wyszukanych pozycji: 26
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Mustard Seed Faith: Mountain-Moving Ideas to Change Your Life by Changing the Lives of Others
ISBN: 9781734529104 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
69,93 zł |
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Teach Yourself To Meditate: Over 20 simple exercises for peace, health & clarity of mind
ISBN: 9780749913281 / Angielski / Miękka / 1994 / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. The ideal guide for anyone who wants to learn how to meditate. It explains what meditation is, how to do it and why it works, and contains the 10 core meditation practices which work best for everyone.
The ideal guide for anyone who wants to learn how to meditate. It explains what meditation is, how to do it and why it works, and contains the 10 core...
75,09 zł |
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Flip the Switch: 40 Anytime, Anywhere Meditations in 5 Minutes or Less
ISBN: 9781569754160 / Angielski / Miękka / 2004 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In this hurried world, when is there a chance to stop everything and meditate? Flip the Switch offers 50 surprisingly easy answers.
It's not necessary to be in a special quiet room or twisted pretzel-like into the lotus position to meditate - countless opportunities for quick meditations abound. Flip the Switch points out the time gaps that come throughout the day (idling at a red light, waiting for a computer to restart, standing in line at the grocery store) and teaches specially designed meditations that fit each of these situations. As healthy as they are convenient,... In this hurried world, when is there a chance to stop everything and meditate? Flip the Switch offers 50 surprisingly easy answers.
It's no... |
61,53 zł |
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Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Lessons: Discover Relaxation and Clarity of Mind in Just Minutes a Day
ISBN: 9781569756010 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 186 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. "A READY-MADE KIT. JUST ADD TIME."
If you are willing to invest 15 minutes a day, Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Lessons can help you develop life-long skills that will improve your health, happiness and peace of mind. The course in this book doesn't require you to follow a complex set of rules; rather, it teaches you the core practices, including: -Breathing "A READY-MADE KIT. JUST ADD TIME."
If you are willing to invest 15 minutes a day, Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Les... |
61,53 zł |
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Express Your Perspective Transition Journal: Reflecting on Change: A Journey of Transformation
ISBN: 9781312550797 / Angielski / Miękka / 2023 / 122 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
115,25 zł |
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The 5-Minute Meditator: Quick meditations to calm your body and your mind
ISBN: 9780749924591 / Angielski / Miękka / 2003 / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. This is the perfect book for everyone who has no time to meditate, yet wants to enjoy the benefits meditation brings. It includes special meditations to improve your health, lower your stress levels, clarify your thinking and much more.
This is the perfect book for everyone who has no time to meditate, yet wants to enjoy the benefits meditation brings. It includes special meditations ...
55,05 zł |
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How Meditation Heals: Scientific Evidence and Practical Applications
ISBN: 9781569755174 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Combining the latest medical research with real-life stories from the author's experience with thousands of students, How Meditation Heals shows in specific detail how and why meditation improves the natural functioning of the human body.
In straightforward, practical terms, this book describes the proven health benefits of meditation for both the body and the mind. It explains how relaxation helps restore equilibrium to the function of the body and how meditation, the art of consciously relaxing, accelerates the process. Much more than simply a guide to understanding the power... Combining the latest medical research with real-life stories from the author's experience with thousands of students, How Meditation Heals show...
61,53 zł |
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picture of a paranoid
ISBN: 9780988804012 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Picture Of A Paranoid - poems, prose & short stories by artist, musician, writer Eric C. Harrison, includes selections from 10 years of small press publication, circa 2002-2012. Selections from Parallel Enigmas - a chapbook co-authored with Carter Monroe, At The Bottom Of The Big Top, The Underbeat Journal, Jim Chandler's Thunder Sandwich, Tim Peeler's Third Lung Review, The-Hold, Glen Feulner's 63channels Magazine, Spitjaw Review, Beatdog Broadside & Tyrannosaurus RX, Rockzillaworlds Americana Poetry Consortium and Load of Noise in England - and more. The cover drawing was done by British...
Picture Of A Paranoid - poems, prose & short stories by artist, musician, writer Eric C. Harrison, includes selections from 10 years of small press pu...
69,15 zł |
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Lifestwists: Poetic Navigation For Life's Winding Roads
ISBN: 9781387726455 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
172,32 zł |
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Lifestwists: Navigation for Life's Winding Roads
ISBN: 9780359916405 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
92,11 zł |
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Art Collection # 3
ISBN: 9780988804029 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 82 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. 80 small pieces of art by Eric C. Harrison, circa 1987-2002. Eric C. Harrison is an internationally known artist and has art for a number of musicians and bands including Grief, Chicken Chest and The Bird Boys, Noosebomb, Abscess, Fistula, -(16)-, Godstomper, No Comply, Derailer, Esoteric, B9K9. His art has been used for storyboards and has appeared in some magazines, such as Metal Maniacs, Terrorizer, Load of Noise UK (England) and Boue (France) As a musician he is best known for his work with Grief, a Boston based doom metal band. He is currently a member of B9K9 and BAD Life-Choices. A lot...
