wyszukanych pozycji: 18
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Optical Media: Berlin Lectures 1999
ISBN: 9780745640914 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 332 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This major new book provides a concise history of optical media from Renaissance linear perspective to late twentieth-century computer graphics. Kittler begins by looking at European painting since the Renaissance in order to discern the principles according to which modern optical perception was organized. He also discusses the development of various mechanical devices, such as the camera obscura and the laterna magica, which were closely connected to the printing press and which played a pivotal role in the media war between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.
After examining... This major new book provides a concise history of optical media from Renaissance linear perspective to late twentieth-century computer graphics. Kittl...
94,83 zł |
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Optical Media: Berlin Lectures 1999
ISBN: 9780745640907 / Angielski / Twarda / 2009 / 332 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This major new book provides a concise history of optical media from Renaissance linear perspective to late twentieth-century computer graphics. Kittler begins by looking at European painting since the Renaissance in order to discern the principles according to which modern optical perception was organized. He also discusses the development of various mechanical devices, such as the camera obscura and the laterna magica, which were closely connected to the printing press and which played a pivotal role in the media war between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.
After examining... This major new book provides a concise history of optical media from Renaissance linear perspective to late twentieth-century computer graphics. Kittl...
289,91 zł |
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The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence
ISBN: 9780804792547 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011) combined the study of literature, cinema, technology, and philosophy in a manner sufficiently novel to be recognized as a new field of academic endeavor in his native Germany. "Media studies," as Kittler conceived it, meant reflecting on how books operate as films, poetry as computer science, and music as military equipment. This volume collects writings from all stages of the author's prolific career. Exemplary essays illustrate how matters of form and inscription make heterogeneous source material (e.g., literary classics and computer design) interchangeable on...
Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011) combined the study of literature, cinema, technology, and philosophy in a manner sufficiently novel to be recognized as ...
125,14 zł |
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Die Wahrheit der technischen Welt : Essays zur Genealogie der Gegenwart
ISBN: 9783518296738 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2013 / 350 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
79,38 zł |
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The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence
ISBN: 9780804790680 / Angielski / Twarda / 2014 / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011) combined the study of literature, cinema, technology, and philosophy in a manner sufficiently novel to be recognized as a new field of academic endeavor in his native Germany. "Media studies," as Kittler conceived it, meant reflecting on how books operate as films, poetry as computer science, and music as military equipment. This volume collects writings from all stages of the author's prolific career. Exemplary essays illustrate how matters of form and inscription make heterogeneous source material (e.g., literary classics and computer design) interchangeable on...
Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011) combined the study of literature, cinema, technology, and philosophy in a manner sufficiently novel to be recognized as ...
540,80 zł |
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Unsterbliche: Nachrufe, Erinnerungen, Geistergespräche
ISBN: 9783770540747 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2004 / 150 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. In seinem neuen Buch gedenkt Friedrich Kittler der Unsterblichen, die sein Leben und Denken freundschaftlich begleitet haben. Ihre Namen stehen nicht nur in den Sternen, sondern auch zwischen und in den Zeilen seiner eigenen Texte, in denen sie unabschließbare Geistergespräche führen. Das erste Kapitel erinnert an Alberti, diesen Künstleringenieur, dem wir nicht nur das neuzeitliche Subjekt verdanken, sondern auch das Wissen um seine Unhaltbarkeit. Es folgen der großer Mathematiker des 17. Jahrhunderts Pierre de Fermat und der einzigartige Leibniz, bevor ein Tigersprung ins 20....
In seinem neuen Buch gedenkt Friedrich Kittler der Unsterblichen, die sein Leben und Denken freundschaftlich begleitet haben. Ihre Namen stehen nicht ...
167,16 zł |
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Eine Kulturgeschichte der Kulturwissenschaft: 2. Auflage
ISBN: 9783770534180 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2001 / 260 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Um der Kulturwissenschaft das Verenden im Kulturmanagement zu ersparen, hilft nur ein Rückgang zur eigenen Geschichte. Mit kulturwissenschaftlicher, also nicht ideengeschichtlicher Methode versuchen fünf Kapitel, den zweihundertjährigen Weg von Giambattista Vico wenigstens bis Martin Heidegger nachzugehen. Das heißt auch, die Gründerhelden der Kulturwissenschaft kulturhistorisch zu verorten: als Professoren, Beamte, Kolonisten usw.
Das erste Kapitel rekonstruiert, wie Vico die Kulturwissenschaft in Frontstellung gegen die cartesische Mathematik der Natur gründete und schon darum bis... Um der Kulturwissenschaft das Verenden im Kulturmanagement zu ersparen, hilft nur ein Rückgang zur eigenen Geschichte. Mit kulturwissenschaftlicher, ...
