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Honest, Open, Willing...My Journey From Despair To Hope
ISBN: 9781477661086 / Angielski / Miękka / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book was originally going to be called 'H.O.W. Honest Open Willing Posts' which was a non-fiction but anonymous story about someone who posts on a social network in a closed group with about 260 understanding friends, family, school mates, and anonymous fellowship members. They start to relate in one way or another as each day he eventually tells of every brutal thing he did and was done to him going from birth all the way through his early 40s. This includes feeling awkward, not fitting in, low self-esteem, bullying, mental illness, arson, theft, vandalism, special education,...
This book was originally going to be called 'H.O.W. Honest Open Willing Posts' which was a non-fiction but anonymous story about someone who posts on ...
58,43 zł |
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The big bender: The Big Bender
ISBN: 9781470125349 / Angielski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Much wanted book about a struggle with alcoholism by an early Alcoholics Anonymous and Oxford Group associate. Charles Clapp was an Oxford Grouper, who AA founder Bill W had helped get sober in October of 1935. CC had been working with one Sam Shoemaker, but could not stay sober until he got help from Bill. "The Big Bender" relates that story. Clapp was from Bedford Hills. His book was written around 1937
Much wanted book about a struggle with alcoholism by an early Alcoholics Anonymous and Oxford Group associate. Charles Clapp was an Oxford Grouper, wh...
58,25 zł |
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The 10-Step Revolution: Rattle the Cage, Ignite Your Passion & Create Your "new Reality"
ISBN: 9780988020603 / Angielski / Miękka / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Attention: All Activists / Reformers / Protesters / Environmentalists / Career & Life Changers Make you own mark on the world FAST With a Powerful New 10-Step Process Designed by a Top Fortune-500 Engineer Forget the old concepts of confusion, hardship and the impossible allegedly ingrained in the very DNA of modern revolutions and change: - This is the mantra widely propagated by the "establishment" to discourage you from rattling the cages of the "status quo." Whether you want to: - revolt politically for or against the President in this and future elections - fight for women's rights in...
Attention: All Activists / Reformers / Protesters / Environmentalists / Career & Life Changers Make you own mark on the world FAST With a Powerful Ne...
71,93 zł |
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A A's 12 Steps For Everyone: The Key To Being Recovered: Sponsorship 101
ISBN: 9781477452462 / Angielski / Miękka / 218 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. SantaC's book, "A A's 12 Steps for Everyone - Sponsorship 101" contains the truth about A.A., Sponsorship and will give you the Key to Being Recovered. Read this book and find out how they had a 93% recovery rate in Cleveland in the early 1940s and how you can use the same principles applied then, today. This book shows you how to qualify a sponsee and using the same principles, how to find a good sponsor. You will learn how to sponsor new A.A.'s and give them the key to being recovered. From this book you will meet your Higher Power and see God, the same as I and many others have.
SantaC's book, "A A's 12 Steps for Everyone - Sponsorship 101" contains the truth about A.A., Sponsorship and will give you the Key to Being Recovered...
89,74 zł |
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I Fell In A Hole
ISBN: 9781479258741 / Angielski / Miękka / 32 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. I Fell in a Hole, whether read or passed on verbally, always seems to bring a smile and an "aha" moment whenever someone hears it for the first time. The little story simply and humorously illustrates what Albert Einstein once said, ..". a definition for insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result . . .? The wise person who knows the story passes it on and the person caught in a cycle of foolishness has the opportunity to become wise. A lesson for anyone and everyone; from those who feel they are entangled in a "harmless" habit, to those...
I Fell in a Hole, whether read or passed on verbally, always seems to bring a smile and an "aha" moment whenever someone hears it for the first time. ...
26,49 zł |
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Input-Output Game
ISBN: 9781478223894 / Angielski / Miękka / 172 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Self-help Mind Control The material in this book was researched in the late 1980's, and the author has been a practitioner of the contents ever since. He waited thirty years to go public with the methodology just to prove it worked. 30 years without a drink or a cigarette (3-4 packs of cigarettes and 1 quart of gin daily) and 50 pounds lighter (10 more pounds to go ) I quit "cold turkey" on my 50th birthday so I would always remember the date (November 12 1982)
Self-help Mind Control The material in this book was researched in the late 1980's, and the author has been a practitioner of the contents ever since....
32,52 zł |
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Prayers for Reconciliation, Recovery and Restoration: A personal journey for reconciliation with God through the Holy Spirit by the spoken Word
ISBN: 9780615661353 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. While on my personal journey for reconciliation with God, I witnessed the power in speaking the Word over my circumstances and life. I embarked on a journey of writing scriptural prayers for my 12-step recovery journey. I also wrote prayers for battles with my flesh. My system of personal flesh cards made for easy reference and accessibility to take authority over my flesh. My personal testimony exposes dark secrets of my past, and the years of longing for meaning and purpose through a spiritual connection with Jesus Christ. My human trafficking experience from long ago could no longer...
