wyszukanych pozycji: 19
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Andmat Etanol: Andmat Biomassa Grown från Organiskt Avfall för att Ersätta Majs för USA och internationella Etanol Biobränsle Produkt
ISBN: 9781500736071 / Szwedzki / Miękka / 2014 / 68 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Den minsta blommande vaxt, pa jorden, ar en av de mest kraftfulla och omfattande: andmat. Vanligtvis anses vara en olagenhet, andmat, efter noggrann undersokning, ar en imponerande skord, i foto varde. Etanol, en bransch som domineras av Corn Industry (King Corn), star infor manga utmaningar, inklusive stora vatten drar, stigande kostnader for godsel, stora diesel rakningar och oavsiktliga effekter pa livsmedelsmarknaden. Corn, som ett val for etanolproduktion, gropar mat kontra bransle for jordbruksresurser, okande spanningar mellan grundlaggande marknader. En idealisk kalla for biomassa,...
Den minsta blommande vaxt, pa jorden, ar en av de mest kraftfulla och omfattande: andmat. Vanligtvis anses vara en olagenhet, andmat, efter noggrann u...
29,90 zł |
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Solar PV Off-Grid Power: How to Build Solar PV Energy Systems for Stand Alone LED Lighting, Cameras, Electronics, and Remote Communication Powe
ISBN: 9781500473372 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 74 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Solar energy is a formidable resource. Solar Electric Power systems, based on PV panels, make effective power supplies for your off-grid electricity needs. The sun distributes over 1,000 watts per square meter at peak, and is the natural power supply for life on Earth. The Sun, can also be your Power Supply. The best kept industrial secret, is that we don't need to burn fossil fuels for industrial power. Solar PV panels, true 21st century tools, can provide daily energy production which can be used directly, or stored for later use, on demand, to power your remote electric loads, onsite, with...
Solar energy is a formidable resource. Solar Electric Power systems, based on PV panels, make effective power supplies for your off-grid electricity n...
34,18 zł |
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The Water Battery: Bridging The Fossil Fuel Past With The Clean Energy Future
ISBN: 9781533138538 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The "Water Battery" is a technology which bridges the gap between clean energy technology, and the Fossil-fuel world. The Water Battery is an industrial strength battery technology allowing "variable" clean energy sources like Solar and Wind to be stored safely, then tapped "on-demand" to power electrical loads 24/7. The Water Battery is the "missing link" for industrially storing and retrieving electrical energy first produced from variable clean energy sources such as Solar PV and Wind. The Water Battery provides the storage and industrial strengths required by our modern civilization....
The "Water Battery" is a technology which bridges the gap between clean energy technology, and the Fossil-fuel world. The Water Battery is an industri...
42,74 zł |
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Waarde in the Wind: Hoe Maak je een Windmolenpark te Bouwen met Behulp van Skystream en 442SR Windturbines voor Thuis Power Energy Net-Met
ISBN: 9781500783457 / Holenderski / Miękka / 2014 / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. De kracht van de wind is enorm. Maak gebruik van deze ongelooflijke energievoorziening, met behulp van state of the art windturbines om elektriciteit te genereren voor de verkoop aan het Grid. Windenergie, wereldwijd, heeft de snelst groeiende geinstalleerde schone energie stroomvoorziening geweest. Nu kunt u Oogst je Wind Energy for Profit. Hoe kun je dit goud te oogsten? Hoe kun je Cash in the Wind? Dit Book beschrijft hoe maak je een Wind Farm, met behulp van Skystream en 442SR Windturbines, om "mijn" windenergie op uw eigendom veilig, deskundig en winstgevend. De windindustrie is...
De kracht van de wind is enorm. Maak gebruik van deze ongelooflijke energievoorziening, met behulp van state of the art windturbines om elektriciteit ...
29,90 zł |
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Solar PV Water Treatment: Hvordan Solar Power UV Vann Sterilisering Systems for Drikkevann Stedet
ISBN: 9781500527426 / Norweski / Miękka / 2014 / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sterilisering vann er en stor jobb. Solar elektrisk (PV) drevet UV vann klaver er en effektiv mate a sterilisere vannet ditt fra lokale forurensede kilder, selv brakkvann, med sikkerhet, palitelighet, og ingen drivstoff-kostnader. Vann finnes i naturen er full av patogener som kan forarsake sykdom og sykdom. Ultrafiolett (UV) klaver dreper 99,99% av alle farlige patogener og gjengir din vann drikkevann og trygt a drikke. Behovet for vannbehandling vanligvis skjer langt borte fra en stikkontakt. Avsidesliggende omrader og steder, samt anledninger av naturlige eller menneskeskapt katastrofe,...
Sterilisering vann er en stor jobb. Solar elektrisk (PV) drevet UV vann klaver er en effektiv mate a sterilisere vannet ditt fra lokale forurensede ki...
