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A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Production and Development
ISBN: 9781536167283 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Production and Development, a comprehensive analysis of existing examples in international practice regarding methods for massive implementation of renewable energy technology is provided. Following this, the authors assess alternative pathways for a future European energy system through the active involvement of relevant stakeholders according to their performance in key areas, such as the regulatory framework, market maturity, economic factors and stakeholder awareness towards a sustainable energy system, by using a multicriteria decision aid method....
In A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Production and Development, a comprehensive analysis of existing examples in international practice regarding metho...
426,43 zł |
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Lithium-Ion Batteries: Properties, Advantages and Limitations: Properties, Advantages and Limitations
ISBN: 9781536168457 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Lithium-Ion Batteries: Properties, Advantages and Limitations summarizes research progress in anode and cathode binders of lithium ion batteries in the past 20 years. So far, the binders reported in the literature involve polymers, natural extracts, conductive binders and self-healing binders. Additionally, the authors provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art progress in graphite-silicon anodes, from novel structure design to electrode fabrication, from half-coin-cell testing to pouch-full-cell evaluation, and from fundamental mechanistic studies to applied research....
Lithium-Ion Batteries: Properties, Advantages and Limitations summarizes research progress in anode and cathode binders of lithium ion batteries in th...
426,43 zł |
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Advances in Energy Research. Volume 32: Volume 32
ISBN: 9781536170887 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Advances in Energy Research. Volume 32 opens with a comprehensive review of technologies for the reutilisation of waste cryogenic energy from the liquefied natural gas regasification process at terminals and on marine vessels. The authors discuss the primary renewable energy source in Cuba; biomass. Although sugarcane biomass has the most significant energy potential, some other biomass energy sources are also relevant at the local level and are convenient from an environmental standpoint. Invisibility cloaks of various types have been researched extensively in recent years with one of the...
Advances in Energy Research. Volume 32 opens with a comprehensive review of technologies for the reutilisation of waste cryogenic energy from the liqu...
1113,82 zł |
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Innovation Energy: Trends and Perspectives or Challenges of Energy Innovation
ISBN: 9781536172904 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book Innovation Energy: Trends and Perspectives or Challenges of Energy Innovation is a source of information for researchers and experts mainly, as well as any party interested of gaining knowledge in this field. The volume brings a new and updated perspective on the current innovations in the energy field regarding technological and strategic approaches. The book is a result of the Second Open Meeting of the Balkan UNESCO Chairs 2017, organised by the UNESCO Chair for Business Administration (Chaire UNESCO pour la formation et la recherche appliquee au developpement de lentreprise dans...
The book Innovation Energy: Trends and Perspectives or Challenges of Energy Innovation is a source of information for researchers and experts mainly, ...
867,96 zł |
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New Trends for Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy
ISBN: 9781536171891 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Nowadays, biomass presents itself as a very viable alternative for the production of energy, both electrical and thermal, quickly recovering its role, both in the universe of domestic and industrial use. With growing concerns about climate change, it is becoming increasingly urgent to use environmentally harmful forms of energy production that contribute to the decarbonization of the economy. Biomass is capable of making a significant contribution to achieving this overall objective, since its use proves to be neutral from the point of view of the emission of carbon dioxide. However, the...
Nowadays, biomass presents itself as a very viable alternative for the production of energy, both electrical and thermal, quickly recovering its role,...
867,96 zł |
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Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings
ISBN: 9781536178623 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Nowadays, the energy crisis is one of the controversial issues around the world. Regarding the fact that the largest energy end use in the world belongs to the construction and residential sector, it seems necessary to analyze the energy flow in the buildings. The most sustainable energy design technique is to conserve energy as much as possible. There are various methods to reduce the use of conventional energy from fossil fuels to meet the energy requirement for the building. Various strategies including photovoltaic-thermal systems and insulation systems with the aim of minimizing building...
Nowadays, the energy crisis is one of the controversial issues around the world. Regarding the fact that the largest energy end use in the world belon...
426,43 zł |
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Applied Soft Computing Techniques for Renewable Energy
ISBN: 9781536181807 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides a better understanding of Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy logic and Neural Networks and various other techniques seem very well suited for modeling and controlling a real system. Energy is of major importance to civilization, because it is driving force which binds human race. The estimation of energy in the form of renewable and sustainable is one of the important aspects to understand the how resources are harnessed and to predict what might happen under various possible future conditions. Using available modelling techniques to generate the best algorithms, the objective is to...
This book provides a better understanding of Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy logic and Neural Networks and various other techniques seem very well suited for ...
867,96 zł |
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Advances in Energy Research. Volume 33
ISBN: 9781536181364 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Advances in Energy Research. Volume 33 begins with a focus on gas hydrates, also known as methane hydrates, which are formed due to high hydraulic pressures present under the cold seabed over long periods of time. Following this, an exploratory method using semi-structured interviews was undertaken to investigate the barriers and drivers for implementing energy efficiency measures in South Africaas cement finishing mill. To address the large energy consumption of microalgae dewatering and to increase revenues from microalgae, a novel process for the prior sustainable extraction of carotenoids...
Advances in Energy Research. Volume 33 begins with a focus on gas hydrates, also known as methane hydrates, which are formed due to high hydraulic pre...
1113,82 zł |
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The Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions
ISBN: 9781536181869 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The anthology entitled, "The Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions" includes a wide range of topics related to the probable and also possible future developments of energy technologies. The collection of papers offers a series of unprecedented perspectives on energy science, unavailable elsewhere. The authors have considered developments in renewable energy, novel energy discoveries, environmental climate futures, possible technological advances, temporal distortion, and gravitational electromagnetism. Specific energy inventors reporting breakthrough results have also been...
