'Readers interested in the analysis of French poetry will already be familiar with Clive Scott's stimulating, even provocative work in this field ... Vers Libre continues the series, concentrating particularly on the rhythm and scansion of free verses in French. The well-indexed book holds both more and less than the poromise of its title.'
Modern Language Review, Vol. 87 Part 2
Part I: Backgrounds: Assumptions and hypothesis; Origins and contexts; Theories and enquiries; Part II: Readings and scansions: Rimbaud's 'Marine' and 'Mouvement'; Laforgue's 'Dimanches'; Claudel's 'L'Esprit et l'eau'; Apollinaire's 'Annie', '1909', and 'Automne malade'; Conclusion; Appendices: Glossary of technical terms; 'Argument' and full text of Claudel's 'L'Esprit et l'eau'; Bibliographical references; Further bibliography; Index.