wyszukanych pozycji: 94
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Towards Global Sustainability: Issues, New Indicators and Economic Policy
ISBN: 9783319186658 / Angielski / Twarda / 2015 / 164 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. The main components of the EIIW-vita indicator are: the share of renewable energy, the genuine savings rate and the relative "green export" position of the respective countries; it is in line with OECD requirements on composite indicators. As green exports are related to technological progress and environmental-friendly products, there is also a Schumpeterian perspective of this indicator. An extended version furthermore looks at water productivity. The analysis highlights the BRIICS countries as well as the US,... This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. The main components of the EIIW-vita indicator are: the share of renewa... |
198,88 zł |
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Stabilizing and Integrating the Balkans: Economic Analysis of the Stability Pact, EU Reforms and International Organizations
ISBN: 9783642626036 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 178 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Professor Paul Welfens offers a unique and timely approach to the major task of stabilizing and integrating the Balkans. His book is one of the first to assess in depth the progress of reconstruction and to evaluate the success of coordination on the part of various Western governments and international organizations. Professor Welfens sees an intimate connection, in the sense of equal responsibility, between internal reform, restructuring, and revitalization in the region and Western financing, ideas, and programs. Professor Welfens has coined the term "networked approach" to capture the...
Professor Paul Welfens offers a unique and timely approach to the major task of stabilizing and integrating the Balkans. His book is one of the first ...
198,88 zł |
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Internationalization of the Economy and Environmental Policy Options
ISBN: 9783540421740 / Angielski / Twarda / 2001 / 442 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated with globalization present new challenges for policy-makers and international cooperation. Crucial problems concern air pollution, environmental problems from trade and transportation, and global warming. This book, based on theoretical and empirical analysis, comes up with new and innovative policy options, including proposals related to the Kyoto protocol.
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated w...
397,80 zł |
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Social Security and Economic Globalization
ISBN: 9783642408793 / Angielski / Twarda / 2013 / 147 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so far. This study summarizes new key findings and highlights new theoretical insights in the field of social security systems, labor standards, taxation and economic globalization. Moreover, new thoughts on the links between social security systems and migration as well as between free trade areas and social market economy development are presented. The book analyzes the role of a changing age dependency using a Branson model and it derives... Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so fa... |
198,88 zł |
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Internationalization of the Economy and Environmental Policy Options
ISBN: 9783642075759 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 442 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated with globalization present new challenges for policy-makers and international cooperation. Crucial problems concern air pollution, environmental problems from trade and transportation, and global warming. This book, based on theoretical and empirical analysis, comes up with new and innovative policy options, including proposals related to the Kyoto protocol.
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated w...
397,80 zł |
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Digital Integration, Growth and Rational Regulation
ISBN: 9783642094033 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 187 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. With the Lisbon Agenda the European Council has set ambitious goals for 2010, namely to make the Community the most dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. This goal clearly indicates that the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament are fully aware of the high economic, political and social relevance of information and communi- tion technology, including modern digital services whose broad availab- ity is desirable from the perspective of all major users groups: Firms, private households and government agencies. The Commission indeed has emphasized that the i2010 project is...
With the Lisbon Agenda the European Council has set ambitious goals for 2010, namely to make the Community the most dynamic knowledge-based economy in...
397,80 zł |
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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order
ISBN: 9783031191404 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
517,16 zł |
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Economic Aspects of German Unification: Expectations, Transition Dynamics and International Perspectives
ISBN: 9783642799747 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 527 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Paul J. J. Welfens The editor is pleased to present a second edition of Economic Aspects of German Unification which includes new chapters and several postscripts. Almost five years after unification output in the ex-GDR is back to its 1989 level. Due to a massive intra-German resource transfer consumption per capita in eastern Germany has not fallen as much as output and employment which reduced by one-fifth within three years. Given high West German transfers which represented about 5% of West German GDP and more than 50% of East German GDP the fall of industrial output could have been much...
Paul J. J. Welfens The editor is pleased to present a second edition of Economic Aspects of German Unification which includes new chapters and several...