29,90 zł |
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Duckweed Ethanol: Duckweed Biomass Grown from Organic Wastes to Replace Corn for US and International Ethanol Biofuel Production
ISBN: 9781500485764 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 62 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
29,90 zł |
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Cash in the Wind: How to Build a Wind Farm using Skystream and 442SR Wind Turbines for Home Power Energy Net-Metering and Sell Electrici
ISBN: 9781500483807 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 74 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. The power of wind is enormous. Tap into this incredible power supply, using state of the art wind turbines, to generate electricity for sale to the Grid. Wind power, worldwide, has been the fastest growing installed clean energy power supply. Now you can Harvest your Wind Energy for Profit. How can you harvest this gold? How can you Cash-in the Wind? This Book describes how to Build a Wind Farm, using Skystream and 442SR Wind turbines, to -mine- wind energy on your property safely, properly, and profitably. The wind industry has -evolved- over the last 30 years, and has emerged as a...
The power of wind is enormous. Tap into this incredible power supply, using state of the art wind turbines, to generate electricity for sale to the Gr...
29,90 zł |
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Solar PV Vandbehandling: Hvordan Solar Power UV Vand Sterilisering Systems for Drikkevand på Stedet
ISBN: 9781500726119 / Duński / Miękka / 2014 / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sterilisering vand er en stor opgave. Sol elektriske (PV) powered UV vand sterilisatorer er en effektiv made at sterilisere dit vand fra lokale forurenede kilder, selv brakvand, med sikkerhed, palidelighed og ingen braendstof-omkostninger. Vand findes i naturen er fuld af patogener, som kan forarsage sygdom og sygdom. Ultra-violet (UV) sterilisatorer draebe 99,99% af alle farlige patogener og gor dit vand af drikkevandskvalitet og sikkert at drikke. Behovet for vandbehandling forekommer normalt langt vaek fra en stikkontakt. Fjerntliggende steder og steder, samt lejligheder for...
Sterilisering vand er en stor opgave. Sol elektriske (PV) powered UV vand sterilisatorer er en effektiv made at sterilisere dit vand fra lokale forure...
29,90 zł |
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Solar PV Powered UV Water Treatment: How to Solar Power UV Water Sterilizing Systems for Drinking Water Onsite
ISBN: 9781500472610 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 82 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sterilizing water is a big job. Solar electric (PV) powered UV water sterilizers are an effective way to sterilize your water from local polluted sources, even brackish water, with safety, reliability, and no fuel-costs. Water found in nature is full of pathogens which can cause disease and illness. Ultra-violet (UV) sterilizers kill 99.99% of all dangerous pathogens and renders your water potable, and safe to drink. The need for water treatment usually occurs far away from an electrical outlet. Remote sites and locations, as well as occasions of Natural or Man-Made disaster, often need water...
Sterilizing water is a big job. Solar electric (PV) powered UV water sterilizers are an effective way to sterilize your water from local polluted sour...
34,18 zł |
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Emergency Sun: How To Build A Portable Solar Power Supply for Smart Phones, GPS, Cameras, And Other Electronics Using Rechargeable AA
ISBN: 9781523616770 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This book describes how to build a solar power supply and system which is portable, rugged and sturdy in construction, highly efficient at battery charging, and produces DC power through a Universal 12 VDC "cigarette style" plug or USB output day or night on demand to power electronics for Outdoor use and during Natural Disasters. In times of emergencies, electrical grid power is the first to go out. Blackouts, Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Land Slides, the natural world can unleash catastrophes which leave people without basic services, and especially sources of electricity....
This book describes how to build a solar power supply and system which is portable, rugged and sturdy in construction, highly efficient at battery cha...
34,18 zł |
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Solar PV Water Treatment: Hoe te Solar Power UV Water Steriliseren Systemen voor Drinkwater Onsite
ISBN: 9781500742690 / Holenderski / Miękka / 2014 / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Steriliseren van water is een hele klus. Zonne-elektrische (PV) aangedreven UV water sterilisatoren zijn een effectieve manier om uw water te steriliseren van lokale verontreinigde bronnen, zelfs brak water, veiligheid, betrouwbaarheid, en geen brandstof-kosten. Water gevonden in de natuur zit vol met ziekteverwekkers die ziekte en ziekte kan veroorzaken. Ultra-violet (UV) sterilisatoren doden 99,99% van alle gevaarlijke ziekteverwekkers en maakt je water drinkbaar en veilig om te drinken. De behoefte aan waterzuivering komt meestal ver van een stopcontact. Externe locaties en locaties,...
Steriliseren van water is een hele klus. Zonne-elektrische (PV) aangedreven UV water sterilisatoren zijn een effectieve manier om uw water te sterilis...
