Les Résidus Carbonés de Feux Dans Les Sédiments Intertropicaux
ISBN: 9786131560705 / Francuski / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L'identification et la quantification du carbone rA(c)fractaire (particules de charbons et carbone suie) piA(c)gA(c) dans des rA(c)servoirs sA(c)dimentaires intertropicaux montrent que la dynamique des feux a A(c)tA(c) fortement contrainte par la variabilitA(c) du cycle hydrologique saisonnier et pluriannuel, et par l'action anthropique. Depuis plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'annA(c)es, cette derniA]re est probablement dA(c)terminante vis-A -vis des quantitA(c)s de carbone rA(c)fractaire A(c)mises dans l'environnement.
L'identification et la quantification du carbone rA(c)fractaire (particules de charbons et carbone suie) piA(c)gA(c) dans des rA(c)servoirs sA(c)dimen...
222,26 zł |
ISBN: 9786130155209 / Portugalski / Miękka / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A discussao do Desenho Universal em assentamentos informais provoca o desafio de pensar e repensar o espaco urbano de forma a torna-lo inclusivo. Contudo, essa inclusao e um processo e nao acontece apenas como resultado de projetos, planos ou politicas publicas, esses sao necessarios tambem, mas e na vida cotidiana e na partilha do espaco publico que esse direito de ir e vir pode acontecer e ser efetivado. Nessa perspectiva, o livro propoe o conceito visitabilidade-vivenciabilidade como um caminho teorico metodologico para possiveis aberturas no contexto urbano dos assentamentos informais e...
A discussao do Desenho Universal em assentamentos informais provoca o desafio de pensar e repensar o espaco urbano de forma a torna-lo inclusivo. Cont...
280,78 zł |
A influência da tensão de cisalhamento do vento no sistema climático
ISBN: 9786130154943 / Portugalski / Miękka / 140 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A tensao de cisalhamento do vento (TCV) e uma medida de transmissao de momentum em razao do movimento relativo entre a atmosfera e o oceano. Estudos tem sugerido uma intensificacao e um deslocamento da TCV mais para sul devido a intensificacao dos ventos em latitudes extratropicais no Hemisferio Sul, em resposta as mudancas climaticas. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar o comportamento anomalo das circulacoes oceanica e atmosferica devido ao aumento da TCV em 50% em duas diferentes regioes no oceano: na regiao equatorial e em medias latitudes no Hemisferio Sul. Para tal...
A tensao de cisalhamento do vento (TCV) e uma medida de transmissao de momentum em razao do movimento relativo entre a atmosfera e o oceano. Estudos t...
280,78 zł |
Aménagement Universitaire Et Mutations Urbaines En Tunisie
ISBN: 9783841671370 / Francuski / Miękka / 60 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Depuis le debut des annees 1990, les logiques universitaire et urbaine sont en complete mutation en Tunisie. Si la ville se restructure et subit de profondes modifications dans l'organisation de son espace, la logique universitaire est regit par une universite de masse avec un public de plus en plus heterogene et nombreux. Le nombre croissant d'etudiants a genere des delocalisations, des multiplications de l'espace universitaire et une nouvelle forme de son organisation urbaine dans la ville. Cette population etudiante en mouvement est en train de contribuer fortement a eclater les...
Depuis le debut des annees 1990, les logiques universitaire et urbaine sont en complete mutation en Tunisie. Si la ville se restructure et subit de pr...
162,84 zł |
Jugal Revitalization: Public Open Spaces, a fusion among generations
ISBN: 9783838324944 / Angielski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book explores the gaps raised from lack of incorporation of important disciplines with in current Revitalization program of world heritage city, Jugal. It tries to find out these gaps mainly through using the city center as case area. In doing so, it focuses on enhancing the futurity of the past rather than mere conservation of pastness of the past. As a result, it tries to examine types of attachment its citizens have developed; specially the neglected experience related attachment rather than rooted attachment. Hence, this book uses public open space to complement the gaps and satisfy...
This book explores the gaps raised from lack of incorporation of important disciplines with in current Revitalization program of world heritage city, ...
249,03 zł |
Déséquilibre Des Chaînes de L Uranium Dans Des Niveaux Sédimentaires
ISBN: 9786131560620 / Francuski / Miękka / 172 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L'A(c)lA(c)ment uranium aux propriA(c)tA(c)s oxydo-rA(c)ductrices spA(c)cifiques est souvent associA(c) A des milieux sA(c)dimentaires riches en matiA]re organique. Ce travail prA(c)sente la rA(c)partition des radionuclA(c)ides des familles naturelles de l'uranium dans des niveaux particuliA]rement enrichies en matiA]re organique, les sapropA]les. Les rapports d'activitA(c) 234U/238U ainsi que les A ges U-Th des sapropA]les prA(c)sentent des profils irrA(c)guliers qui ne correspondent pas aux hypothA]ses qui avaient A(c)tA(c) avancA(c)es pour expliquer leur formation. A l'aide d'un modA]le de...