198,88 zł |
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Restructuring, Stabilizing and Modernizing the New Russia: Economic and Institutional Issues
ISBN: 9783642631566 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 518 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The Russian transformation crisis is analyzed and put into the context of national policy failures and international shocks. The study also has a focus on structural change and foreign direct investment - including an econometric perspective. Basic problems of economic opening-up, macroeconomic policy and aspects of political economy are also discussed. The role of institutional reforms, membership in international organizations and supply-side policies are emphasized.
The Russian transformation crisis is analyzed and put into the context of national policy failures and international shocks. The study also has a focu...
397,80 zł |
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The Global Trump: Structural Us Populism and Economic Conflicts with Europe and Asia
ISBN: 9783030217860 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 356 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. "This book is able to explain and analyze what has eluded both scholars and thought leaders in business and the media - how and why populism has grabbed center stage. Highly recommendable." "Welfens provides valuable insight into US politics and describes the strategic options for Europe going forward." "With great skill Welfens traces the implications of US populism for the global economic system." "This book is able to explain and analyze what has eluded both scholars and thought leaders in business and the media - how and why populism has gr... |
437,59 zł |
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Europäische Innovations- und Spezialisierungsdynamik im Gesundheitssektor
ISBN: 9783828205369 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2011 / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Die Studie analysiert den Gesundheitssektor aus regionaler Sicht und entwickelt eine Vergleichsperspektive fur Deutschland bzw. Osterreich. Cluster bzw. regionale Innovationseffekte werden thematisiert. Als Analyseinstrument wird u. a. die Soziale Netzwerkanalyse genutzt. Zudem wird das Angebot von Risikokapital fur diesen innovativen Sektor in den Regionen naher betrachtet. Wichtige Analyseaspekte betreffen Wissensubertragung, Innovationsdynamik, die Einbettung der forschenden Institutionen in Innovationssysteme und die Verfugbarkeit von Venture Capital bzw. der Innovationsfinanzierung. Fur...
Die Studie analysiert den Gesundheitssektor aus regionaler Sicht und entwickelt eine Vergleichsperspektive fur Deutschland bzw. Osterreich. Cluster bz...
167,77 zł |
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The Global Trump: Structural Us Populism and Economic Conflicts with Europe and Asia
ISBN: 9783030217839 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 356 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
437,59 zł |
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Globalization of the Economy, Unemployment and Innovation: Structural Change, Schumpetrian Adjustment, and New Policy Challenges
ISBN: 9783540652502 / Angielski / Twarda / 1999 / 258 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Economic globalization has intensified since the 1980s and created faster channels of international interdependence and an accelerating technology race. In this new asymmetric world economy the EU is facing a dynamic and flexible US system which takes advantage of the global quest for foreign direct investment. Innovation policies in the EU - in particular in Germany - are found to be rather inadequate. There are also new theoretical challenges where a "structural macro model" and a Schumpetrian model of innovation and full employment are presented as new approaches. Besides theoretical...
Economic globalization has intensified since the 1980s and created faster channels of international interdependence and an accelerating technology rac...
397,80 zł |
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Innovationsdynamik Im Systemvergleich: Theorie Und Praxis Unternehmerischer, Gesamtwirtschaftlicher Und Politischer Neuerung
ISBN: 9783790804027 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 1988 / 466 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In vier ThemenblAcken geben die BeitrAge A bis Z einen Einblick in Stand, Entwicklung und Perspektiven der systemvergleichenden Innovationsanalyse. Es wird ein umfassender Einstieg geboten in systemindifferente und -spezifische Aspekte der Innovationsdynamik. Ebenso prAsentiert der Band fA1/4r Wissenschaft, Wirtschaftspraxis und Wirtschaftspolitik neuere Entwicklungen aus Ost und West: Theoretische Aspekte, empirische Befunde und lAnderorientierte EinzelbeitrAge zur Innovationspolitk (USA, BRD, Japan, Frankreich, Spanien, GroAbritannien, Polen, DDR, UdSSR).
In vier ThemenblAcken geben die BeitrAge A bis Z einen Einblick in Stand, Entwicklung und Perspektiven der systemvergleichenden Innovationsanalyse. Es...
