For the first time, the proceedings of our biennial congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics will be published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. The different areas of research now include cellu- lar allotypes, i. e. not only the traditional red cell antigens, but also those of white cells and platelets. Plasma isoproteins and intracellular isoenzy- mes, DNA polymorphisms (restriction length fragment and banding), and biostatistics are further topics in our Society. They also deserve our special attention in the future. The practical applications comprise paren- tage...
For the first time, the proceedings of our biennial congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics will be published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Hei...
Publication of papers presented at the 12th International Meeting for Forensic Haemogentics Wien 1987. Topics covered included: Formal genetics, population genetics, biochemistry and serology of nearly all hereditary blood group poly- morphisms. Also several reviews of e.g. enzyme polymor- phisms; problems and aspects of the application for paternity testing; extensive articles on forensic stain information with numerous new methods and description of artifacts; polymorphisms in body fluids; quality control methods; use of biostatistics in forensic haemogentics.
Publication of papers presented at the 12th International Meeting for Forensic Haemogentics Wien 1987. Topics covered included: Formal genetics, popul...
Neuere Entwicklungen in der Molekulargenetik sowie die Notwendigkeit, unanfechtbare Beweise zu liefern, haben zu immer schnelleren Fortschritten auf dem Gebiet der H{mogenetik in der Gerichtsmedizin gef}hrt. Dieser Band enth{lt die Beitr{ge mit neuesten Erkenntnissen, die hierzu auf dem Kongre im September 1991 in Mainz vorgetragen wurden. Im Zentrum steht die Frage der forensischen Anwendung bzw. Andwendbarkeit der DNS-technologischen Forschung. Einige Artikel befassen sich mit Standardisierungs-, Artefakt- und Identifikationsproblemen bez}glich menschlicher ]berreste. Auch ethische und...
Neuere Entwicklungen in der Molekulargenetik sowie die Notwendigkeit, unanfechtbare Beweise zu liefern, haben zu immer schnelleren Fortschritten auf d...
The third volume of "Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics" contains the th scientific contributions presented at the 13 Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, held on October 19-21, 1989 in New Orleans, USA. The conference was organized and chaired by Dr. Herbert Polesky from Minneapolis. He and the local organizing committee which consisted of our friends and colleagues (J. Soubrada, L.R.Bryant, Dale D.Dykes, Ch.Harrison, P.Newall and R. Walker) deserve the thanks of our Society for a very successful meeting. Herb Polesky has also contributed a great deal to the...
The third volume of "Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics" contains the th scientific contributions presented at the 13 Congress of the International So...
th This volume comprises the Proceedings of the 15 Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH), held for the first time in Venezia Lido, th th Italy, on 13 -15 October 1993. The abstracts of the scientific contributions sent to the Congress have been sub divided into chapters with numbers and headings corresponding to the Congress sessions listed in the final programme. A general index of all authors, in alpha betical order, is given at the end of the book. The book consists of 188 contributions and addresses several problems presently being discussed in forensic...
th This volume comprises the Proceedings of the 15 Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH), held for the first time in ...