L'A(c)lA(c)ment uranium aux propriA(c)tA(c)s oxydo-rA(c)ductrices spA(c)cifiques est souvent associA(c) A des milieux sA(c)dimentaires riches en matiA...
267,62 zł |
The Moon in the Post-Apollo Era
ISBN: 9789027702784 / Angielski / Miękka / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The aim of the present book will be to summarize the results of the space exploration of the Moon in the past fifteen years -culminating in the manned Apollo missions of 1969-1972 -on the background of our previous acquaintance with our satellite made in the past by astronomical observations at a distance. Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of science conceived by the inquisitive human mind; though until quite recently it had been debarred from the status of a genuine experimental science by the remoteness of the objects of its study. With the sole exception of meteoritic matter which...
The aim of the present book will be to summarize the results of the space exploration of the Moon in the past fifteen years -culminating in the manned...
192,74 zł |
Practical Examples of GIS-Remote Sensing Technology in Earth Sciences
ISBN: 9783659771316 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The mapping was started from an ancient era and even now it is developing rapidly which deals with spatial information like the "Where" question. From the Neanderthal to the Human, all were asking same questions like "Where is my cave ? or "Where is the starting point?." These sorts of questions show that how much the mapping and the locations are important and can be helpful. Rene Descartes invented 2D coordinate system and then mapping of the world and some phenomena (e.g. earthquakes) were much easier. Now Geospatial Information System is a sophisticated type of 2D coordinates. This book...
The mapping was started from an ancient era and even now it is developing rapidly which deals with spatial information like the "Where" question. From...
326,14 zł |
Processing and Interpretation
ISBN: 9783659763861 / Angielski / Miękka / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In brief, this book is not only about seismic interpretation, but it also underlines the role of tectonic interaction that evolved over the geological time. Chapters were arranged to give better approach to the main theme and supported with images and figures that make the context understood and well-structured. In addition to treat the subject comprehensively, the book is equipped with 3D displays of seismic interpretation. For researchers working in similar field and having interest in geology of Arctic, the book might be a good asset as it fills the gap of seismic interpretation in Van...
In brief, this book is not only about seismic interpretation, but it also underlines the role of tectonic interaction that evolved over the geological...
326,14 zł |
Shelterless Persons in Delhi: Challenging Inclusive Growth Policies
ISBN: 9783659761300 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provide insight about shelterless or homeless people living in metro cities. It is interesting to know about their background, livelihood pattern and efforts made by government and other development organizations for the improvement of their lives. This book not only provide a detailed picture of shelterless people in Delhi, capital of India, but also highlighting their problems and recommending solution for the same. This work will provide valuable information to the government, policy makers, urban planners and research community.
This book provide insight about shelterless or homeless people living in metro cities. It is interesting to know about their background, livelihood pa...
249,03 zł |
Batholiths Characterization Using 2D, 3D Seismic Reflection and AVO
ISBN: 9783639763669 / Angielski / Miękka / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book on High Resolution 2D and 3D seismic reflection touches on the fundamentals of high resolution seismic reflection in the area of data acquisition, processing and interpretation. It is a book written out of field experience, with practical examples that will guide young seismologist who want to build career on seismology. The preliminary theoretical background developed from so many research works will be of tremendous help for researchers who have little knowledge on seismology. The uniqueness of this book is that, it gives insight to what it takes to process and interpret high...
This book on High Resolution 2D and 3D seismic reflection touches on the fundamentals of high resolution seismic reflection in the area of data acquis...
344,28 zł |
ISBN: 9783540219507 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 481 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. hans gebhardt und helmuth kiesel Weltbilder im Wandel der Zeit helmuth kiesel Welt und Weltbild: etymologische Einfuhrung Welt ist ein grosses, bedeutungsvolles Wort. Der diesbezugliche Artikel im vierzehnten, 1955 erschienenen Band des Grimmschen Deutschen Wort- buchs umfasst 55 dicht bedruckte Spalten und merkt zudem an: wenn - gendwo, dann gilt fur diesen artikel des deutschen worterbuchs das wort W- helm Grimms: definitionen konnen nicht erschopfen, was das lebendige wort in sich faszt, aus den reichlichen und mit sinn ausgewahlten beispielen musz der wahre begriff hervorgehen und wird...
hans gebhardt und helmuth kiesel Weltbilder im Wandel der Zeit helmuth kiesel Welt und Weltbild: etymologische Einfuhrung Welt ist ein grosses, bedeut...
288,25 zł |
Étude Magnétique Du Remplissage de Sites Préhistoriques Pléistocènes
ISBN: 9786131557378 / Francuski / Miękka / 624 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La susceptibilitA(c) magnA(c)tique d''un remplissage sA(c)dimentaire est rA(c)gie par un certain nombre de facteurs physico-chimiques, responsables d''importantes oscillations du signal magnA(c)tique. A travers l''A(c)tude magnA(c)tique de plusieurs sites prA(c)historiques en France, Italie, Espagne, Turquie et A0/00thiopie, nous avons pu dA(c)terminer les avantages et les limites de cette mA(c)thode. DA(c)limitation des niveaux stratigraphiques, repA(c)rage de foyers anciens ou des zones A forte pA(c)dogenA]se, ou bien encore aide A la dA(c)termination des palA(c)oclimats comptent ainsi...
