Realisation d''une Carte de Vulnerabilite Des Nappes Phreatiques
ISBN: 9786131546013 / Francuski / Miękka / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le present travail porte sur l''hydrogeologie de la region de Saida (Algerie), reputee pour son potentiel hydrique de qualite, bien que la zone soit classee semi-aride. La penurie de la ressource eau, due a une secheresse chronique qui sevit depuis plusieurs decennies, est aggravee par la deterioration de leur qualite sous l''effet des polluants d''origine anthropique. Situee en zone karstique, la connaissance de la vulnerabilite intrinseque des eaux souterraines karstiques de la region de Saida est essentielle pour sa protection. A cet effet, la revue bibliographique a traite la karstologie...
Le present travail porte sur l''hydrogeologie de la region de Saida (Algerie), reputee pour son potentiel hydrique de qualite, bien que la zone soit c...
176,90 zł |
Wave Packets and Their Bifurcations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
ISBN: 9781441930934 / Angielski / Miękka / 250 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The material in this book is based predominantly on my recent work. It is the first monograph on the subject, though some support material may overlap other monographs. The investigation of wave packets and their bi- furcations is very interesting, and useful theoretically and in practice, not only in geophysical fluid dynamics, which is the field to which the theory is being applied here, but also in other fields in mathematics and the natural sciences. I hope that the applied mathematician will find reading this book worthwhile, especially the material on the behavior of highly nonlinear...
The material in this book is based predominantly on my recent work. It is the first monograph on the subject, though some support material may overlap...
385,52 zł |
Hydrogéologie Des Milieux Volcaniques Sous Climat Aride
ISBN: 9786131551772 / Francuski / Miękka / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L'aquifA]re de Djibouti est formA(c) des basaltes fissurA(c)s et des scories datA(c)s de 1 A 9Ma. Il est localisA(c) en zone cAtiA]re sous un climat semi-aride. Cet aquifA]re est exploitA(c) A 11Giga m3/an pour l'alimentation en eau de la capitale. Un Site ExpA(c)rimental HydrogA(c)ologique a A(c)tA(c) implantA(c). Les slug tests effectuA(c)s sur les basaltes fissurA(c)s et interprA(c)tA(c)s A l'aide des solutions de Hvorslev (1951) et Bouwer&Rice (1976) montrent des permA(c)abilitA(c)s trA]s faibles de 10-8 m/s. Les pompages d'essais exA(c)cutA(c)s sur des scories indiquent des...
L'aquifA]re de Djibouti est formA(c) des basaltes fissurA(c)s et des scories datA(c)s de 1 A 9Ma. Il est localisA(c) en zone cAtiA]re sous un climat s...
312,98 zł |
Les Tourbillons Océaniques de méso-échelle du Bassin Algérien
ISBN: 9786131520822 / Francuski / Miękka / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dans le bassin algerien, les tourbillons anticycloniques sont dits de meso-echelle parce qu'ils mesurent entre 50 et 250 km de diametre et ont une duree de vie de plusieurs mois a plusieurs annees. Ces tourbillons, engendres par l'instabilite du courant algerien sont responsables d'une importante variabilite biologique. Dans cette zone, les etudes dediees a ces phenomenes et a leur influence sur la biologie ont ete peu nombreuses jusque dans les annees 90-95: la variabilite spatio-temporelle n'etait donc pas correctement decrite, que ce soit a l'echelle des tourbillons ou a celle du bassin....
Dans le bassin algerien, les tourbillons anticycloniques sont dits de meso-echelle parce qu'ils mesurent entre 50 et 250 km de diametre et ont une dur...
294,39 zł |
Magnetic and Radiometric Signatures of Rocks and Soils
ISBN: 9783639313086 / Angielski / Miękka / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The main objective of this research is to determine the magnetic properties and radiometric signatures of rocks and soils in eastern Botswana, east of longitude 25.5oE and south of latitude 22oS. Magnetic susceptibilities were measured using a Bartington instrument and thermomagnetic curves were generated for selected samples. Selected anomalies from magnetic data were modelled to determine source, dimensions and configurations with measured magnetic susceptibility from soil and rock samples as constraints. The models reveal shallow magnetic sources of infinite depth extent with dip angles...
