1. Potential for Power Production Using Salinity Gradients 2. Blue Energy Extraction Using a Two-Stage Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plant without External Freshwater Feed Using PRO Process: A Theoretical Case Study 3. A Case Study on the First Prototype Plant for Osmotic Energy Extraction in Norway 4. A Strategical Case study on Energy Extraction Using Salinity Gradients at River Junction of the Magdalena River and Caribbean Sea 5. Potential of Power Generation Using Salinity Gradients: A Case Study on Hooghly Estuarine Region, India 6. Energy Extraction at the Hyper Saline Urmia Lake - ZarrinehRud River System in Iran: A Case Study 7. Prospect and Development of Energy Extraction Using Salinity Gradients in Colombia: A Case Study 8. Using Reverse Electrodialysis for Salinity Gradient Energy Extraction at Trapani (Italy): A Case Study 9. Case Study on Feasibility of Blue Energy Generation at Haringvliet-Grevelingen 10 Premier, Progress and Future Perspective of Blue Energy