wyszukanych pozycji: 59
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Théâtres d'Asie Et d'Orient: Traditions, Rencontres, Métissages
ISBN: 9789052018478 / Francuski / Miękka / 2012 / 586 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Ce livre offre un panorama des formes theatrales traditionnelles ou modernes d Asie et d Orient, du Japon au Maroc en passant par la Turquie et Israel, pour la premiere fois reunies en un meme volume dans une perspective comparatiste. Deux espaces s y dessinent, d une part l Extreme-Orient et l Inde ou l art theatral est une evidence et appartient a la - grande - litterature, et d autre part le Moyen-Orient ou son statut est moins assure en raison de sa position mineure dans la hierarchie des arts. De meme, deux sortes de theatres se succedent, se completent ou s opposent: les formes...
Ce livre offre un panorama des formes theatrales traditionnelles ou modernes d Asie et d Orient, du Japon au Maroc en passant par la Turquie et Israel...
311,42 zł |
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Drama Reinvented: Theatre Adaptation in Ireland (1970-2007)
ISBN: 9789052018003 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 302 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This book examines the dramatic rewritings that emerged in the period 1970-2007, during which stage adaptations flourished in Ireland. The year 1970 marked the beginning of a significant theatrical renaissance in Ireland, recalling that which occurred in the early twentieth century. This renewal was characterized by the prominence of major playwrights such as Brian Friel, Tom Murphy and Thomas Kilroy. The essays collected in this volume seek to provide new perspectives on theatre adaptation in Ireland, while shedding light on the particular features of the contemporary Irish theatre...
This book examines the dramatic rewritings that emerged in the period 1970-2007, during which stage adaptations flourished in Ireland. The year 1970 m...
254,73 zł |
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Signes Du Spectacle: Des Arts Vivants Aux Médias
ISBN: 9789052013220 / Francuski / Miękka / 2006 / 147 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. L etre humain joue au theatre, danse, chante, execute des numeros de cirque, met en scene le quotidien. Ces pratiques spectaculaires, separees ou confondues dans les societes en mutation de l Occident, sont amenees aujourd hui a redessiner leur identite dans des champs (inter)culturels, des imaginaires, des contraintes, des modes de lecture complexes. Le concept d adaptation, au centre de ce livre, trouve dans pareil contexte une resonance exemplaire, designant l intercession par laquelle createurs et spectateurs s enoncent ensemble dans un questionnement sur la marque spectaculaire. Il...
L etre humain joue au theatre, danse, chante, execute des numeros de cirque, met en scene le quotidien. Ces pratiques spectaculaires, separees ou conf...
174,03 zł |
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Théâtre Et Réception: Le Spectateur Postdramatique
ISBN: 9789052016535 / Francuski / Miękka / 2018 / 258 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Le modele postdramatique de Hans-Thies Lehmann suscite de nombreuses reactions, positives et negatives, parmi les specialistes du theatre. Pour la premiere fois, l ouvrage propose une etude approfondie de la question postdramatique. S appuyant sur une quarantaine d exemples de theatre contemporain, l auteure examine la theorie postdramatique et fournit une analyse critique des codes propres a ces pratiques artistiques.
Les formes postdramatiques, situees au croisement du theatre, de la danse, de la performance, des nouvelles technologies et des arts plastiques et visuels, invitent le... Le modele postdramatique de Hans-Thies Lehmann suscite de nombreuses reactions, positives et negatives, parmi les specialistes du theatre. Pour la pre...
273,79 zł |
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Alternatives: Debating Theatre Culture in the Age of Con-Fusion
ISBN: 9789052011752 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This book investigates alternative ways of working between cultural, artistic, and intellectual spaces in an era when the reality of globalisation imposes on our world view. Essays by leading performance scholars in Australia, Japan and USA are inspired by the Journey to Con-Fusion project; a collaboration between Tokyo s Gekidan Kaitaisha and Melbourne s Not Yet It s Difficult performance groups. Discussed in Alternatives are issues of cultural politics; intercultural exchange; representation and interpretation of contemporary performance; dramaturgical analysis; and readings...