29,90 zł |
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Solar PV Wasserpumpen: Wie Solar PV Powered Wasserpumpsysteme für tiefe Brunnen, Teiche, Bäche, Seen, Bäche und Bauen
ISBN: 9781500514822 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2014 / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Wasserpumpen ist eine grosse Aufgabe. Solarstrom (PV) betriebene Wasserpumpen sind der effektivste Weg, um Ihre Pumpe Deep Well oder flachen Teich, Fluss, See oder Bach mit hoher Leistung, Zuverlassigkeit, und keine Kraftstoffkosten. Ist Ihr Gut, Teich, See oder an einem entfernten Ort? Solarstrom-Photovoltaik-(PV)-Panels, bei historisch niedrigen Preise, geringere Kosten und konnen Ihre Wasserpump Losung sein. Bewassern Sie Ihren Nutztiere, bewassern Ihren Obstgarten, Garten, Felder, Ackerland oder mit diesem einfachen Schritt-fur-Schritt-Anleitung komplett mit konkreten Beispielen der...
Wasserpumpen ist eine grosse Aufgabe. Solarstrom (PV) betriebene Wasserpumpen sind der effektivste Weg, um Ihre Pumpe Deep Well oder flachen Teich, Fl...
29,90 zł |
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Fast Charge: How Quick Charge Infrastructure Will Unleash The Electric Car And Obsolete The Gasoline Engine
ISBN: 9781544219325 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Explore how disruptive technologies are driving a giant leap in the car business. There is a revolution launching in the automotive industry, the leap to electrification. The future of transportation combines three industries: energy, communications, and transportation into one Smart Infrastructure as the EV Fast Charge station. Once separate industries, energy, communications, and transportation, are now coming together to form an integrated, efficient, high performance transportation platform which will unleash the EV and obsolete the internal combustion engine with Charge at your...
Explore how disruptive technologies are driving a giant leap in the car business. There is a revolution launching in the automotive industry, the leap...
102,45 zł |
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Publishing eBooks Concept to Cash-Flow: How to Publish your eBook on Amazon Kindle Step-by-Step from Start to Finish
ISBN: 9781500481810 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 70 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
34,18 zł |
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Wachsen Algen fur Profit: Wie man einen Photobioreaktor für Wachsende Algen für Proteine bauen, Lipide, Kohlenhydrate, Anti-Oxidantien, Biokraft
ISBN: 9781500582180 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2014 / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Algen ist ein Wunder der Natur. Rich, in Aminosauren, Proteine, Lipide, Kohlenhydrate, Anti-Oxidantien, Phycobiliproteinen und andere wertvolle Produkte, Algen wird als neuer Rohstoff uber die Branchen erschlossen. Dieses Book beschreibt, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Photobioreaktor zu bauen, um reinen Algenarten (Taxa) wachsen. Algen sind Earths "Motor," um das Nahrungsnetz zu tanken. Als "Primarproduzent," fast die Halfte der Sauerstoffproduktion auf der Erde verantwortlich ist, ist die Kraft der Algen kommerzialisiert, wertvolle Bio-Produkte zu produzieren. Bauen Sie Ihre eigene, Algen...
Algen ist ein Wunder der Natur. Rich, in Aminosauren, Proteine, Lipide, Kohlenhydrate, Anti-Oxidantien, Phycobiliproteinen und andere wertvolle Produk...
42,74 zł |
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Solar PV Water Pumping: How to Build Solar PV Powered Water Pumping Systems for Deep Wells, Ponds, Creeks, Lakes, and Streams
ISBN: 9781500445232 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Water pumping is a big job. Solar electric (PV) powered water pumps are the most effective way to pump your Deep Well, or shallow pond, river, lake or stream with high performance, reliability, and no fuel-costs. Is your Well, Pond, or Lake at a remote site? Solar electric photovoltaic (PV) panels, at historic low prices, lower costs and can be your water pumping solution. Water your livestock, irrigate your orchards, gardens, fields, or farmlands with this Easy Step-by-Step Guide complete with specific examples of water pumping equipment for different situations. Pump water from your well,...
Water pumping is a big job. Solar electric (PV) powered water pumps are the most effective way to pump your Deep Well, or shallow pond, river, lake or...
34,18 zł |
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Toxic Algae: How to Treat and Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms in Ponds, Lakes, Rivers and Reservoirs
ISBN: 9781505640052 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 106 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Toxic Algae is an epidemic threatening natural waterways locally, and globally. Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) are an explosive growth of photosynthetic organisms in a body of water which can harm amphibians, fish, wildlife, pets, and human health by producing dangerous toxins. Fresh water systems such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and reservoirs are under assault from many directions increasing chemical imbalance stressing the aquatic water systems ability to stay in healthy balance. Toxic Algae in Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) are an increasing threat to waterways throughout the country, and are...
Toxic Algae is an epidemic threatening natural waterways locally, and globally. Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) are an explosive growth of photosynthetic o...
34,18 zł |
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Why The Green New Deal Is Good For America
ISBN: 9781091826915 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
42,57 zł |
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Grow Algae for Profit: How to Build a Photobioreactor for Growing Algae for Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Anti-Oxidants, Biofuels, Biodies
ISBN: 9781500485450 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 74 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
42,74 zł |