204,46 zł |
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Social Security and Economic Globalization
ISBN: 9783662514375 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 147 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so far. This study summarizes new key findings and highlights new theoretical insights in the field of social security systems, labor standards, taxation and economic globalization. Moreover, new thoughts on the links between social security systems and migration as well as between free trade areas and social market economy development are presented. The book analyzes the role of a changing age dependency using a Branson model and it derives... Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so fa... |
248,27 zł |
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Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftspolitik Für Deutschland Und Europa
ISBN: 9783642176067 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2011 / 282 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Nach der Bankenkrise stehen Deutschland und die Europaische Union vor einer Reihe wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Die Autoren liefern in ihren Beitragen eine einzigartige Bestandsaufnahme der deutschen und europaischen Wirtschaftspolitik und analysieren die Reformoptionen fur die Sozial-, Wahrungs- und Umweltpolitik. Ihr Fazit: Zielkonflikte im Bereich Wachstum, Beschaftigung und Umweltmodernisierung lassen sich durch geeignete Politikansatze minimieren. Nur durch solche innovativen Ansatze kann nachhaltiges Wachstum erreicht werden. "Nach der Bankenkrise stehen Deutschland und die Europaische Union vor einer Reihe wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Die Autoren liefern in ihren ... |
446,15 zł |
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Financial Market Integration and Growth: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics in the European Union
ISBN: 9783642423659 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 387 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Financial capital, whether mediated through the financial market or Foreign Direct Investment has been a key factor in European economic growth. This book examines the interaction between European and global financial integration and analyses the dynamics of the monetary sector and the real economy in Europe. The key analytical focus is on the theoretical and empirical dynamics of financial markets in Europe, however, it also provides regional case studies of key institutional developments and lessons from foreign direct investment. There is a broad range of findings for Central, Eastern and...
Financial capital, whether mediated through the financial market or Foreign Direct Investment has been a key factor in European economic growth. This ...
397,80 zł |
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Interneteconomics.Net: Macroeconomics, Deregulation, and Innovation
ISBN: 9783642077654 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 218 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Deregulation, privatization and internationalization of the telecommunications industry has brought about enormous changes within both the European and world economy. The dynamics of the Internet and the recent wave of innovations in the telecommunications and computer industry have given rise to new opportunities for entrepreneurship, employment and growth. No doubt, the dynamics and imperfections of todays information markets raise crucial challenges for Western Europe. The changing patterns of innovation in the digital economy have forced governments to consider new strategies to promote...
Deregulation, privatization and internationalization of the telecommunications industry has brought about enormous changes within both the European an...
397,80 zł |
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Market-Oriented Systemic Transformations in Eastern Europe: Problems, Theoretical Issues, and Policy Options
ISBN: 9783642634826 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Socialist economies in Eastern Europe have collapsed and em- barked upon market-oriented reforms. The causes of the demise of centrally planned economies are analyzed and the basic challenges of systemic tranformation discussed. Negative income and wealth effects as well as distribution issues make adjustment extremely difficult. The fundamental roles of privatization and foreign investment are adressed. Foreign economic liberalization is considered to be of centralimportance for a growth-oriented adjustment path in a stage of conflict-prone policy and options. Politico-economic aspects of...
Socialist economies in Eastern Europe have collapsed and em- barked upon market-oriented reforms. The causes of the demise of centrally planned econom...
397,80 zł |
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Innovation, Employment and Growth Policy Issues in the Eu and the Us
ISBN: 9783642006302 / Angielski / Twarda / 2009 / 354 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Economic development has cyclical dynamics and long-term dynamics the latter are typically related to demographical changes, innovation and long-term insti- tional changes in open economies. Financial markets that means mainly capital markets and labor markets are affected in OECD countries both by innovations and institutional reforms. As regards demographics ageing is a typical challenge on both sides of the Atlantic, and pension reforms in industrialized countries have placed greater emphasis on capital markets than in previous decades. Innovation dynamics certainly are also quite...
Economic development has cyclical dynamics and long-term dynamics the latter are typically related to demographical changes, innovation and long-term ...
596,73 zł |