Introduction, Comprehensive Folder-Contents List of Bodleian MS Shelley adds. c. 4, Beta-radiographs of the Watermarks, Facsimiles and Transcripts of M S Shelley adds. c. 4, Fol. 6r, Prometheus Unbound, II, iii, lines 28-42 (draft), Fol. 7v reversed, Definition of Atheism, Fols. 10-11, Epipsychidion, lines 180-89; related fragments, lines 142-69 (drafts), Fols. 14-15v, N otes to Hellas (4, 6, 7, beginning of 8), Fol. 61r, Title page for Hellas (E. E. Williams’ hand); verse fragment on John Taaffe, Fol. 64r, To Jane: The Recollection, lines 29-32 (draft), Fol. 68r, On Fanny Godwin, Fol. 68v, Sketches, jottings, Fols. 79r/v, November— 1815 (fair copy); start of Misery.—a fragment (fair copy), Fols. 80-81, Remainder of Misery.—a fragment (fair copy), Fols. 84-90v, Ode alla Libertà, Fols. 93-95v, Ode to N aples (fair copy), Fol. 102, Buona N otte (fair copy), Fol. 102v, List of household expenditures (PShelley’s hand), Fol. 105, Laundry and shopping list (Mary’s hand); verse fragment, Fol. 105v, Shopping-price list (Mary’s hand); address, Fols. 108-109, Draft of first stanza and last two lines of The Aziola and a verse fragment, Fols. 126-130v, Translation of the Prologue in Heaven from Goethe’s Faust (fair copy), Fols. 112-125, Translation of the May day Night scene from Goethe’s Faust (fair copy), Fol. 139, Translation of an Italian poem ( If the good money . . . ; fair copy), Fols. 142r-171v, Literal translation of part of Faust ( dedication through Line 1213 of Part I), Fols. 179-180r, Poetic fragment ( There was a serpent. . . ) and a prose note (Jesus Christ ), Fols. 183-185, Portions of Speculations on Morals and Metaphysics and a draft of lines 993-96 of Laott and Cythna, Fol. 186, Tw o lines of Greek (from Theocritus’s Idyll XI) and their Latin translation, Fols. 190-195, Portions of Speculations on Morals and Metaphysics, Fols. 198-201, Concluding portion of The Coliseum , along with associated note and extraneous jottings, Fol. 204, Essay on Friendship fragment, Fol. 207, Arch of Titus description, Fols. 250-253r, Una Favola (fair copy), Fols. 258-9, Partial translation of Plato’s Ion (538a7-540c6), Fols. 263a-263b, Draft of a portion of Letter on Richard Carlisle, Fols. 267-72, On Vegetarianism, Fols. 27 6 -9 , Portion of On Christianity, Fols. 28 2 -3 , Fragment on Reform (I), Fols. 28 6 -9 , Translation of Tacitus’s Histories, V. 3-6 ( On the Jews ), Fol. 292, On Learning Languages (recto) and A Faustian Note (verso), Fols 295-6, On the Christian Religion (or On the Moral Teaching of Christ ), Fols. 299-300, Conclusion of An Answer to Leslie’s A Short and Easy Method with the Deists Fol. 303, Covering Letter (To Mr. Waller ) for a copy of Queen Mob, M S Shelley adds, b, 2, fols. 4 -5, Letter to Edward Fergus Graham (includes How stern are the woes of the desolate mourner ), M S Shelley adds. c. 12, fol. 57, line of verse (verso), drawing (recto), M S M ontagu d. 18, fols. 90-1, Ode for Music (fair copy), M S Shelley c. 1, fols. 277-78, draft of a portion of Letter on Richard Carlisle, M S Shelley c. 1, fols. 305-14, Letter on Richard Carlisle (fair copy), M S Shelley e. 5, pp. 7-9, Stanzas written in dejection— December 1818, near Naples (fair copy), M S Shelley e. 5, p. 10, To a faded violet (fair copy), M S Shelley adds. f. 1, Sophia (fair copy), M S Shelley adds. d. 3, fol. 59v, Epithalamium (fair copy), M S Shelley adds. d. 3, fol. 56v, Epithalamium (partial transcript), M S Shelley adds. e. 3, fols. l-3 r, With a guitar. To Jane(fair copy).
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Edited by Professor E.B.Murray