wyszukanych pozycji: 922
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Cell Phones
ISBN: 9783639218718 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
299,17 zł |
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Cellular Handset Antennas
ISBN: 9783847304036 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. While moving towards a ubiquitous society where anyone can get information from anywhere at anytime, antennas are becoming a key component for cellular handsets and other portable wireless devices. Users of portable wireless devices want such devices to be of small volume, light weight, low cost, and working with the different worldwide communication standards. Due to enormous increase in the number of cellular handset users around the world, many questions are raised about the possible hazard effect of the cellular handset electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. Thereby, health concerns...
While moving towards a ubiquitous society where anyone can get information from anywhere at anytime, antennas are becoming a key component for cellula...
347,56 zł |
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La République Des Lettres: Rabbins, Écrivains Et Médecins Juifs En Italie Au Xviiie Siècle
ISBN: 9789004156425 / Francuski / Twarda / 2007 / 826 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This volume is a reference book on more than a thousand Jewish writers--rabbis, physicians and laymen--active in 18th-century Italy. Each author has a biographical notice, followed by a list of his printed works and manuscripts, their location in the major international judaica collections and a bibliography of the relevant secondary sources. The book is illustrated with more than forty portraits of authors and includes rich analytical and thematic indexes. This work is intended to be a fundamental instrument for scholars interested in the Jewish Italian Enlightenment. It allows us to...
This volume is a reference book on more than a thousand Jewish writers--rabbis, physicians and laymen--active in 18th-century Italy. Each author has a...
1496,27 zł |
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What It All Means: Recognizing the Divine Self Within
ISBN: 9781452539843 / Angielski / Twarda / 2011 / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. "What It All Means" is a fresh formulation of the perennial philosophy addressed to the serious spiritual seeker in the twenty-first century. Author Salah weaves together Eastern and Western wisdom traditions, personal mystical experiences, and modern scientific discoveries to produce a portrait of the universe that is completely different from how it appears to our senses. In "What It All Means," you will discover that the universe is ultimately spiritual, not material, and that it is alive, self-aware, and infinitely intelligent. More dramatically, you will see that your human life is... "What It All Means" is a fresh formulation of the perennial philosophy addressed to the serious spiritual seeker in the twenty-first century. Autho... |
143,30 zł |
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L'impact de la volatilité des taux de change sur le commerce
ISBN: 9783841663016 / Francuski / Miękka / 2018 / 132 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. La prA(c)sente A(c)tude offre un panorama sur les interactions et les liens qui existent entre la volatilitA(c) des taux de change et les A(c)changes internationaux. L'objectif de ce travail est donc de prA(c)senter thA(c)oriquement cette relation, puis d'examiner empiriquement l'existence d'une relation de causalitA(c) entre le commerce international et la variabilitA(c) des taux de change. La littA(c)rature portant sur la question supporte plusieurs controverses. Nous essayerons de pousser ces recherches un peu plus loin en rA(c)examinant cette A(c)vidence pour le Canada et en offrant une...
La prA(c)sente A(c)tude offre un panorama sur les interactions et les liens qui existent entre la volatilitA(c) des taux de change et les A(c)changes ...
162,34 zł |
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What It All Means: Recognizing the Divine Self Within
ISBN: 9781452539836 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. "What It All Means" is a fresh formulation of the perennial philosophy addressed to the serious spiritual seeker in the twenty-first century. Author Salah weaves together Eastern and Western wisdom traditions, personal mystical experiences, and modern scientific discoveries to produce a portrait of the universe that is completely different from how it appears to our senses. In "What It All Means," you will discover that the universe is ultimately spiritual, not material, and that it is alive, self-aware, and infinitely intelligent. More dramatically, you will see that your human life is... "What It All Means" is a fresh formulation of the perennial philosophy addressed to the serious spiritual seeker in the twenty-first century. Autho... |
71,72 zł |
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Da vittime a costruttori di pace
ISBN: 9786208199388 / Włoski / Miękka / 2024 / 380 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
426,31 zł |
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Fallout London Complete Guide - Walkthrough - Tips & More
ISBN: 9798336144734 / Angielski / Miękka / 2024 / 472 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
146,21 zł |
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Ot zhertw k mirostroitelqm
ISBN: 9786208199401 / Rosyjski / Miękka / 2024 / 420 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
426,31 zł |
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From Victims to Peacebuilders
ISBN: 9786208010836 / Angielski / Miękka / 2024 / 316 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Amidst the instability of Iraq's disputed areas, this ground-breaking research marks the first systematic investigation into the incorporation of religious and ethnic minority (REM) groups in peacebuilding efforts. While prevailing peacebuilding theories offer valuable insights, they often overlook the complex dynamics of inclusion-a pivotal facet of effective peacebuilding. The primary aim of this study is to understand the contribution of REM groups to peacebuilding efforts in Iraq's disputed areas. This research delves into the contributions of REM groups to peacebuilding processes,...
Amidst the instability of Iraq's disputed areas, this ground-breaking research marks the first systematic investigation into the incorporation of reli...
426,31 zł |
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Analyse et commande des systèmes non linéaires complexes
ISBN: 9786131584725 / Francuski / Miękka / 2018 / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Ce livre presente deux nouvelles approches pour l'analyse et la commande des SDC de la classe des convertisseurs d'energie electrique. La premiere methode developpee s'appuie sur les proprietes geometriques des champs de vecteurs. Une condition necessaire et suffisante d'existence et de stabilite d'un cycle limite hybride compose d'une sequence de deux modes de fonctionnement dans IR2 est presentee. Ce cycle definit la region finale a atteindre par le systeme depuis son etat initial, par une trajectoire determinee de maniere optimale selon un critere. La methode proposee est appliquee aux...