While on my personal journey for reconciliation with God, I witnessed the power in speaking the Word over my circumstances and life. I embarked on a j...
44,98 zł |
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Running Down Your Dreams
ISBN: 9781470044848 / Angielski / Miękka / 316 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The goal of this book is take readers on a 40-day journey in which they can fully assess and engage their dreams in life. The book engages the reader through a series of short stories in 10 themed areas about how dreams were realized through my life and the lives of those that God has put in my path. The power of personal testimonies allows readers to do an accurate self assessment and be inspired to put their dreams into action.
The goal of this book is take readers on a 40-day journey in which they can fully assess and engage their dreams in life. The book engages the reader ...
89,74 zł |
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Terapia poznawcza uzależnień
ISBN: 9788323323655 / Polski / Miękka / 362 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Podręcznik proponuje dobrze udokumentowany psychospołeczny model leczenia zaburzeń związanych z uzależnieniami. Książka w wyczerpujący i przystępny sposób wyjaśnia model poznawczy uzależnienia, specyfikę studium przypadku, kierowanie relacją terapeutyczną i strukturę sesji terapeutycznych. Przedstawia sposoby zaznajamiania pacjentów z modelem i procedurami terapii oraz uczenia ich jak radzić sobie z głodem narkotyków i alkoholu. Opisuje specyficzne strategie oraz techniki poznawcze i behawioralne, a także metody pracy z pacjentami, u których współwystępują inne...
Podręcznik proponuje dobrze udokumentowany psychospołeczny model leczenia zaburzeń związanych z uzależnieniami. Książka w wyczerpujący i przys...
62,00 zł |
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Poskramianie swojego gremlina
ISBN: 9788360528792 / Polski / Miękka / 198 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Niniejsza książka to w pełni uaktualnione wydanie klasycznego dzieła z roku 1983, które przedstawiało skuteczną metodę uwolnienia się od blokujących nas zachowań i przekonań. Rick Carson, twórca słynnej Metody Poskramiania GremlinaTM, uzupełnił książkę, włączając nowe ćwiczenia interaktywne, przykłady z prawdziwego życia, z którymi wszyscy możemy się identyfikować, oraz nowe obmierzłe gremliny dojrzałe do poskromienia. Carson łączy swój swobodny styl, taoistyczną mądrość, teorię zmiany w ujęciu zen oraz solidną psychologię w zrozumiały,... Niniejsza książka to w pełni uaktualnione wydanie klasycznego dzieła z roku 1983, które przedstawiało skuteczną metodę uwolnienia się od... |
51,00 zł |
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Technika terapii
ISBN: 9788389158512 / Polski / Miękka ze skrzydełka / 422 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Terapia psychiczna oznacza terapię duszy. Można by więc mniemać, że przez określenie to rozumiemy: terapia patologicznych zjawisk życia społecznego.
Książka opisuje m.in.. Psychoterapię, "dziką" psychoanalizę, wprowadzenie do terapii, drogi terapii psychoanalitycznej i technikę psychoanalityczną. Terapia psychiczna oznacza terapię duszy. Można by więc mniemać, że przez określenie to rozumiemy: terapia patologicznych zjawisk życia społec...
84,00 zł |
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Wywiad motywujący z młodzieżą i młodymi dorosłymi
ISBN: 9788323332909 / Polski / Miękka / 262 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Wywiad motywujący ma tak silne podstawy teoretyczne i empiryczne, że powinien stanowić część standardowego wykształcenia z zakresu ochrony zdrowia somatycznego bądź psychicznego. Niniejsza książka jest znakomitym wprowadzeniem do wywiadu motywującego i atrakcyjnym opracowaniem przeglądowym jego zastosowań w pracy z nastolatkami, czyli w rozwijającej się dziedzinie zasługującej na dalsze badania. Publikacja zawiera także wskazówki dotyczące etyki oraz ustawicznego samokształcenia, dlatego powinna być lekturą obowiązkową dla osób zainteresowanych wykorzystaniem...
Wywiad motywujący ma tak silne podstawy teoretyczne i empiryczne, że powinien stanowić część standardowego wykształcenia z zakresu ochrony zdro...
52,00 zł |
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Psychodrama i techniki niewerbalne
ISBN: 9788361538455 / Polski / Miękka ze skrzydełka / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Publikacja omawia szeroko diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne znaczenie psychodramy oraz zasady funkcjonowania małej grupy opartej na psychodramie. Uzupełnia ona inne rodzaje leczenia, w tym analityczną psychoterapię indywidualną (psychodrama z jednym pacjentem) i grupową. Zastosowanie tej formy pracy wobec różnego rodzaju grup terapeutycznych dowiodło, że improwizowana spontaniczna gra w trakcie psychodramy ma niezwykłą siłę oddziaływania i służy realizacji celów psychoterapeutycznych. W oparciu o konkretny kliniczny materiał autorzy przybliżają psychoterapeutom i osobom...