La susceptibilitA(c) magnA(c)tique d''un remplissage sA(c)dimentaire est rA(c)gie par un certain nombre de facteurs physico-chimiques, responsables d'...
444,53 zł |
Krystallometrisches Praktikum: Grundbegriffe und Untersuchungsmethoden
ISBN: 9783540014959 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dem Erscheinen dieses Buches liegt der Wunsch zugrunde, die Arbeits methoden der KrystaIlometrie eingehender zu besprechen, als es in den neueren Lehrbuchern angezeigt erscheint. Die KrystaIlometrie beschaftigt sich, wie schon ihr Name sagt, mit den geometrischen Eigenschaften, d. h. mit der Morphologie der KrystaIle. Mit anderen Wort en, die KrystaIlometrie umfaBt aIle jene Eigenschaften und den sich daraus ergebenden Disziplinen, die mit der auBeren Gestalt der KrystaIle zusammenhangen. Es wurden zuerst die fUr die Erklarung dieser morphologischen Eigen schaften notwendigen Grundbegriffe...
Dem Erscheinen dieses Buches liegt der Wunsch zugrunde, die Arbeits methoden der KrystaIlometrie eingehender zu besprechen, als es in den neueren Lehr...
179,98 zł |
Land use and Soil
ISBN: 9783639194333 / Angielski / Miękka / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Land use and soil management practices influence the soil nutrients and related soil processes, such as erosion, oxidation, mineralization, and leaching, etc. As a result, it can modify the processes of transport and re-distribution of nutrients. In non-cultivated land, the type of vegetative cover is a factor influencing the soil organic carbon content. Moreover, soils through land use change also produce considerable alterations and usually soil quality diminishes after the cultivation of previously uncultivated soils. Thus, land use and type of vegetation must be taken into account when...
Land use and soil management practices influence the soil nutrients and related soil processes, such as erosion, oxidation, mineralization, and leachi...
222,26 zł |
Geology and Society
ISBN: 9780412251702 / Angielski / Miękka / 406 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Mankind lives, works, and plays on the earth's surface. The majority of such human activities change in some manner the geological materials and processes of our planet. It is the basis of this book that an understanding of this relationship is significant. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that natural processes and events can in turn greatly affect society. Erosion devastates farms and grazing lands. The spectacular hazards of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides can lead to disastrous loss of life and property. Thus, one theme in this book is to provide perspective on the duality...
Mankind lives, works, and plays on the earth's surface. The majority of such human activities change in some manner the geological materials and proce...
192,74 zł |
Sacred Cows In Science: No Objectivity Allowed
ISBN: 9781456585167 / Angielski / Miękka / 356 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Science was at one time defined by its method. Carefully controlled experiments, provisional conclusions, and considered debate once defined the field. But those days have passed. Today, science is defined by public policy statements, consensus, and a set of metaphysical assumptions that cannot be directly tested. Students are told that science is in conflict with "faith" or, worse yet, that faith operates in a different "magisterial" with no real application to the world we inhabit.
Science was at one time defined by its method. Carefully controlled experiments, provisional conclusions, and considered debate once defined the field...
129,65 zł |
Fractals and Chaos in the Earth Sciences
ISBN: 9783764328788 / Angielski / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This text includes coverage of the following topics: stress-induced crack path in Aji granite under tensile stress; relation of fracture resistance to fabric for granitic rocks; and the mechanisms of finite brittle strain.
This text includes coverage of the following topics: stress-induced crack path in Aji granite under tensile stress; relation of fracture resistance to...
192,74 zł |
Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction
ISBN: 9780470977033 / Angielski / Twarda / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Statistics Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theory and practice of statistical analysis in geography. It covers a wide range of topics including graphical and numerical description of datasets, probability, calculation of confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, collection and analysis of data using analysis of variance and linear regression. Taking a clear and logical approach, this book examines real problems with real data from the geographical literature in order to illustrate the important role that... Statistics Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theory and practice of... |
607,72 zł |
The Impact of Participation in Publicly Funded R&D Projects on Firm Competitiveness: Benefits and Barriers to the Use of National and EU Funding Programmes on the Example of Swiss SMEs in the Field of
ISBN: 9783656992844 / Angielski / Miękka / 130 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 5.5, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, language: English, abstract: This thesis studies the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in publicly funded research and development (R&D) projects. SMEs represent 99% of all companies in Europe and are important drivers of innovation, yet many lack the necessary resources to engage in formal research activities. Providing these firms with the possibility to make use of public funding programmes for R&D...
Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 5.5, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern...
356,09 zł |