209,06 zł |
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Diskursanalysen 2: Institution Universität
ISBN: 9783531118147 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 1990 / 179 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Die Beitrage dieses Bandes lenken den Blick auf einen blinden Fleck universitarer Selbsterkenntnis: auf die von aussen diktierten Bedingungen, denen zumal die Geisteswissenschaften stets unterliegen, ohne sich daruber Rechenschaft abzulegen. Konigliche Erlasse, institutionelle Praktiken, wechselnde technische Standards regulieren die Zugange zu den Gegenstanden und Erkenntnissen von Philosophen, Psychologen, Philologen, Sprachen, Paradigmen, Adressatenund Ubertragungsgeschwindigkeiten des Wissens liegen ausserhalb professoraler Souveranitaten. Die in ganz unterschiedliche historische...
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes lenken den Blick auf einen blinden Fleck universitarer Selbsterkenntnis: auf die von aussen diktierten Bedingungen, denen z...
148,32 zł |
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Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
ISBN: 9780804732321 / Angielski / Twarda / 1999 / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered novel ways of communicating and storing data. Previously, writing had operated by way of symbolic mediation--all data had to pass through the needle's eye of the written signifier--but phonography, photography, and cinematography stored physical effects of the real in the shape of sound waves and light. The entire question of referentiality had to be recast in light of these new media technologies; in addition, the use of the typewriter changed the... Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered nove... |
580,86 zł |
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Discourse Networks, 1800/1900
ISBN: 9780804720991 / Angielski / Miękka / 1992 / 496 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. This is a highly original book about the connections between historical moment, social structure, technology, communication systems, and what is said and thought using these systems - notably literature. The author focuses on the differences between 'discourse networks' in 1800 and in 1900, in the process developing a new analysis of the shift from romanticism to modernism. The work might be classified as a German equivalent to the New Historicism that is currently of great interest among American literary scholars, both in the intellectual influences to which Kittler responds and in his...
This is a highly original book about the connections between historical moment, social structure, technology, communication systems, and what is said ...
150,17 zł |
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Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons, and Media
ISBN: 9781478011842 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
115,12 zł |
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Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons, and Media
ISBN: 9781478010715 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
445,66 zł |
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Aufschreibesysteme 1800/1900
ISBN: 9783770528813 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2003 / 504 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
259,75 zł |
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Isolde als Sirene
ISBN: 9783770554461 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2012 / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
104,32 zł |
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Zwischen Rauschen Und Offenbarung: Zur Kultur- Und Mediengeschichte Der Stimme
ISBN: 9783050035710 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2002 / 428 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. In der modernen Offentlichkeit wird die Stimme als das Medium einer demokratischen und sozialen Ordnung betrachtet. Sie steht im Zentrum eines umfangreichen Wortfeldes: Stimmrecht, Abstimmung, Volkes Stimme, eine Stimme haben oder die Stimme ergreifen. Ahnlich prominent ist die Stimme im ubertragenen Sinne, in der gegenwartigen Kultur- und Literaturtheorie. Sei es in der beruhmten Frage: "Wer spricht?," im Konzept der Polyphonie oder der Intertextualitat, in dem es um das Echo der Zitate in der Kunst geht. Was aber kommt zum Ausdruck, wenn "nur" die Stimme zu horen ist, wenn Klang, Rhythmus,...
In der modernen Offentlichkeit wird die Stimme als das Medium einer demokratischen und sozialen Ordnung betrachtet. Sie steht im Zentrum eines umfangr...
502,53 zł |
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Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
ISBN: 9780804732338 / Angielski / Miękka / 1999 / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered novel ways of communicating and storing data. Previously, writing had operated by way of symbolic mediation--all data had to pass through the needle's eye of the written signifier--but phonography, photography, and cinematography stored physical effects of the real in the shape of sound waves and light. The entire question of referentiality had to be recast in light of these new media technologies; in addition, the use of the typewriter changed the... Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered nove... |
140,15 zł |
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Literature, Media, Information Systems
ISBN: 9789057010613 / Angielski / Miękka / 1997 / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. John Johnston's background combines expertise in modern literature, poststructuralist philosophy, and high technology's production. Like Kittler, he draws on historic fact, anecdote, and literature. From this vantage point he explicates the theoretical and practical consequences of Friedrich Kittler's insights into the social and psychological effects of the processes by which metaphor in one medium is made real by another.
John Johnston's background combines expertise in modern literature, poststructuralist philosophy, and high technology's production. Like Kittler, he d...
195,24 zł |
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Literature, Media, Information Systems
ISBN: 9789057010712 / Angielski / Twarda / 1997 / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. John Johnston's background combines expertise in modern literature, poststructuralist philosophy, and high technology's production. Like Kittler, he draws on historic fact, anecdote, and literature. From this vantage point he explicates the theoretical and practical consequences of Friedrich Kittler's insights into the social and psychological effects of the processes by which metaphor in one medium is made real by another.
John Johnston's background combines expertise in modern literature, poststructuralist philosophy, and high technology's production. Like Kittler, he d...
676,01 zł |