Publikacja omawia szeroko diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne znaczenie psychodramy oraz zasady funkcjonowania małej grupy opartej na psychodramie. Uzupeł...
44,00 zł |
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How I Got To Hope
ISBN: 9781481086080 / Angielski / Miękka / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. All my life included feeling awkward, not fitting in, low self-esteem, bullying, mental illness, arson, theft, vandalism, special education, depression, marijuana addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual promiscuities, suicide, encounters with the law, accidents, illnesses, and more. The different paths taken over the years led me down an even more destructive cycle experiencing despair, loss of meaning, fear, and insanity. I finally realized for myself that I had a huge problem. No longer did I feel any doctor, medicine, or drug could ever help me manage anything in my life. My chance at...
All my life included feeling awkward, not fitting in, low self-esteem, bullying, mental illness, arson, theft, vandalism, special education, depressio...
44,94 zł |
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Beyond Belief: Agnositc Musings for 12 Step Life
ISBN: 9780988115705 / Angielski / Miękka / 412 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Finally, a daily reflection book for everyone from Rebellion Dogs Publishing. Beyond Belief is the first secular daily reflection book written in a contemporary language for today's addicts and alcoholics in recovery. From the Foreword by Dr. Ernie Kurtz (author of Not God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous & The Spirituality of Imperfection): "The book is aimed at a general 12-Step readership, but it is mindful that there heretofore exist no such aids for unbelievers, freethinkers, and the unconventionally spiritual. Given that the latest Pew Research survey found that twenty percent of the...
Finally, a daily reflection book for everyone from Rebellion Dogs Publishing. Beyond Belief is the first secular daily reflection book written in a co...
96,39 zł |
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The 12 Steps Said Simple
ISBN: 9781481863216 / Angielski / Miękka / 32 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (and other Anonymous groups) with simple explanations and full color artwork. All of the pictures, paintings, drawings, and crafts are from the creative mind of a then 7 year old girl from New Jersey. Her daddy has been clean & sober since January 31, 2008 and has worked these Steps and still does...One Day At A Time
The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (and other Anonymous groups) with simple explanations and full color artwork. All of the pictures, paintings, dra...
44,94 zł |
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The Miraculous Millionaire: A Sensible Approach To Financial Freedom
ISBN: 9780988383203 / Angielski / Miękka / 578 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Until now, no book on personal finance has systematically and completely shown the average or ordinary individual how to get rich quickly without risks. No book has been written by one of us and from our perspective. Washington or New York mass media elite do not understand the struggle to make ends meet. The Miraculous Millionaire, therefore, is here to fill a large void.
Until now, no book on personal finance has systematically and completely shown the average or ordinary individual how to get rich quickly without risk...
103,41 zł |
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The Spiritual Solution - Simple And Effective Recovery Through The Taking And Teaching Of The 12 Steps
ISBN: 9780985340315 / Angielski / Miękka / 182 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Spiritual Solution - Simple And Effective Recovery Through The Taking And Teaching Of The 12 Steps is a guide to the 12 Steps as presented in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 steps are intended to be a simple and straightforward way for alcoholics to actually take the steps in one sitting. The 12 Steps were never intended to be studied, worked, or analyzed in any protracted way. The 12 Steps are meant to be taken as soon as possible, early in recovery. Included in this book are the guidelines used during The Spiritual Solution One Day 12 Step Workshops. There are additional chapters...
The Spiritual Solution - Simple And Effective Recovery Through The Taking And Teaching Of The 12 Steps is a guide to the 12 Steps as presented in the ...
53,98 zł |
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The Child Support Trap: A Man's Survival Guide
ISBN: 9781489525383 / Angielski / Miękka / 116 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For too long men have been unwitting victims in a culture that expects them to do everything right, and has no mercy or understanding, and punishes them when they can't do everything right. The Child Support Trap: A Men's Survival Guide shows men how to avoid the terrors of the Child Support System and how to make the System work to their advantage and for the benefit of their children. Attorney Alan W. Cohen, who operates the Child Support Law Center in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a twelve-step program to take action to succeed where many others have failed, and avoid the Child Support...
For too long men have been unwitting victims in a culture that expects them to do everything right, and has no mercy or understanding, and punishes th...
44,94 zł |
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The Child Support Trap A Woman's Survival Guide: A Woman's Survival Guide
ISBN: 9781489531247 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For too long women have been the unwitting pawns of a political game that still believes it is a Leave it to Beaver world, where the woman's job is in the kitchen. The Child Support Trap: A Woman's Survival Guide shows women how to avoid the unintended consequences of the Child Support System, and how to make the System work to their advantage and for the benefit of their children. Attorney Alan W. Cohen, who operates the Child Support Law Center in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a twelve-step program to show women how to avoid the mistakes that so many have made and how not to be a victim of...
For too long women have been the unwitting pawns of a political game that still believes it is a Leave it to Beaver world, where the woman's job is in...
44,94 zł |