Part 1 History of Traditional foods In South Asia 1. Eating habits, food cultures and traditions in South Asia Region
Part 2 Food, Nutrition and Health in India 2. Introduction 3. Diet related nutrition and health issues in Indian population 4. Nutritional sufficiency of traditional meal patterns 5. Forest foods for tribals in selected regions of India and their sustainability 6. Traditional preserved and fermented foods and their nutritional aspects 7. The dietary practices and food related rituals in Indian tradition and their role in health and nutrition 8. Functional foods in Indian tradition and their significance for health 9. Traditional Foods, Ayurveda and Diet 10. Foods from the ocean for nutrition, health and wellness
Part 3 Food, Nutrition and Health in Sri Lanka 11. Introduction 12. Traditional and ethnic foods of Sri Lanka - Safety aspectS 13. Traditional functional food of Sri Lanka and their health significance
Part 4 Food, Nutrition and Health in Nepal 14. Introduction 15. Traditional fermented food of Nepal and their nutritional and nutraceutical potential 16. Health and nutritional aspect of under-utilized high value food grain of high hills and mountains of Nepa
Part 5 Food, Nutrition and Health in Bangladesh 17. Introduction 18. Role of traditional foods of Bangladesh in reaching-out of nutrition 19. Nutritional and health issues in Bangladesh and solutions through traditional foods
Part 6 Food, Nutrition and Health in Pakistan 20. Introduction 21. Food, nutrition and health issues in Pakistan
Part 7 Food, Nutrition and Health in Iran 22. Introduction 23. Traditional food and practices for health: Iranian dairy Foods
Part 8 Common Regulatory and Safety issue and Future outlook for South Asia Region 24. Lifecycle stages of food safety of traditional foods 25. Regulations for manufacturing traditional foods - Global and Regional Challenges 26. Marketing of traditional and functional foods for reach-out of nutrition