Chapter 1. Prevention of Windup Caused by Saturating Sensors(Approach with Saturation Indicator).- Chapter 2. Prevention of Windup Caused by Saturating Sensors and Actuators (With Saturation Indicator).- Chapter 3. Prevention of Windup Caused by Saturating Sensors(Compensating Approach).- Chapter 4. Windup Prevention in the Joint Presence of Input and Output Saturation - The SISO Case.- Chapter 5. Windup Prevention in the Joint Presence of Input and Output Saturation - The MIMO Case.- Appendix.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Hippe worked as academic director at the Institute for Automatic Control at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg till September 2006. His main fields of interest include control systems with plant input restrictions, design of state controllers and MIMO compensators in the frequency domain. He has authored three Springer books and over 120 research papers.