This book investigates alternative ways of working between cultural, artistic, and intellectual spaces in an era when the reality of globalisation imp...
285,92 zł |
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Ludwig Tieck's Puss-In-Boots and Theater of the Absurd: A Commentated Bilingual Edition
ISBN: 9782875740267 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 154 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853) was one of the most formative influences of the romantic movement, inspiring such major figures as Novalis and Hoffmann. Not only did his tales and novels shape the course of German romantic fiction; as a translator he helped to naturalize Shakespeare and Cervantes; as an editor he was among the first to recognize Kleist.
Tieck s precocious invention of ironic-fantastic comedy quickly found resonance among fellow romantics, who worked under the parallel influence of the Goethean revolution in drama exhibited in Faust. Yet Tieck s play... Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853) was one of the most formative influences of the romantic movement, inspiring such major figures as Novalis and Hoffman...
264,87 zł |
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Imagination in Transition: Mamet's Move to Film
ISBN: 9789052019888 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 245 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. The move from playwright to cinema screenwriter and director is a rare accomplishment. No American writer has achieved this transition with the level of success enjoyed over the past two decades by David Mamet. Over this same period Mamet has also authored a body of aggressive critical writing that demonstrates enduring aesthetic and ideological preoccupations, regularly expressed as a set of confident -best practices-. However, the relationship between theory and practice becomes particularly (and productively) rowdy at the sites of Mamet s transitional -media crossing-. Imagination in...
The move from playwright to cinema screenwriter and director is a rare accomplishment. No American writer has achieved this transition with the level ...
296,81 zł |
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To Watch Theatre: Essays on Genre and Corporeality
ISBN: 9789052010274 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 191 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This book is about watching theatre; and how to utilise a corporeal semiotics to read genres of contemporary theatre. It suggests that three key concepts interact: genre, the formal term that structures theatricality, including the textual grammar of a dramatic work, its performance style, theatrical frame, and mode of rhetorical address; corporeality, an assemblage of the troubling physical work of the actors, the figurative forms in the text, and the ambivalent bodies of the spectators; and performance, the presenting of theatre as symbolic action in the social world....
This book is about watching theatre; and how to utilise a corporeal semiotics to read genres of contemporary theatre. It suggests that three key conce...
264,87 zł |
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Siting the Other: Re-Visions of Marginality in Australian and English-Canadian Drama
ISBN: 9789052019345 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 385 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. The emergence of contemporary Australian and English-Canadian multicultural drama undoubtedly constitutes a fascinating development in the history of international literatures written in English. These postcolonial plays offer ideal vantage points from which to observe the struggle of two comparable Commonwealth countries to accommodate the pluralism of their social fabric. As the prominent theatre scholars of this collection cogently argue, the articulation of otherness forms a central concern in the drama of these two countries. The postcolonial playwrights studied in this book interpret...
The emergence of contemporary Australian and English-Canadian multicultural drama undoubtedly constitutes a fascinating development in the history of ...
425,29 zł |
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Danse Et Spectacle Vivant: Réflexion Critique Sur La Construction Des Savoirs
ISBN: 9782875743329 / Francuski / Miękka / 2016 / 245 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Les pratiques contemporaines, exogenes et plus anciennes rendent les definitions de la danse labiles. Cet ouvrage a pour objectif premier de relire les discours scientifiques sur la danse a travers quelques demarches considerees comme illustratives d une discipline: les modes de representation de Foster; les formes de (re)presentation de Hanna; le lecteur modele d Eco; les questionnaires de Pavis, d Helbo et d Ubersfeld; la souspartition et la pre-expressivite de Barba; le Rasaesthetics de Schechner; l orchesalite de Bernard, etc.
Ce parcours a pour vocation seconde d interroger les modes... Les pratiques contemporaines, exogenes et plus anciennes rendent les definitions de la danse labiles. Cet ouvrage a pour objectif premier de relire le...
