The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted an ambitious strategy to make Nigeria the world's 20th largest economy by 2020. Sustaining such a pace of growth will entail rapid expansion of the level of activity in key carbon-emitting sectors, such as power, oil and gas, agriculture and transport. In the absence of policies to accompany economic growth with a reduced carbon foot-print, emissions of greenhouse gases could more than double in the next two decades. This study finds that there are several options for Nigeria to achieve the development objectives of vision 20:2020 and beyond, but...
The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted an ambitious strategy to make Nigeria the world's 20th largest economy by 2020. Sustaining such a pace o...
Raffaello Cervigni Riccardo Valentini Monia Santini
If not addressed in time, climate change is expected to exacerbate Nigeria's current vulnerability to weather swings and limit its ability to achieve and sustain the objectives of Vision 20: 2020. But there is a lot that can be done, starting now, to avoid such a damaging outcome. This is the overarching message of Toward Climate-Resilient Development in Nigeria. The likely impacts of climate change include the following: - Long-term reduction in crop yields of 20-30 percent - Declining productivity of livestock, with adverse consequences on livelihoods and pastoralism - Large increases in...
If not addressed in time, climate change is expected to exacerbate Nigeria's current vulnerability to weather swings and limit its ability to achieve ...
The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted Vision 20: 2020--an ambitious strategy to make Nigeria the world's 20th largest economy by 2020. In the absence of policies to accompany economic growth in key carbon-emitting sectors with a reduced carbon footprint, emission of greenhouse gases could more than double in the next two decades. To evaluate how to achieve the objectives of Vision 20: 2020 with reduced carbon emissions, the Federal Government of Nigeria and the World Bank undertook a multiyear program of analytical work. The summary results of this program are contained in a separate...
The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted Vision 20: 2020--an ambitious strategy to make Nigeria the world's 20th largest economy by 2020. In the ...
Drylands are at the core of Africa s development challenge. Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region s land surface, account for about 75 percent of the area used for agriculture, and are home to about 50 percent of the population, including a disproportionate share of the poor. Due to complex interactions among many factors, vulnerability in drylands is high and rising, jeopardizing the long-term livelihood prospects for hundreds of millions of people. Climate change, which is expected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, will exacerbate this challenge....
Drylands are at the core of Africa s development challenge. Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region s land surface, account for about 75 perce...