Acknowledgments -- chapter 1 -- Two Senators and Their Disagreem ents -- The Research Task -- The Determinants of Senatorial Action -- Two Senators and the Senate -- chapter 2 -- Personality: Becoming the Sons of Their Fathers -- The Legacy of a Hoosier Republican -- The Making of a Maryland Democrat -- Future Senators Growing Up -- chapter 3 -- Ideology and the Growth of Am bition -- A Balliol Scholar -- The American at Pembroke -- Ideology and Ambition at Oxford -- A Front Row Seat at the Pentagon -- Four Mentors and Three Levels of Government -- The Return of the Natives -- chapter 4 -- Evolving Constituencies: The Political Cultures of Maryland and Indiana -- Maryland: The Assault on Privilege -- Indiana: Old-Fashioned Parties -- Two Senators and Their States -- chapter 5 -- Apprenticeships: Party Support and Political Styles -- School Issues Awaken Indianapolis -- The Making of Modern Indianapolis -- Paul Sarbanes Goes to Annapolis, Then Washington -- The Election of Two Senators -- The Second Time Is the Charm -- The Impact of Apprenticeships -- chapter 6 -- Partisanship, Ideology, and C hoice -- Benchmarks of Partisanship and Ideology -- Unavoidable Choices: The Roll-Call Votes -- Voluntary Decisions: The First Committee Assignments -- First Legislative Initiatives -- chapter 7 -- Changing Political Contexts: Policy and Presidential Influence -- The Birth of Budgetary Stalemate -- Senator Lugar’s Response to Economic Distress -- Senator Sarbanes Resists the Conservative Advance -- The Political Context Changes Again -- Adaptations -- chapter 8 -- Reelections: Renewing Constituency Ties -- “A Good Man for Tough Times” -- The Dilemmas of Campaign Finance -- “Paul Sarbanes: Working for Maryland” -- Contesting for a Third Term -- Campaigns for a Fourth Term -- The Reelection of Incumbents -- chapter 9 -- Reaching for Policy Goals: The Advantages of Leadership Position -- Senator Sarbanes in Opposition -- Senator Lugar Uses the Freedom Awarded by the Voters -- Senator Sarbanes Wins the Confidence of His Colleagues -- Achieving Policy in New Contexts -- Senator Lugar Tries for the Prize -- Making Use of Their Freedom -- chapter 10 -- Sarbanes, Lugar, and the Senate -- The Determinants of Senatorial Behavior -- Senate Procedures: The Triumph of Individualism -- Extending the Senatorial Life Cycle -- Two Senators and Campaign Finance -- Reflections on the Term Limit Movement -- The Lessons of Two Senators’ Careers -- Index.