wyszukanych pozycji: 22
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El ABC de los Animales Australianos: Un Libro Interactivo de Yoga para Niños
ISBN: 9781492764755 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2013 / 42 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's ABC's of Australian Animals Curl up like a koala, hop like a kangaroo, and waddle like a wombat as you act out Australian animals through this unique and interactive alphabet book. The book includes an alphabetical list of Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent-Teacher Guide. Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body This book for toddlers and... Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's ... |
51,11 zł |
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Boa noite, mundo animal: Um livro de ioga para crianças para a hora de dormir
ISBN: 9781500782160 / Portugalski / Miękka / 2015 / 32 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Acalme sua mente e corpo antes da hora de dormir atraves de uma viagem ao redor do mundo com esse livro de ioga para criancas. De boa noite aos animais do mundo todo Junte-se a seis personagens dos Contos de Ioga para Criancas enquanto pousa como uma aguia, agacha como um tigre e enrola-se como um bicho-preguica. O livro inclui uma lista Posturas de Ioga para Criancas e um Guia para os Pais com dicas para que a hora de dormir seja uma experiencia bem-sucedida. Recomendado para criancas de 2 (dois) a 5 (cinco) anos. Aprendam algo novo, explorem... Acalme sua mente e corpo antes da hora de dormir atraves de uma viagem ao redor do mundo com esse livro de ioga para criancas. ... |
51,11 zł |
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Hola, Bali: Un Libro de Aventuras de Yoga para Niños
ISBN: 9781499548006 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2014 / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Energiza tu cuerpo y tu mente con este libro de aventuras de yoga para ninos Saluda a la magica isla de Bali Unete a Anamika, una de las protagonistas de los Cuentos de Yoga para Ninos, mientras viaja con su familia a Bali, Indonesia. Surfea como un surfista, baila como una bailarina balinesa y sientate como un mono. El libro incluye una lista de Posturas de Yoga para Ninos, un Mapa de Bali, Frases Basicas en Indonesio, y una Guia para Padres y Educadores con consejos para crear una experiencia de yoga exitosa. Este libro de yoga para bebes mayores y... Energiza tu cuerpo y tu mente con este libro de aventuras de yoga para ninos Saluda a la magica isla de Bali Unete a An... |
51,11 zł |
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Lucas y los Animales Australianos de la A a la Z: Un Libro Alfabético de Yoga para Niños para Colorear
ISBN: 9781490430874 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2013 / 40 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Echale un Vistazo a Lucas y los Animales Australianos de la A a la Z y ponle color a esta coleccion Arrollate como un koala, salta como un canguro y meneate como un wombat mientras imitas a los animales australianos en este libro alfabetico interactivo para colorear. Aprende algo nuevo, explora tus movimientos y diviertete Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body This book for ages 3 to 7 is more than a coloring book, but it's also a unique experience for children.... Echale un Vistazo a Lucas y los Animales Australianos de la A a la Z y ponle color a esta coleccion Arrollate como un koala, salta como un can... |
34,01 zł |
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Le avventure di Sofia nella Giungla: Una storia di Yoga divertente, interattiva ed educativa
ISBN: 9781517696405 / Włoski / Miękka / 2016 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Date ai vostri figli i benefici dello Yoga attraverso questo avventuroso libro di Storie di Yoga per bambini Unisciti a Sofia nella sua avventura nella giungla Vola come un tucano, striscia come un serpente, vola come una farfalla come se stessi facendo tu questo viaggio attraverso la giungla della Costa Rica. Cos'altro potresti mai vedere? Le Storie di Yoga per bambini vi porteranno a conoscere personaggi che faranno ridere vostro figlio, lo faranno muovere e lo faranno creare. Leggere fa bene alla mente E al corpo La storia unisce diverse posizioni yoga... Date ai vostri figli i benefici dello Yoga attraverso questo avventuroso libro di Storie di Yoga per bambini Unisciti a Sof... |
51,11 zł |
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Les aventures de Sophia dans la jungle
ISBN: 9781507545713 / Francuski / Miękka / 2015 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Offrez a vos enfants tous les bienfaits du yoga en partant a l'aventure avec les Histoires de Yoga pour les Enfants Rejoins Sophia dans ses aventures dans la jungle Vole comme un toucan, glisse comme un serpent et flotte comme un papillon pour mimer ce voyage dans la jungle du Costa Rica. Que pourrais-tu rencontrer d'autres? Les histoires de Yoga pour les Enfants vous presentent des personnages engageant qui feront rire votre enfant, mais le feront aussi bouger et creer. Lire, c'est bon pour l'esprit ET AUSSI le corps L'histoire relie plusieurs postures... Offrez a vos enfants tous les bienfaits du yoga en partant a l'aventure avec les Histoires de Yoga pour les Enfants Rejoi... |
51,11 zł |
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As Aventuras de Sofia na Selva