The main objective of this research is to determine the magnetic properties and radiometric signatures of rocks and soils in eastern Botswana, east of...
308,45 zł |
Physical Processes in Near Field Buoyant Plumes
ISBN: 9783639299960 / Angielski / Miękka / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Buoyant plumes are characterized by a distinct contrast in properties between plume and ambient water. An understanding of their physics is crucial for interdisciplinary study of estuarine and coastal regions because discharge flow is often a source of nutrients, biological species, sediment, and toxic contaminants. This book investigates the nature of physical processes associated with near field buoyant plumes, and describes the relationship between processes. Two field sites, one thermal plume in Massachusetts, USA, and the Merrimack River plume, Massachusetts, USA are studied. Observed...
Buoyant plumes are characterized by a distinct contrast in properties between plume and ambient water. An understanding of their physics is crucial fo...
267,62 zł |
Les Suintements Hydrothermaux Froids
ISBN: 9786131555565 / Francuski / Miękka / 292 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Les zones de suintements froids, identifiA(c)es le long des marges continentales, sont le siA]ge d''expulsions actives de fluides enrichis en mA(c)thane auxquelles sont associA(c)es d''abondantes prA(c)cipitations de minA(c)raux authigA]nes, en particulier de carbonates. Pour comprendre les processus biogA(c)ochimiques qui interviennent dans la formation de ces minA(c)raux, cette thA]se prA(c)sente les rA(c)sultats d''A(c)tudes pA(c)trographiques, minA(c)ralogiques, isotopiques et de gA(c)ochimie organique molA(c)culaire rA(c)alisA(c)es sur des carbonates authigA]nes et des sA(c)diments...
Les zones de suintements froids, identifiA(c)es le long des marges continentales, sont le siA]ge d''expulsions actives de fluides enrichis en mA(c)tha...
403,70 zł |
Seismological Attenuation Without Q
ISBN: 9781426945267 / Angielski / Twarda / 376 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Seismological Attenuation without Q" represents a comprehensive and critical review of the present approach to describing the seismic-wave attenuation within the Earth. Starting from first physical principles, author Igor B. Morozov shows that the existing model of attenuation based on the concept of quality factor, or Q, is inadequate and represents only a phenomenological model. In most cases, Q should not be interpreted as a physical property of the Earth's medium. This text offers an alternate view developed using the concept of attenuation coefficient and illustrated using many...
"Seismological Attenuation without Q" represents a comprehensive and critical review of the present approach to describing the seismic-wave attenuatio...
472,31 zł |
Seismological Attenuation Without Q
ISBN: 9781426945250 / Angielski / Miękka / 376 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Seismological Attenuation without Q" represents a comprehensive and critical review of the present approach to describing the seismic-wave attenuation within the Earth. Starting from first physical principles, author Igor B. Morozov shows that the existing model of attenuation based on the concept of quality factor, or Q, is inadequate and represents only a phenomenological model. In most cases, Q should not be interpreted as a physical property of the Earth's medium. This text offers an alternate view developed using the concept of attenuation coefficient and illustrated using many...
"Seismological Attenuation without Q" represents a comprehensive and critical review of the present approach to describing the seismic-wave attenuatio...
419,83 zł |
Heavy Metals Discharge in Lakes
ISBN: 9783639316599 / Angielski / Miękka / 92 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Metals are non-biodegradable and are considered as major environmental pollutants causing cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in animals. Aquatic organisms have the ability to accumulate heavy metals from various sources including sediments, soil erosion and runoff, air depositions of dust and aerosol, and discharges of waste water. Therefore, accumulation of heavy metals in aquatic organisms can pose a long lasting effect on biogeochemical cycling in the ecosphere.The rapid growth of population in the catchment areas may lead to deterioration of lake water quality...