248,79 zł |
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Contemporary Irish Theatre: Transnational Practices
ISBN: 9782875743008 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 244 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This monograph is one of the first to examine a collection of Irish plays from a transnational perspective in today s era of globalization. The works dealt with in this study dramatize how foreign cultures are integrated into contemporary Ireland. In addition, they focus on the experiences of immigrants and marginalized people living on the fringes of Irish society. The aim of this book is therefore two-fold: first, it highlights how specific theatrical productions reflect the global factors at work in modern Ireland; second, it seeks to document how Irish dramatists exert a profound impact...
This monograph is one of the first to examine a collection of Irish plays from a transnational perspective in today s era of globalization. The works ...
287,65 zł |
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Jeux d'Acteurs Comparés: Les Voix de Belmondo, Depardieu, LeBeau Et Nadon En Cyrano de Bergerac
ISBN: 9789052016573 / Francuski / Miękka / 2011 / 187 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Par un travail interdisciplinaire et interculturel, l art de quatre comediens, francais et quebecois, devient l objet d une analyse de style centree sur le travail de la voix dans sa rencontre avec le texte, les corps et les gestes. A l ecoute, precisement, qu est-ce qui fait qu un meme role, dit par l un ou dit par l autre, constitue, vers apres vers, des personnages significativement differents ? Cette question cardinale installe l analyse dans le vif du spectaculaire et elle suscite un travail de pionnier. S appuyant sur un vaste sondage d opinion ou l edumetrie entre au service de la...
Par un travail interdisciplinaire et interculturel, l art de quatre comediens, francais et quebecois, devient l objet d une analyse de style centree s...
292,60 zł |
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Sans Faucille Ni Marteau: Ruptures Et Retours Dans Les Littératures Européennes Post-Communistes
ISBN: 9782875741264 / Francuski / Miękka / 2013 / 333 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Dans le sillage du vingtieme anniversaire des annees 1989 1991, cet ouvrage vise a dresser un bilan de l evolution de ces litteratures qui ont ete bouleversees par la chute du regime communiste en Europe. Sa methode interdisciplinaire, alliant la sociologie de la vie litteraire a l analyse esthetique, permet d eclairer le lien entre la transition geopolitique et les enjeux socio-culturels, thematiques et esthetiques des litteratures post-communistes. La mise a bas du systeme communiste a entraine un bouleversement du statut de l ecrivain, desormais acteur du marche du livre mondial. Or, les...
Dans le sillage du vingtieme anniversaire des annees 1989 1991, cet ouvrage vise a dresser un bilan de l evolution de ces litteratures qui ont ete bou...
292,60 zł |
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Recherche littéraire / Literary Research: Automne / Fall 2021
ISBN: 9782875744081 / Francuski / Miękka / 2021 / 434 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. As the annual peer-reviewed publication of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Recherche littéraire / Literary Research is an Open Access journal published by Peter Lang. Its mission is to inform comparative literature scholars worldwide of recent contributions to the field. To that end, it publishes scholarly essays, review essays discussing recent research developments in particular sub-fields of the discipline, as well as reviews of books on comparative topics. Scholarly essays are submitted to a double-blind peer review. Submissions by early-career comparative... As the annual peer-reviewed publication of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Recherche littéraire / Literary Research i... |
317,86 zł |
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James Joyce: The Study of Languages: The Study of Languages
ISBN: 9789052019772 / Angielski / Miękka / 2002 / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. The Study of Languages is one of James Joyce s first essays and an early indication of his lifelong interest in philology, the focus of this volume of essays. The collection investigates three aspects of Joycean linguistics. The first set of essays studies the language of Joyce s later writings. In the second part, Joyce s own linguistic investigations are retraced. The third part examines the historical context of popular philology .
This volume sheds light on the relationship between Joyce s later writings and his reading of studies by linguists such as Richard Paget, Charles Kay... The Study of Languages is one of James Joyce s first essays and an early indication of his lifelong interest in philology, the focus of this vo...
