This volume presents eleven case studies that document how well or poorly health, nutrition, and population programs have reached disadvantaged groups in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America where they were undertaken. The studies were commissioned by the Reaching the Poor Program, undertaken by the Word Bank in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Dutch and Swedish governments, in an effort to find better ways of ensuring that health, nutrition, and population programs benefit the neediest. These case studies, reinforced by other material gathered by the...
This volume presents eleven case studies that document how well or poorly health, nutrition, and population programs have reached disadvantaged groups...
While women in developing countries continue to die in large numbers in child birth, Population and Reproductive Health specialists and advocates around the world are struggling to keep the policy agenda focused on the rights and needs of poor women. The 1994 Cairo Conference and Program of Action changed how we do business, and opened many doors, but the agenda is not complete and has stalled in a number of ways. At the country level, governments and donors are making difficult choices about how and where to allocate scarce human and financial resources. Funding approaches have moved away...
While women in developing countries continue to die in large numbers in child birth, Population and Reproductive Health specialists and advocates arou...
A breakthrough in measuring inequalities in health has shattered myths about the effectiveness of health systems in helping the poor. The resulting evidence on outcome inequality is overwhelming. Children from poor families from over 50 low- and middle-income countries suffer malnutrition and die at much higher rates than children from better-off families. Fertility rates for poor women far outpace those of better-off women. The most jarring finding, however, is not that the poor suffer more, but that health systems, even when publicly financed, are much more likely to serve the better-off...
A breakthrough in measuring inequalities in health has shattered myths about the effectiveness of health systems in helping the poor. The resulting ev...
Health and economic development are interconnected. Over the past decades, the health sector has become an increasingly important component of the global economy, evidenced by the growing trend of health expenditures as a share of GDP. The interconnectivity of health and economic development and the cyclical nature of economic performance have emphasized the critical need to build health sector resilience to prepare for inevitable economic downturns. The objective of the book is to raise awareness of the challenges that health systems, in both developing and developed countries, face in times...
Health and economic development are interconnected. Over the past decades, the health sector has become an increasingly important component of the glo...
Resume L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance economique soutenue. Cette ascension peut etre acceleree par un dividende demographique du aux changements dans la structure par age de la population. Les baisses de la mortalite infantile, suivies par la baisse de la fecondite, produisent une generation renflement et un grand nombre de personnes d'age actif, donnant un coup de pouce a l'economie. Dans le court terme, une fecondite plus faible engendre une baisse des taux de dependance des jeunes et une plus grande participation de la population active feminine en dehors...
Resume L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance economique soutenue. Cette ascension peut etre acceleree par un dividende demo...