Ce livre presente deux nouvelles approches pour l'analyse et la commande des SDC de la classe des convertisseurs d'energie electrique. La premiere met...
245,93 zł |
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De vítimas a construtores da paz
ISBN: 9786208199395 / Portugalski / Miękka / 2024 / 388 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
426,31 zł |
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Des victimes aux bâtisseurs de paix
ISBN: 9786208199371 / Francuski / Miękka / 2024 / 396 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Au milieu de l'instabilité des zones contestées de l'Irak, cette recherche innovante marque la première enquête systématique sur l'intégration des groupes religieux et ethniques minoritaires (REM) dans les efforts de consolidation de la paix. Si les théories dominantes en matière de consolidation de la paix offrent des perspectives précieuses, elles négligent souvent la dynamique complexe de l'inclusion - un aspect essentiel d'une consolidation de la paix efficace. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de comprendre la contribution des groupes REM aux efforts de consolidation de...
Au milieu de l'instabilité des zones contestées de l'Irak, cette recherche innovante marque la première enquête systématique sur l'intégration d...
426,31 zł |
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Von Opfern zu Friedensstiftern
ISBN: 9786208199357 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2024 / 420 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Inmitten der instabilen Lage in den umstrittenen Gebieten des Irak stellt diese bahnbrechende Studie die erste systematische Untersuchung über die Einbeziehung religiöser und ethnischer Minderheiten (REM) in die Friedenskonsolidierungsbemühungen dar. Die vorherrschenden Theorien zur Friedenskonsolidierung bieten zwar wertvolle Einblicke, übersehen aber oft die komplexe Dynamik der Inklusion - ein zentraler Aspekt einer effektiven Friedenskonsolidierung. Das Hauptziel dieser Studie ist es, den Beitrag von REM-Gruppen zu den Friedenskonsolidierungsbemühungen in den umstrittenen Gebieten...
Inmitten der instabilen Lage in den umstrittenen Gebieten des Irak stellt diese bahnbrechende Studie die erste systematische Untersuchung über die Ei...
426,31 zł |
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Computer Analysis of Human Behavior
ISBN: 9780857299932 / Angielski / Twarda / 2011 / 412 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Computer analysis of human behavior opens up possibilities of advanced applications in a wide range of diverse areas. Computer Analysis of Human Behavior presents the key issues and computational tools which will form the foundation of such future applications. With dedicated chapters on both methodology and applications, this essential text/reference provides a broad survey of advanced pattern recognition techniques for the interpretation of complex human behavioral patterns. Clearly structured, the book begins with concise coverage of the major concepts, before introducing... Computer analysis of human behavior opens up possibilities of advanced applications in a wide range of diverse areas. Computer Analysis of... |
197,94 zł |
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Danger of Black Magic
ISBN: 9781524628949 / Angielski / Twarda / 2016 / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. I would like to dedicate this book to teenagers and youths who are passionate and like to learn everything about magic, jinn, and summoning a spirit. This book in particular is for everyone who is a believer and ready to master jinn, magic, and demons and with strong beliefs. I would also recommend this book to adults who have heard about jinn and magic and would like to know more about them. This will also include various methods to brawl it out. Finally, this book is devoted to those who are eager to find out more about metaphysics. I would like to dedicate this book to teenagers and youths who are passionate and like to learn everything about magic, jinn, and summoning a spiri... |
137,89 zł |
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The Further Adventures of Harry Alliss (and friends): Book 3&4
ISBN: 9781035828104 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. |
54,40 zł |
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Evapotranspiration: Processes, Sources & Environmental Implications
ISBN: 9781624171383 / Angielski / Twarda / 2013 / 213 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
1079,28 zł |
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Superflashboy und das Geheimnis von Shao-Shao
ISBN: 9783757101541 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Unglaublich! Torben-Henriks bester Freund Mehmet, der so gut Kung-Fu kann, ist bei seinem Besuch in der Heldenstadt Hero City spurlos verschwunden. Und nicht nur Mehmet - viele Kinder gelten auf einmal als vermisst. Klar, dass Torben sofort helfen muss! Mit seinen Superheldenfreunden Flashboy und Flowerboy findet er heraus, dass sich die Kinder im Bergkloster Shao-Shao aufhalten - ein unheimlicher Ort, wo der geheimnisvolle Mr. Pi das Sagen hat. Und auch in dem Kloster verschwinden Kinder, seltsamerweise in jeder Vollmondnacht ... Unglaublich! Torben-Henriks bester Freund Mehmet, der so gut Kung-Fu kann, ist bei seinem Besuch in der Heldenstadt Hero City spurlos verschwunden.... |
57,15 zł |
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Vietnam Rejuvenated
ISBN: 9781496980397 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 452 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The story in the book revolves around suffering of fighters during the Vietnam was. There are many heroes in this story, but the focus is on two heroic endeavors by two fighters. One is Narouk, who was born in France to a Vietnamese couple who migrated during 1940. While studying at the Sorbonne university, Narouk joins a French committee opposing the Vietnamese war. He goes back to his roots while the war in its climax and joins the Viet Cong when he meets the American pilot Martin who was shot down and consequently became a POW. The book contains many exciting and humane events halting the...
The story in the book revolves around suffering of fighters during the Vietnam was. There are many heroes in this story, but the focus is on two heroi...
122,26 zł |