Metals are non-biodegradable and are considered as major environmental pollutants causing cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in animals. Aq...
222,26 zł |
Land Use Land Cover Change Detection Using Remote sensing data and GIS
ISBN: 9783639094664 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Monitoring land use land cover change at all levels has become central element in sustainable development, natural resources management and environmental protection. Such daily issues of the FAO and others inspired me to conduct this work using RS data and GIS over the remnant forest area in south western part of Ethiopia, Bonga town and its environs, applying PCC change detection technique and Cellular Automata Markov LULCC model. The change detection involved processing of three Landsat images and PCC. Accordingly, a chained transition was observed between the land covers all at the expense...
Monitoring land use land cover change at all levels has become central element in sustainable development, natural resources management and environmen...
222,26 zł |
Gis-Konzept Und Konturen Eines It-Master-Plans: Planungs- Und Systementwicklung Für Die Informationstechnologie
ISBN: 9783834805225 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 184 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Trotz der seit Jahren andauernden kritischen Lage der neuen Okonomie wird Inf- mationstechnologie (IT) immer wieder seitens der Politik und Wirtschaft als Ho- nungsschema fur einen Ausweg aus der herrschenden Wirtschaftskrise der klas- schen Industrie entdeckt. Durch den Export der digitalen Revolution in alle Fassetten der Gesellschaft soll dieser Krise begegnet werden. Der Notwendigkeit, in die IT-Infrastruktur zu investieren, stehen jedoch A- sagen von Analysten gegenuber, nach denen 40% aller IT-Projekte und 75% aller E-Business-Projekte scheitern. Hochgerechnet auf das gesamte...
Trotz der seit Jahren andauernden kritischen Lage der neuen Okonomie wird Inf- mationstechnologie (IT) immer wieder seitens der Politik und Wirtschaft...
252,20 zł |
Berg- und Seefahrten
ISBN: 9783867411820 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 140 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Gesamtausgabe der Berichte von Ernst Haeckels Reisen in den Jahren 1857 bis 1883.
Gesamtausgabe der Berichte von Ernst Haeckels Reisen in den Jahren 1857 bis 1883.
226,35 zł |
Seekanäle, Strommündungen und Seehäfen
ISBN: 9783861952534 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 158 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dieses Werk aus dem Jahre 1894 wendet sich in erster Linie an Wasserbauingenieure jener Zeit, ist aber in seiner Detailtreue, seiner auch fur Laien verstandlichen Ausdrucksweise und wegen der vielen aufwandigen Zeichnungen auch heute noch fur alle an der Schiffahrt interessierten eine einzigartige Fundgrube.
Dieses Werk aus dem Jahre 1894 wendet sich in erster Linie an Wasserbauingenieure jener Zeit, ist aber in seiner Detailtreue, seiner auch fur Laien ve...
555,20 zł |
Evaluation de l''état Écologique Des Écosystèmes Savanicoles
ISBN: 9786131554407 / Francuski / Miękka / 72 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le dA(c)frichement et la dA(c)forestation des formations forestiA]res soudano-guinA(c)ennes entre les annA(c)es 1950 et 1990 ont profondA(c)ment modifiA(c) le paysage agraire de certaines rA(c)gions du Burkina Faso. Les sites forestiers et savanicole sont partout menacA(c)s et souvent trA]s dA(c)gradA(c)s entraA(R)nant ainsi leur confinement sur des sols non cultivables sous forme d''A(R)lots forestiers ou de formations reliques. Parmi les formations reliques, figurent les forAats reliques qu''on trouve au niveau de la falaise grA(c)seuse de Banfora. On note une grande diversitA(c)...
Le dA(c)frichement et la dA(c)forestation des formations forestiA]res soudano-guinA(c)ennes entre les annA(c)es 1950 et 1990 ont profondA(c)ment modif...