ISBN: 9781494746414 / Portugalski / Miękka / 2014 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Participe das Aventuras de Sofia na Selva Voe como um tucano, arraste-se como uma cobra e bata as asas como uma borboleta enquanto voce embarca nessa viagem imaginaria a selva da Costa Rica. O que mais voce podera encontrar? Os Contos de Ioga para Criancas apresentam personagens interessantes que levam as criancas a gargalharem, a usarem a criatividade e a se movimentarem. Ler faz bem para a mente E para o corpo A narrativa coloca varias posturas de ioga ligadas numa sequencia especifica para criar uma historia inesquecivel. Para criancas de 4 a 8... Participe das Aventuras de Sofia na Selva Voe como um tucano, arraste-se como uma cobra e bata as asas como uma borboleta ... |
51,11 zł |
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Lucas en un Dia en la Playa: Un Cuento de Yoga para Niños Divertido y Educativo
ISBN: 9781484850800 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2013 / 46 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Unete a la Aventura de Lucas en la Playa Salta como un canguro, reposa como una gaviota y descansa como una estrella de mar mientras recorres este viaje en una playa de la costa este australiana. Que mas podrias ver? Aprende algo nuevo, explora tus movimientos y diviertete Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Beach Adventure Book. Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several... Unete a la Aventura de Lucas en la Playa Salta como un canguro, reposa como una gaviota y descansa como una estrella de m... |
51,11 zł |
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Buenas Noches, Mundo Animal: Un Libro de Yoga para Niños para ir a Dormir
ISBN: 9781494721329 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2013 / 32 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Calm your mind and body before bedtime by taking a journey around the world with this kids yoga storybook. Den las buenas noches a los animales del mundo Unanse a seis personajes de Kids Yoga Stories (Cuentos de Yoga para Ninos) mientras viajan alrededor del mundo y se posan como un aguila calva, se agazapan como un tigre, y se enrollan como un perezoso. Aprendan sobre los animales, exploren el movimiento, y relajense juntos antes de ir a dormir The book includes a list of Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent Guide with tips on creating a successful... Calm your mind and body before bedtime by taking a journey around the world with this kids yoga storybook. Den las buenas ... |
51,11 zł |
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Sofia en una Aventura por la Selva: A Fun and Educational Kids Yoga Experience
ISBN: 9781479340040 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2012 / 40 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Unete a la Aventura de Sofia en la Selva Vuela como un tucan, deslizate como una serpiente, y revolotea como una mariposa mientras vives este viaje a traves de la selva de Costa Rica. Que mas podrias ver? Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several yoga poses in a specific sequence to create a coherent and meaningful story. This book for ages 4 to 8 is more than a storybook, but it's also a unique experience for... Unete a la Aventura de Sofia en la Selva Vuela como un tucan, deslizate como una serpiente, y revolotea como una mariposa... |
51,11 zł |
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Lucas em um dia na praia: Um divertido e educacional conto de ioga para crianças
ISBN: 9781519276971 / Portugalski / Miękka / 2016 / 46 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Junte-se a Lucas em um dia na praia Salte como um canguru, repouse como uma gaivota, e descanse como uma estrela do mar, enquanto percorre essa viagem a uma praia da Costa Leste da Australia. O que mais voce podera encontrar? Aprenda algo novo, explore movimentos, e divirta-se Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Beach Adventure Book. Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several... Junte-se a Lucas em um dia na praia Salte como um canguru, repouse como uma gaivota, e descanse como uma estrela do mar, e... |
51,11 zł |
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Luke's Beach Day: A Fun and Educational Kids Yoga Story
ISBN: 9781481159128 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 46 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Beach Adventure Book. Join Luke's beach adventure. Hop like a kangaroo, perch like a sea gull, and rest like a sea star as you act out this journey on an East Coast Australian beach. What else might you see? Learn something new, explore movement, and have fun together Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several yoga poses in a specific sequence to... Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Beach Adventure Book. Join Luke's beach adventu... |
51,11 zł |
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Good Night, Animal World: A Kids Yoga Bedtime Story
ISBN: 9781492210443 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 32 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Calm your mind and body before bedtime by taking a journey around the world with this kids yoga storybook. Say good night to the animals of the world Join six Kids Yoga Stories characters as you perch like a bald eagle, crouch like a tiger, and curl up like a sloth. The book includes a list of Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent Guide with tips on creating a successful bedtime experience. Recommended for toddlers and preschoolers (ages 2 to 5). Learn something new, explore movement, and unwind together before bedtime Buy the matching Good Night,... Calm your mind and body before bedtime by taking a journey around the world with this kids yoga storybook. Say good night t... |