80 small pieces of art by Eric C. Harrison, circa 1987-2002. Eric C. Harrison is an internationally known artist and has art for a number of musicians...
55,31 zł |
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Quirkish Delight
ISBN: 9780988804043 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 82 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. 80 pages - 75 drawings and sketches All of the drawings and sketches in Quirkish Delight were done in 2012 by Eric C. Harrison. Nearly all were created with pigment liners on sketch paper. Most of these pictures were started to curb anxiety and paranoia while traveling to and from work on trains or buses and were completed later in the privacy of the artist's home. Eric C. Harrison's artwork has been used as album covers by numerous underground bands including Grief, Noosebomb, Fistula, Stasis, B9K9, -(16)-, Godstomper, No Comply, Chicken Chest and The Bird-boys, Abscess, Derailer, Esoteric...
80 pages - 75 drawings and sketches All of the drawings and sketches in Quirkish Delight were done in 2012 by Eric C. Harrison. Nearly all were create...
64,54 zł |
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An Introduction to Robot Programming: Programming Sumo Robots with the MRK-1
ISBN: 9781523616084 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In this book we explore an introduction to autonomous robot programming and work towards the development of robots designed to compete in Sumo Robot competitions. We use the MRK-1 Mini Robot Kit created by Sumo Robot League to learn about Arduino-based programming to interact with sensors and allow our robot to navigate in the real world. This book was written to take someone with no prior programming experience and teach them everything they need to know in order to begin the journey down a software development career path. Along the way, this book will teach you how to think like an...
In this book we explore an introduction to autonomous robot programming and work towards the development of robots designed to compete in Sumo Robot c...
168,55 zł |
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Social Divisions: Inequality and Diversity in Britain
ISBN: 9781447355120 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 512 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. |
151,97 zł |
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At The Bottom Of The Big Top
ISBN: 9780988804005 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 42 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BIG TOP was published in 2006 as a limited edition staple-bound chap-book. This special edition paperback is perfect-bound and includes additional artwork by the author as well as the original poem "one dead marmoset." which was expanded into this short story made up of poems. Each poem in this dark collection stands as a chapter within the book's story - the tale of a disaster at a strange circus. The Big Top hides a Doctor Frankenstein of sorts. Man-made side-show freaks rise up against this madman who created them & then launch a full-scale attack upon the entire...
AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BIG TOP was published in 2006 as a limited edition staple-bound chap-book. This special edition paperback is perfect-bound and in...
30,70 zł |
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Finding The Secret Sea
ISBN: 9780988804036 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This is not a standard comic book or typical graphic novel. Finding The Secret Sea is an experiment in spontaneity through image/word association and is made up of a series of sketches accompanied by words that lead the reader/viewer through a sort of impressionist story. please check out the preview for sample pages. Finding The Secret Sea has more than 70 rough sketches by Eric C. Harrison. Most of which were done in transit on moving trains or buses to curb social anxiety and paranoia. The sketches told Harrison that there was a story to be told within them and that Mike Maguire was the...
This is not a standard comic book or typical graphic novel. Finding The Secret Sea is an experiment in spontaneity through image/word association and ...
55,31 zł |
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Black Mercury
ISBN: 9780988804067 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 54 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. EARTH has a disease Its called HUMANITY Enter the Lord of Lightning, a wayward Godling desperate to lose his virginity. But on this world of suffering he discovers that INFECTION can kill anyone. BLEAK line-work by Eric C. Harrison illustrate the DISMAL words of Trevor R. Fairbanks in BLACK MERCURY, an experiment in spontaneity of image/word association. To create Black Mercury, Eric C. Harrison sent one or two raw illustrations to Trevor R. Fairbanks by email. As Trevor received the illustrations, one or two at a time, he looked into each one for inspiration. He allowed each image point...
EARTH has a disease Its called HUMANITY Enter the Lord of Lightning, a wayward Godling desperate to lose his virginity. But on this world of sufferi...
55,31 zł |
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Pianoforte Technique On An Hour A Day
ISBN: 9780853603634 / Angielski / Book / 2003 / 44 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 8-10 dni roboczych. Music Sales AmericaBook of fully written out exercises dealing with all the problems with which a pupil is likely to be confronted. Also includes a chart suggesting how best to allocate your practice time.
Music Sales AmericaBook of fully written out exercises dealing with all the problems with which a pupil is likely to be confronted. Also includes a ch...
75,09 zł |
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Assessing Sociologists in Higher Education
ISBN: 9781138726338 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This title was first published in 2001. A detailed investigation of the practice of teaching sociology in a climate of increasing scrutiny from external stakeholders. The book explores an academic community accustomed to deconstructing the practices of other professional groups, but now facing a challenge to some of its own beliefs and assumptions.
This title was first published in 2001. A detailed investigation of the practice of teaching sociology in a climate of increasing scrutiny from extern...
162,10 zł |
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Primate Phylogeny and Paleobiology
ISBN: 9781118314296 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. |
453,39 zł |