The anthology entitled, "The Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions" includes a wide range of topics related to the probable and al...
1023,51 zł |
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Advanced Power Systems and Security: Computer Aided Design
ISBN: 9781536187854 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. ADVANCED POWER SYSTEMS AND SECURITY: Computer-Aided Design is a textbook that provides an excellent focus on the advanced topics of the power system and gives exciting analysis methods and a cover of the important applications in the power systems. At the beginning of each chapter, an abstract that states the chapter objectives. And then the introduction for each chapter. All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step approach. As much as possible, the authors avoid wordiness and detail overload that could hide concepts and impede understanding. and In each chapter, the...
ADVANCED POWER SYSTEMS AND SECURITY: Computer-Aided Design is a textbook that provides an excellent focus on the advanced topics of the power system ...
1199,11 zł |
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Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems: A Primer with MATLAB
ISBN: 9781536186376 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Fundamentalsof Electrical Power Systems: A Primer With MATLAB (R), is a textbook provides an excellent review of fundamental of the power system and give exciting analysis methods and a cover of the all components of power systems. At the beginning of each chapter, an abstract that states the chapter objectives. And then the introduction for each chapter. All principles presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step approach. As much as possible, the author avoids wordiness and detail overload that could hide concepts and impede understanding. and In each chapter, the author presents some of the...
Fundamentalsof Electrical Power Systems: A Primer With MATLAB (R), is a textbook provides an excellent review of fundamental of the power system and g...
1379,74 zł |
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Energy Storage Systems: An Introduction
ISBN: 9781536188738 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book is primarily for undergraduates, graduates and research scholars working in the field of energy storage systems. The book details the mathematical and experimental analysis of energy storage systems and can be referenced by different engineering sectors, including: mechanical, chemical, civil and energy engineering, and is equally important for scholars of physics and chemistry. Various aspects of thermal energy storage systems are described, such as lithium-ion batteries, nuclear reactors, latent heat storage with PCM embedded porous media, CCHP with TESS, PCM in solar collectors,...
This book is primarily for undergraduates, graduates and research scholars working in the field of energy storage systems. The book details the mathem...
867,96 zł |
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Advances in Energy Research. Volume 34
ISBN: 9781536189803 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This compilation first describes a system wherein a high-nuclear high-temperature reactor supplies constant power to a thermal energy storage unit of molten lithium chloride salt, which provides the required thermal energy for a closed energy conversion system. Next, a compact power generation-storage system is constructed using a direct current-alternating current inverter, spherical Si solar cells, and a lithium-ion battery integrated into a single module. The authors discuss how, since a number of different countries' electric power utilities are adding capacity, there is an opportunity to...
This compilation first describes a system wherein a high-nuclear high-temperature reactor supplies constant power to a thermal energy storage unit of ...
1113,82 zł |
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A Strategic Evaluation of Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean
ISBN: 9781536192735 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book is an approach, in the wider theoretical considerations on scientific research and study, of issues relating to energy resources and energy security and, at the same time, it is a case study on Eastern Mediterranean energy security. The Mediterranean has been known since ancient times as a large semi-enclosed sea, surrounded by more than two states as it lies between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. However, developments in the 21st century have necessitated viewing it conceptually as a distinct "new" region with specific characteristics. Comprised by Cyprus, Egypt,...
This book is an approach, in the wider theoretical considerations on scientific research and study, of issues relating to energy resources and energy ...
426,43 zł |
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Energy Conversion Systems: An Overview
ISBN: 9781536191318 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This edited book is intended to serve as a resource for engineers, scientists and specialists engaged in becoming familiarized with green energy conversion for a clean atmosphere with an adaption of amore-renewable' for power generation. The book is comprised of nine original chapters dealing with state-of-the-design exercises on power conversion/storage technologies. It highlights the critical features of energy technology for green engineering for the future. This edited volume is an extensive collection of state-of-the-art studies on the subject.
This edited book is intended to serve as a resource for engineers, scientists and specialists engaged in becoming familiarized with green energy conve...
1023,51 zł |
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Philosophy of Power System Protection and Security Computer Aided Design and Analysis: Computer Aided Design and Analysis
ISBN: 9781536190991 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Philosophy of power system Protection and Security, Computer-Aided design and analysis: is a textbook that provides an excellent focus on the advanced topics of power system protection and gives exciting analysis methods and covers the important applications in the power systems relaying. Each chapter opens with a historical profile or career talk, followed by an introduction that states the chapter objectives, links the chapter to the previous ones, and then introduces each chapter. All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step approach. The authors avoid wordiness and...
Philosophy of power system Protection and Security, Computer-Aided design and analysis: is a textbook that provides an excellent focus on the advanced...
1199,11 zł |
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Advances in Energy Research. Volume 35
ISBN: 9781685073732 Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume includes six chapters that detail recent advancements in energy research. Chapter One describes a method for optimizing the efficiency of energy storage systems in applications like electric vehicles, thus reducing battery aging and cost of ownership. Chapter Two provides an overview of existing technologies for the production of hydrogen from biomass and discusses their pros and cons. Chapter Three addresses the main challenges, perspectives and innovations related to the use of different biomasses for the generation of clean energy through distinct thermal processes in the...
This volume includes six chapters that detail recent advancements in energy research. Chapter One describes a method for optimizing the efficiency of ...
1113,82 zł |