271,80 zł |
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Choices and Conflicts: Essays on Literature and Existentialism
ISBN: 9789052012735 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 241 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This book approaches literary existentialism (1935-1960) from a philosophical point of view and provides a semantic frame through which the primary works of this movement can be interpreted. Readings of Sartre, Sabato, Camus, Boll, De Beauvoir, Nooteboom, and others emphasize the place and themes specific to each writer within literary existentialism as a whole.
One of the most original features of this study is its focus on the central notion of engagement after 1960. Having highlighted its waning in postmodernism, van Stralen then demonstrates the vigorous resurgence of this pivotal... This book approaches literary existentialism (1935-1960) from a philosophical point of view and provides a semantic frame through which the primary wo...
327,51 zł |
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Reconfigurations: Canadian Literatures and Postcolonial Identities / Littératures Canadiennes Et Identités Postcoloniales
ISBN: 9789052011097 / Angielski / Miękka / 2004 / 234 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This volume offers challenging assessments of the reconfigurations that have shaped Anglophone and Francophone Canadian literatures in the last decades of the twentieth century. Focusing on the pursuit of an ever-elusive -Canadianness- in literary texts, it documents the astonishing range of Canadian diasporic identities that have recently emerged in the Canadian literary landscape. The contributors to this volume boldly transgress the widely held critical assumptions of postcolonialism in their examination of the literary representations of contemporary Canada s many -Others-.
Ce volume... This volume offers challenging assessments of the reconfigurations that have shaped Anglophone and Francophone Canadian literatures in the last decade...
229,97 zł |
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Recherche Litteraire / Literary Research vol. 33
ISBN: 9781548698263 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 334 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. En tant que publication de l'Association internationale de litterature comparee, Recherche litteraire / Literary Research a pour but de faire connaitre aux comparatistes du monde entier les developpements recents de la discipline. Dans ce but, la revue publie des comptes rendus de livres significatifs sur des sujets comparatistes, des rapports concernant des congres professionnels et d'autres evenements d'importance pour les membres de l'Association ainsi qu'occasionnellement, des prises de position sur des thematiques relatives a la discipline. RL/LR ne publie pas de recherche litteraire...
En tant que publication de l'Association internationale de litterature comparee, Recherche litteraire / Literary Research a pour but de faire connaitr...
58,00 zł |
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Staging New Britain: Aspects of Black and South Asian British Theatre Practice
ISBN: 9789052010427 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 350 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Theatre in Britain today is composed of many strands ranging from the postmodern, in-yer-face, musical and dance theatre forms or performance art and media work to the contemporary productions of classical playwrights. In the aftermath of Empire or, as it is often termed, the -post-colonial- world, British theatre in all these forms has also developed through the rich and vibrant contribution of those who, from necessity or choice, have come to Britain as migrants, and of their children of the second and third generations.
This book is primarily concerned with giving a voice to some of... Theatre in Britain today is composed of many strands ranging from the postmodern, in-yer-face, musical and dance theatre forms or performance art and ...
233,19 zł |
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Littératures En Belgique / Literaturen in België: Diversités Culturelles Et Dynamiques Littéraires / Culturele Diversiteit En Literaire Dynamiek - Ave
ISBN: 9789052012216 / Francuski / Miękka / 2004 / 444 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. A partir du cas fascinant de la Belgique, cet ouvrage explore nombre de domaines strategiques des mondes litteraires plurilingues et multiculturels. Tandis que les etudes litteraires internationales excluent souvent les -petites litteratures- de leur carte du globe litteraire, ce volume les considere comme un point de depart alternatif interessant. Il revolutionne l etude traditionnelle de la dynamique des lettres en Belgique, en tenant compte des multiples options et en optant pour une approche resolument plurilingue et pluridisciplinaire.
Dit boek wil, uitgaande van de fascinerende... A partir du cas fascinant de la Belgique, cet ouvrage explore nombre de domaines strategiques des mondes litteraires plurilingues et multiculturels. T...
404,74 zł |