The topic "Cerebrovascular Transport Mechanisms" was chosen by the General Couneil of the International Society of Neuropathology as one of the four main symposia at the IX International Congress of Neuropathology, September 1982 in Vienna. The chairmen of the symposium were asked to structure a program which would cover the reeent devel- opments in this field and which could serve as a background for free communications, relevant to this topic, submitted by the participants of the Congress. Cerebrovascular transport mechanisms refleet the main function of the blood-brain barrier in providing...
The topic "Cerebrovascular Transport Mechanisms" was chosen by the General Couneil of the International Society of Neuropathology as one of the four m...
Donnerstag, 7. 9. 1961 Der dritte Nachmittag war Demonstrationen und den Diskussionen gewidmet, die rege beniitzt wurden. AuBerdem ergrilfen das Wort Dr. PARRY und Frau Dr. BEOK (tiber Scrapie), Prof. B. OSTERTAG (Tiibingen) und Prof. H. PETTE (Hamburg). Es mag fiir die Vitalitat der Arbeitsgruppe fiir vergleichende Neuropathologie zeugen, daB schon 2 Jahre nach deren Griindung ein internationales Symposion abgehalten werden konnte, und daB dies wahrend des Internationalen Neuro pathologenkongresses moglich war, erfiillt uns mit Freude und Genugtuung, sind wir doch auf den engen Kontakt mit...
Donnerstag, 7. 9. 1961 Der dritte Nachmittag war Demonstrationen und den Diskussionen gewidmet, die rege beniitzt wurden. AuBerdem ergrilfen das Wort ...
Par A. LOWENTHAL L'idee de ce Symposium naquit, il y a deja plusleurs annees, lorsque pour la premiere fois le Docteur C. DE ANDRADE montra au Dr. VAN BOGAERT des malades atteints de polynevrite par paramyloidose. L'idee fut reprise au cours de l'annee 1958, a la suite d'une discussion a la quelle participerent le Dr. VAN BOGAERT, le Dr. NUNES VICENTE, le docteur G. MOYA et moi-meme. C'est ainsi que nous avons pense qu'il pourrait etre interessant de demander a la Commission gouvernementale portugaise charge d'etudier la polynevrite par paramyloidose, de soumettre ses documents cliniques,...
Par A. LOWENTHAL L'idee de ce Symposium naquit, il y a deja plusleurs annees, lorsque pour la premiere fois le Docteur C. DE ANDRADE montra au Dr. VAN...
L'idee de convoquer un colloque centre sur Ie probleme des encephalopathies preseniles en dehors des maladies d'Alzheimer et de Pick m'a eM donnee, dans une conversation it Vienne il y a quatre ans, par Ie Prof. McMENEMEY. II reste aujourd'hui encore de grandes differences d'opinion concernant la denomination du principal groupe qui constitue ce chapitre de la pathologie presenile. Les uns parlent de maladie de Jakob-Creutzfeldt. NEVIN et McMENE MEY d'autre part ont groupe sous une autre denomination c. it d. sous Ie nom d' encephalopathie spongiforme un certain nombre de cas qu'ils croient...
L'idee de convoquer un colloque centre sur Ie probleme des encephalopathies preseniles en dehors des maladies d'Alzheimer et de Pick m'a eM donnee, da...
The present report, compares two murine models of virus induced chronic relapsing demyelination. MHV-induced demyelination in the BALB/c mouse results from the direct virus mediated cytolysis of oligodendrocytes. Extensive remyelination by oligodendrocytes is noted. Recurrent demyel- ination occurs in small areas. Infectious virus persists and 34 Fig. 2: Demyelination in SJL/J mice infected with TMEV. A) Multifocal areas of perivascular demyelination in the spinal cord (110 days post infection). Para- phenylene diamine stain. X 250. B) Perivascular inflammatory infiltration within the white...
The present report, compares two murine models of virus induced chronic relapsing demyelination. MHV-induced demyelination in the BALB/c mouse results...
spezifischer) oder glioser (interstitieller) Art ist ...Die Erfahrung lehrt, daB gerade das inter- stitielle Gewebe einer der hiiufigsten Sitze krankhafter Veriinderungen, z. B. fettiger Degenera- tion, Induration, Proliferation ist. Mit dieser grundsatzlichen Bemerkung wird RUDOLF VmCHOW zum Begrnnder einer systematischen Pathologie der Neuroglia. Er eroifnet - 1856 als Ordi- narius fUr Pathologie nach Berlin zUrUckgekehrt - hiermit die vorklassische, man kann vergleichsweise sagen, archaische Epoche der N europathologie - archa- isch, weil die Methoden der Gewebsaufbereitung und der...
spezifischer) oder glioser (interstitieller) Art ist ...Die Erfahrung lehrt, daB gerade das inter- stitielle Gewebe einer der hiiufigsten Sitze krankh...
More than 150 years have passed since involvement of the nervous system in leukemia was first reported by BURNS, while the possibility of the primary brain tumor derived from the lymphoreticular tissue was recognized much later. BAILEY in 1929 described such neoplasms under the term perithelial sarcoma. Later these tumors of the nervous system have been variously designated as "Perivascular of perithelial sarcomas, reticulum cell sarcomas or microgliomas," as controversy has evolved and still exists on the definition of this group of neoplasms and on the nature of their cells of origin. Much...
More than 150 years have passed since involvement of the nervous system in leukemia was first reported by BURNS, while the possibility of the primary ...
Advances in axon biology are so rapid that every year provides us with a wealth of new facts and observations; hence, this conference cannot reasonable be expected to answer all questions. Rather, its purpose must be to take stock of the available data, to communicate advances and new concepts, and to help us to formulate the goals and approaches for future research. To this end, ample time was allotted during the symposium for discussion, but these exchanges of thoughts cannot, unfortunately, be included in the printed text. We hope that publication of the presentations will provide a...
Advances in axon biology are so rapid that every year provides us with a wealth of new facts and observations; hence, this conference cannot reasonabl...