51,11 zł |
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Sophia's Jungle Adventure: A Fun and Educational Kids Yoga Story
ISBN: 9781475225488 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book Join Sophia on her jungle adventure Fly like a toucan, slither like a snake, and flutter like a butterfly as you act out this journey through a Costa Rican jungle. What else might you see? Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several yoga poses in a specific sequence to create a coherent and meaningful story. This book for ages 3 to 7... Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book Join Sophia on her jungle adven... |
51,11 zł |
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Luke's A to Z of Australian Animals: A Kids Yoga Alphabet Coloring Book
ISBN: 9781479317844 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Alphabet Coloring Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's A to Z of Australian animals Check out Luke's A to Z of Australian animals and add color to his collection Curl up like a koala, hop like a kangaroo, and waddle like a wombat as you act out Australian animals through this interactive alphabet coloring book. Includes Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent-Teacher Guide. Learn something new, explore movement, and have fun together Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child... Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Alphabet Coloring Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's A to Z of Austra... |
34,01 zł |
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123 African Safari: A Kids Yoga Counting Book
ISBN: 9781499719840 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 54 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
51,11 zł |
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Hello, Bali: A Kids Yoga Island Adventure Book
ISBN: 9781492884019 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Energize your body and mind with this yoga island adventure book for young children Say good day to the magical island of Bali Join Anamika, one of the Yoga Kids, as she travels with her family to Bali, Indonesia. Surf like a surfer, dance like a Balinese dancer, and sit like a monkey. The book includes a list of Kids Yoga Poses, Map of Bali, Basic Indonesian Phrases, and a Parent-Teacher Guide with tips on creating a successful yoga experience. This yoga book for toddlers and preschoolers (ages 2 to 5) is more than a storybook, but it's also a unique... Energize your body and mind with this yoga island adventure book for young children Say good day to the magical island of ... |
51,11 zł |
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The ABC's of Australian Animals: An Interactive Kids Yoga Book
ISBN: 9781491085868 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 40 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's ABC's of Australian Animals Curl up like a koala, hop like a kangaroo, and waddle like a wombat as you act out Australian animals through this unique and interactive alphabet book. The book includes an alphabetical list of Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent-Teacher Guide. Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body This book for toddlers... Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book. Learn the alphabet with Luke's ABC's of Austral... |
51,11 zł |
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Sophia's Jungle Adventure Coloring Book
ISBN: 9781477414323 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 28 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This Kids Yoga Coloring Book is a great gift for a 3 to 8 year old to spark their creativity and get them into action. Join Sophia's jungle adventure Fly like a toucan, slither like a snake, and flutter like a butterfly as you act out a Costa Rican jungle adventure - through this interactive Coloring Book complementing the Sophia's Jungle Adventure storybook. Includes List of Kids Yoga Poses and a Parent-Teacher Guide. Color, be active and have fun. Sophia's Jungle Adventure Coloring Book is a complement to the Sophia's Jungle Adventure storybook,... This Kids Yoga Coloring Book is a great gift for a 3 to 8 year old to spark their creativity and get them into action. Join... |
34,01 zł |
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Sophia's Jungle Adventure (Chinese): A Fun, Interactive, and Educational Kids Yoga Story
ISBN: 9781508634089 / Chiński / Miękka / 2015 / 38 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. CHINESE VERSION of SOPHIA'S JUNGLE ADVENTURE Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Adventure Book Join Sophia on her jungle adventure Fly like a toucan, slither like a snake, and flutter like a butterfly as you act out this journey through a Costa Rican jungle. What else might you see? Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body The story links several yoga poses in a specific sequence to... CHINESE VERSION of SOPHIA'S JUNGLE ADVENTURE Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga St... |
51,11 zł |