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On the Eve of the Millenium: The Future of Democracy Through an Age of Unreason
ISBN: 9780028740942 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "All my life," writes Conor Cruise O'Brien, "I have been fascinated and puzzled by nationalism and religion; by the interaction of the two forces, sometimes in unison, sometimes antagonistic." In these wide-ranging and penetrating essays, O'Brien examines how throughout the world today these age-old forces are once again threatening democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of expression -- particularly in the United States, the nation founded on Enlightenment values. He weaves together beautifully written discussions on these and other timely, related topics. Enlivening his grim predictions...
"All my life," writes Conor Cruise O'Brien, "I have been fascinated and puzzled by nationalism and religion; by the interaction of the two forces, som...
65,65 zł |
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What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives
ISBN: 9780062515407 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Michael Dertouzos has been an insightful commentator and an active participant in the creation of the Information Age.Now, in What Will Be, he offers a thought-provoking and entertaining vision of the world of the next decade -- and of the next century. Dertouzos examines the impact that the following new technologies and challenges will have on our lives as the Information Revolution progresses:
Michael Dertouzos has been an insightful commentator and an active participant in the creation of the Information Age.Now, in What Will Be, ...
69,76 zł |
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Visions of the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
ISBN: 9780195102864 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "This is an exceedingly long short book, stretching at least fifty thousand years into the past and who knows how many into the future." So begins Visions of the Future, the prophetic new book by eminent economist Robert Heilbroner. Heilbroner's basic premise is stunning in its elegant simplicity. He contends that throughout all of human history, despite the huge gulf in social organization, technological development, and cultural achievement that divides us from the earliest known traces of homo sapiens, there have really only been three distinct ways of looking at the future.
During a... "This is an exceedingly long short book, stretching at least fifty thousand years into the past and who knows how many into the future." So begins Vis...
66,26 zł |
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A Short History of the Future
ISBN: 9780226869032 / Angielski / Miękka / 340 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. W. Warren Wagar's "A Short History of the Future" is a memoir of postmodern times, cast as a history. This powerful and visionary book is narrated by a far-future historian, Peter Jensen, who leaves this account of the world from the 1990s to the opening of the twenty-third century as a gift to his granddaughter. A combination of fiction and scholarship, this third edition of Wagar's speculative history of the future alternates between descriptions of world events and intimate glimpses of his fictive historian's family into the first centuries of the new millennium.
"Thanks to Wagar's... W. Warren Wagar's "A Short History of the Future" is a memoir of postmodern times, cast as a history. This powerful and visionary book is narrated by ...
202,22 zł |
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The End of the Future: The Waning of the High-Tech World
ISBN: 9780275952808 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book represents the first calm, detailed, and rational description of the coming end of our current world culture. The author seeks to show that, particularly when we compare actual technological reality in the 1990s with the heady predictions of futurologists back in the 1960s, technology has levelled off, reached a plateau--even in the leading-edge areas like infomatics, space, and medicine. Even that plateau will prove to be temporary, claims Gimpel, and the end of western industrial society as we know it will inevitably ensue. However exceptional, our civilization has no reason to...
This book represents the first calm, detailed, and rational description of the coming end of our current world culture. The author seeks to show that,...
207,98 zł |
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The Foresight Principle: Cultural Recovery in the 21st Century
ISBN: 9780275952921 / Angielski / Twarda / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Why do things always get harder before they get easier? Why is foresight useful? What are the real megatrends? What does foresight really cost? Who should support it? These and other questions form the backbone of this strongly argued and thoroughly referenced work from the highly experienced educational futurist Richard A. Slaughter of the Futures Study Centre in Melbourne, Australia.
Why do things always get harder before they get easier? Why is foresight useful? What are the real megatrends? What does foresight really cost? Who... |
553,73 zł |
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The Foresight Principle: Cultural Recovery in the 21st Century
ISBN: 9780275952938 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Why do things always get harder before they get easier? Why is foresight useful? What are the real megatrends? What does foresight really cost? Who should support it? These and other questions form the backbone of this strongly argued and thoroughly referenced work from the highly experienced educational futurist Richard A. Slaughter of the Futures Study Centre in Melbourne, Australia.