131,54 zł |
Aléa sismique à la jonction alpes-bassin ligure
ISBN: 9786131549724 / Francuski / Miękka / 140 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L'actualite (seisme de l'Aquila, avril 2009) demontre que l'alea sismique en domaine a faible deformation doit etre pris en compte en depit de la complexite du probleme qu'il pose pour le caracteriser. Compte tenu des conditions assez generales dans ces domaines (sismicite diffuse, heritage structural important, faible vitesse de glissement sur les failles, seismes forts tres rares, competition tectonique/erosion avec le plus souvent avantage a l'erosion...) l'evaluation de l'alea, et surtout la caracterisation des sources, reste un exercice particulierement difficile. Ce memoire presente les...
L'actualite (seisme de l'Aquila, avril 2009) demontre que l'alea sismique en domaine a faible deformation doit etre pris en compte en depit de la comp...
280,78 zł |
Les Eaux Modales de l''océan Austral
ISBN: 9786131510861 / Francuski / Miękka / 164 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Les eaux modales Subantarctiques (SAMW) sont formA(c)es dans la profonde couche de mA(c)lange au nord du front Subantarctique (SAF) dans l''OcA(c)an Austral. Elles influencent le climat A des A(c)chelles dA(c)cennales et inter-annuelles et jouent un rAle fondamental dans la ventilation de la thermocline de l''OcA(c)an Austral. Nous A(c)tudions la formation des SAMW en nous fondant sur les rA(c)cents flotteurs profilants ARGO et sur les dA(c)riveurs de surface GDP. Ces jeux de donnA(c)es fournissent une trA]s bonne couverture spatio-temporelle des processus A l''oeuvre dans les couches...
Les eaux modales Subantarctiques (SAMW) sont formA(c)es dans la profonde couche de mA(c)lange au nord du front Subantarctique (SAF) dans l''OcA(c)an A...
267,62 zł |
Tectonic Stresses in the Alpine-Mediterranean Region: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, September 13-14, 1979
ISBN: 9783211815786 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The idea of the present symposium was conceived a few years ago by the Working Group 3 (WG3) of the Interunion Commission of Geodynamics (ICG). Now that its Program has been completed, it was decided to present the results of that part of the activities of the WG3 indicated in the symposium title. The writer was asked by the WG3 to coordinate the contributions. The European Geophysical Society (EGS) kindly offered to host the symposium during its meeting in Vienna in September, 1979, and Springer-Verlag in Vienna agreed to publish a "Proceedings" volume of the Symposium. These efforts are...
The idea of the present symposium was conceived a few years ago by the Working Group 3 (WG3) of the Interunion Commission of Geodynamics (ICG). Now th...
192,74 zł |
Khumbu Himal: Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya
ISBN: 9783540038856 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 100 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Himalaya system intersects various climatic belts along the approximately 1900 miles of its length. To the south-east, in Assam and Bengal as far as Bhutan, the lowlands are covered by tropical rain-forests, further west, in Sikkim and Nepal, by humid monsoon forests (Sal-forest), from west Nepal to Sutlej by drier, semihumid monsoon forests, in Pandjab by subtropical, semia rid shrub steppes. In the extreme north-west, in Ladak, Karakorum, Gilgit and Chusistan, the alpine heights rise from the floors of desert-like valleys. Thus, the arid belt of Central Asia extends over the Himalayan...
The Himalaya system intersects various climatic belts along the approximately 1900 miles of its length. To the south-east, in Assam and Bengal as far ...
180,14 zł |
Climatic Variability and Rice Productivity
ISBN: 9783639322842 / Angielski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Future climate projections are of enormous social economic interest, particularly in developing countries where economies often rely heavily on agriculture that is most directly influenced by climate change and variability. The change in climate would have a direct bearing on the rice productivity and, therefore, the magnitude of this change in climate and its consequences on regional scale will be matter of great concern for all so as to regulate and sustain the food supply and to maintain its reserves for the future. This master dissertation is divided into six chapters highlighting the...
Future climate projections are of enormous social economic interest, particularly in developing countries where economies often rely heavily on agr...
222,26 zł |