un emploi efficace des methodes de...
En Afrique subsaharienne, les besoins en filets sociaux sont considerables. Si l'Afrique subsaharienne est la region la plus pauvre du globe, elle fig...
Since independence, the West African sub-region has been an arena for a number of large-scale conflicts and civil wars, as well as simmering and low-intensity uprisings. Contrary to perceptions, West Africa in its post-independence history has experienced fewer conflict events and fatalities from conflict than the other sub-regions on the continent. The turn of the millennium has witnessed the recession of large-scale and conventional conflict, and it has ushered in new and emerging threats. The specters of religious extremism, maritime piracy, and narcotics trafficking threaten to undermine...
Since independence, the West African sub-region has been an arena for a number of large-scale conflicts and civil wars, as well as simmering and low-i...
To sustain Africa's growth, and accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty, investment in infrastructure is fundamental. In 2010, the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic found that to enable Africa to fill its infrastructure gap, some US$ 93 billion per year for the next decade will need to be invested. The Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), endorsed in 2012 by the continent's Heads of State and Government, lays out an ambitious long-term plan for closing Africa's infrastructure including trough step increases in hydroelectric power generation and water storage...
To sustain Africa's growth, and accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty, investment in infrastructure is fundamental. In 2010, the Africa Infras...
Africa is poised on the edge of a potential takeoff to sustained economic growth. This takeoff can be abetted by a demographic dividend from the changes in population age structure. Declines in child mortality, followed by declines in fertility, produce a 'bulge' generation and a large number of working age people, giving a boost to the economy. In the short run lower fertility leads to lower youth dependency rates and greater female labor force participation outside the home. Smaller family sizes also mean more resources to invest in the health and education per child boosting worker...
Africa is poised on the edge of a potential takeoff to sustained economic growth. This takeoff can be abetted by a demographic dividend from the chang...
En Afrique subsaharienne, les besoins en filets sociaux sont considerables. Si l'Afrique subsaharienne est la region la plus pauvre du globe, elle figure egalement parmi les regions les plus inegalitaires au monde. Dans un tel contexte, la redistribution doit etre consideree comme une methode legitime permettant de combattre la pauvrete et de garantir une prosperite partagee. Le present rapport fournit des elements empiriques demontrant la capacite de tels programmes a atteindre les plus pauvres et vulnerables; il contient en outre des enseignements pour un emploi efficace des methodes de...
En Afrique subsaharienne, les besoins en filets sociaux sont considerables. Si l'Afrique subsaharienne est la region la plus pauvre du globe, elle fig...
Roads are the arteries through which the economy pulses. They connect sellers to markets, workers to jobs, students to education, and the sick to hospitals. Yet much of the developing world, Africa in particular, lacks adequate transportation infrastructure. Accordingly investments in transportation remain a cornerstone of the development agenda. Sub-Saharan Africa spends roughly $6.8 billion per year on paving roads, and the World Bank invests more on roads than on education, health, and social services combined. Despite the development focus on transportation, methodologies for evaluating...
Roads are the arteries through which the economy pulses. They connect sellers to markets, workers to jobs, students to education, and the sick to hosp...
Resume L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance economique soutenue. Cette ascension peut etre acceleree par un dividende demographique du aux changements dans la structure par age de la population. Les baisses de la mortalite infantile, suivies par la baisse de la fecondite, produisent une generation renflement et un grand nombre de personnes d'age actif, donnant un coup de pouce a l'economie. Dans le court terme, une fecondite plus faible engendre une baisse des taux de dependance des jeunes et une plus grande participation de la population active feminine en dehors...
Resume L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance economique soutenue. Cette ascension peut etre acceleree par un dividende demo...
Drylands are at the core of Africa s development challenge. Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region s land surface, account for about 75 percent of the area used for agriculture, and are home to about 50 percent of the population, including a disproportionate share of the poor. Due to complex interactions among many factors, vulnerability in drylands is high and rising, jeopardizing the long-term livelihood prospects for hundreds of millions of people. Climate change, which is expected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, will exacerbate this challenge....
Drylands are at the core of Africa s development challenge. Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region s land surface, account for about 75 perce...