Why do things always get harder before they get easier? Why is foresight useful? What are the real megatrends? What does foresight really cost? Who... |
265,61 zł |
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The Future Is Ours: Foreseeing, Managing and Creating the Future
ISBN: 9780275956790 / Angielski / Miękka / 270 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Why do we continue to think about, imagine, and forecast the future despite believing we will probably be wrong? Why do we need to do so? What does the future mean, and how do we relate to it? Is it possible that Western societies condition their members into inability to cope with the future? These and other fundamental questions are explored in The Future Is Ours, which is written as an intermediate text for use in future-oriented modules within BA courses in International Business, Management, Urban Planning, and Environmental Politics. Why do we continue to think about, imagine, and forecast the future despite believing we will probably be wrong? Why do we need to do so? What does... |
265,61 zł |
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Rescuing All Our Futures: The Future of Futures Studies
ISBN: 9780275965594 / Angielski / Miękka / 280 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The future is the last frontier where nonwestern societies are still free--free to envision desirable futures based on their own worldviews, cultures, and traditions. Yet the discipline of futures studies, this volume argues, has abandoned its goal of exploring such diverse and alternative futures in favor of a single, myopic vision that is incapable of seeing outside the framework of western thought and action. Its overemphasis on forecasting and prediction, its overpreoccupation with technology, and its neglect of nonwestern cultures and concerns have transformed the discipline into an...
The future is the last frontier where nonwestern societies are still free--free to envision desirable futures based on their own worldviews, cultures,...
265,61 zł |
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Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations
ISBN: 9780275967178 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When making decisions, governments can and should strive consciously to balance the demands of the present with the needs of future generations. Various advocates for greater governmental foresight have created new processes or institutions within existing systems of democratic government. These include long-range planning departments, futures commissions, requirements for future-impact statements on proposed legislation, environmental protection agencies, and offices of technology assessment. But, as the contributors to this volume demonstrate, much more remains to be done. Some of the...
When making decisions, governments can and should strive consciously to balance the demands of the present with the needs of future generations. Vario...
265,61 zł |
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Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education
ISBN: 9780275969455 / Angielski / Twarda / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. What is Futures Studies, what are the theories and methods underlying the field? What are its basic concepts and metaphors, and how is it related to other academic fields? These are the core questions addressed in this book by a comprehensive assembly of distinguished scholars. They explore the enigma of why Futures Studies, despite its growing maturity as an intellectual endeavor, after more than three decades of groundbreaking work, still struggles for institutional acceptance. Together these contributors paint a picture of Futures Studies not so much a product of the stale intellectual... What is Futures Studies, what are the theories and methods underlying the field? What are its basic concepts and metaphors, and how is it related t... |
553,73 zł |
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Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education
ISBN: 9780275976323 / Angielski / Miękka / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. What is Futures Studies, what are the theories and methods underlying the field? What are its basic concepts and metaphors, and how is it related to other academic fields? These are the core questions addressed in this book by a comprehensive assembly of distinguished scholars. They explore the enigma of why Futures Studies, despite its growing maturity as an intellectual endeavor, after more than three decades of groundbreaking work, still struggles for institutional acceptance. Together these contributors paint a picture of Futures Studies not so much a product of the stale intellectual... What is Futures Studies, what are the theories and methods underlying the field? What are its basic concepts and metaphors, and how is it related t... |
265,61 zł |
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American Renaissance: Our Life at the Turn of the 21st Century
ISBN: 9780312303945 / Angielski / Miękka / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
111,09 zł |
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Five Scenarios for the Year 2000.
ISBN: 9780313253324 / Angielski / Twarda / 145 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. With the advent of a new millenium little more than a decade away, Professor Ferrarotti has written a unique collection of futurological scenarios that stresses the importance of both the historical and a muti-disciplinary approach. The author draws attention to the political tension underlying technological innovation, while heralding the anticipated appearance of a new ethos shaped by the exigencies of the new technological age. Old-fashioned individualism appears to be doomed, acknowledges the author; yet a new kind of socially-oriented individualism could develop, preserving that which... With the advent of a new millenium little more than a decade away, Professor Ferrarotti has written a unique collection of futurological scenarios ... |
438,48 zł |
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The World at 2000: Perils and Promises
ISBN: 9780333945353 / Angielski / Miękka / 170 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Beneath the millennial shine of political optimism and technological advance lurk a set of deepuncertainties: global inequality is growing; weapons of mass destruction are spreading; strident assertions of identity divide peoples and states. Overall, there is a marked lack of effective coordination and reduced confidence in the power of people, ideas and democratic processes to achieve change. This important book by a leading observer of international relations provides acritical but cautiously optimistic assessment of the state and prospects of the world at 2000.
Beneath the millennial shine of political optimism and technological advance lurk a set of deepuncertainties: global inequality is growing; weapons of...
192,51 zł |
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Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway
ISBN: 9780385419949 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In Silicon Snake Oil, Clifford Stoll, the best-selling author of The Cuckoo's Egg and one of the pioneers of the Internet, turns his attention to the much-heralded information highway, revealing that it is not all it's cracked up to be. Yes, the Internet provides access to plenty of services, but useful information is virtually impossible to find and difficult to access. Is being on-line truly useful? "Few aspects of daily life require computers...They're irrelevant to cooking, driving, visiting, negotiating, eating, hiking, dancing, speaking, and gossiping. You don't need a...
In Silicon Snake Oil, Clifford Stoll, the best-selling author of The Cuckoo's Egg and one of the pioneers of the Internet, turns his att...
69,97 zł |
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Apocalypse Pretty Soon: Travels in End-Time America
ISBN: 9780385498524 / Angielski / Miękka / 364 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The inspired madness of America's apocalyptic and pre-millennial organizations may have reached a fever pitch with the turn of the twentieth century, but intrepid cultural traveler Alex Heard spent a ten-year period witnessing the crescendo firsthand. Heard's enthusiasm led him on errands as diverse as being a voyeur at a Republic of Texas militia standoff, accompanying an expectant UFO "greeting party" to a remote field in Minnesota, and enacting the grief of the California quail at an ad-hoc therapy group for fierce environmentalists who believe the earth is an actual living entity that's...
The inspired madness of America's apocalyptic and pre-millennial organizations may have reached a fever pitch with the turn of the twentieth century, ...
78,20 zł |
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Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives
ISBN: 9780385522076 / Angielski / Miękka / 512 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on our businesses, governments, families, and daily lives. In REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH, they once again demonstrate their unparalleled ability to illuminate current trends and anticipate what they mean for the future.
REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH focuses on how wealth will be created--and who will get it--in the twenty-first century. As the knowledge-based economy (a reality the Tofflers predicted forty years ago) continues to replace the industrial-based... Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on ou...
94,67 zł |
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Talking Back to the Machine: Computers and Human Aspiration
ISBN: 9780387984131 / Angielski / Twarda / 193 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. From the editors of the wildly successful Beyond Calculation comes another exploration of the overwhelming impact of computers on our future. This time, the essays focus on the human impact of computer technology and culture: how computers will affect the ways we teach, learn, communicate, relate to each other, and live in the coming decades. The contributors, representing the best of many fields, include Secretary of Defense William Perry on how computers will affect warfare; Brian Ferrin on technology and storytelling;...
From the editors of the wildly successful Beyond Calculation comes another exploration of the overwhelming impact of computers on ou...
91,96 zł |
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Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing
ISBN: 9780387985886 / Angielski / Miękka / 313 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In March 1997, the Association for Computing Machinery will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the electronic computer. To understand what an extraordinary fifty years the computer has had, you need only look around you--probably no farther than your desk. Computers are everywhere: in our cars, our homes, our supermarkets, at the phone company office, and at your local hospital. But as the contributors to this volume make clear, the scientific, social and economic impact of computers is only beginning to be felt. These sixteen invited essays on the future of computing take on a dazzling...
In March 1997, the Association for Computing Machinery will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the electronic computer. To understand what an extra...
92,12 zł |