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Reynard the Fox: A New Translation
ISBN: 9780871407368 / Angielski / Twarda / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. What do a weak lion king, a grief-stricken rooster, a dim-witted bear, and one really angry wolf have in common? The answer is they ve all been had by one sly fox named Reynard. Originally bursting forth from Europe in the twelfth century, Reynard the Fox a classic trickster narrative centered on a wily and gleefully amoral fox and his numerous victims in the animal kingdom anticipated both Tex Avery and The Prince by showing that it s better to be clever than virtuous. However, where The Prince taught kings how to manipulate their subjects, Reynard the... What do a weak lion king, a grief-stricken rooster, a dim-witted bear, and one really angry wolf have in common? The answer is they ve all been had... |
99,90 zł |
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ISBN: 9781847772596 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Catullus is a companion of lovers and of those whom love has disappointed. He is also a satirical and epigrammatic writer who savagely consoles with laughter. Carmina captures in English both the mordant, scathing wit and also the concise tenderness, the famous love for reluctant Lesbia who is made present in these new versions. A range of English metres and rhymes evoke the epigrammatic power of the many modes and moods of this most engaging, erotic and influential of the Latin poets. He left a mark on Horace, Virgil, Ovid and on the lyric and epigrammatic traditions of all the languages of...
Catullus is a companion of lovers and of those whom love has disappointed. He is also a satirical and epigrammatic writer who savagely consoles with l...
68,53 zł |
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City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology: 60th Anniversary Edition
ISBN: 9780872866799 / Angielski / Twarda / 306 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. -Printer's ink is the greater explosive.---Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti founded the City Lights publishing house sixty years ago in 1955, launching the press with his now legendary Pocket Poets Series. First in the series was Pictures of the Gone World--and within a year, he had brought out two more volumes, translations by Kenneth Rexroth and then, poems by Kenneth Patchen. But it was the success and scandal of Number Four, Howl & Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg (1956), that put City Lights on the map, positioning the Pocket Poets Series at the... -Printer's ink is the greater explosive.---Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti founded the City Lights publishing house sixty ... |
84,90 zł |
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ISBN: 9781107487024 / Angielski / Miękka / 64 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Originally published in 1942, this book contains the French text of Paul Verlaine's 1880 poetry collection 'Sagesse'. The poems deal frequently with the challenges of growing up, and are prefaced with an introduction on Verlaine's poetry and dramatic youth. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in French poetry and the works of Verlaine.
Originally published in 1942, this book contains the French text of Paul Verlaine's 1880 poetry collection 'Sagesse'. The poems deal frequently with t...
102,02 zł |
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Text Und Übersetzung
ISBN: 9783110399707 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 55 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
231,86 zł |
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Une Figure de l'Expansion: La Périphrase Chez Charles Baudelaire
ISBN: 9783034315890 / Francuski / Miękka / 194 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L enjeu de cet essai est d entrer dans la poetique de Baudelaire par la voie du langage, specifiquement par l analyse d une figure rhetorique dont la frequence temoigne d une nouvelle attitude poetique: la periphrase. Celebree en tant que source du sublime par Aristote et Longin, mais successivement delaissee, au fil des siecles, en tant qu instrument anodin de l ornatus, la figure assume une dignite nouvelle sous la plume de Baudelaire: figure d expansion par excellence lexicale, syntaxique et semantique la periphrase est exploitee en tant qu outil propice a l extension des confins de la...
L enjeu de cet essai est d entrer dans la poetique de Baudelaire par la voie du langage, specifiquement par l analyse d une figure rhetorique dont la ...
318,84 zł |
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Henri Michaux. Interventions Poétiques d'Un Homme En -«Mane»
ISBN: 9783631662311 / Francuski / Twarda / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Issu d une traversee originale de l uvre d Henri Michaux, ce livre propose une reconstitution de la phenomenologie du travail createur a travers une demarche comparatiste centree sur la relation isomorphe du couple apparemment antinomique du faire scriptural et du faire pictural. Cette approche novatrice reprend le modele de lecture decrit par Michaux meme dans le texte - Aventures de lignes - et, contrairement a la representation conventionnelle d un Michaux autocentre, elle met le devenir du createur sous le signe de la dialectique de l introspectif et du perceptif, des experiences...
Issu d une traversee originale de l uvre d Henri Michaux, ce livre propose une reconstitution de la phenomenologie du travail createur a travers une d...
275,09 zł |
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Selected Poems by C.P. Cavafy
ISBN: 9780691619385 / Angielski / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933) is now considered by many to be the most original and influential Greek poet of this century. The qualities of his poetry that were unfashionable during his lifetime are the very ones that make his work endure: his sparing use of metaphor; his evocation of spoken rhythms and colloquialisms; his use of epigrammatic and dramatic modes; his aesthetic perfectionism; his frank treatment of homosexual themes; his brilliantly alive sense of history; and his commitment to Hellenism, coupled with an astute cynicism about politics. The translations in Selected... C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933) is now considered by many to be the most original and influential Greek poet of this century. The qualities of his poetry t... |
201,00 zł |
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Text und Übersetzung
ISBN: 9783110206128 / Starogrecki / Twarda / 67 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ein deutschsprachiger wissenschaftlicher Gesamtkommentar zu Homers Ilias ist seit dem Kommentar von Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913) nicht mehr erschienen. In der Zwischenzeit hat die Homer-Forschung auf samtlichen traditionellen Teilgebieten (Sprache, Realien, Struktur usw.) erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht. Daruber hinaus sind grundsatzlich bekannte Bereiche wie z. B. die Erzahlforschung auf eine systematische Grundlage gestellt worden. Schliesslich sind mit Mykenologie (Linear B) und Oral-poetry- sowie Troia-Forschung ganzlich neue Moglichkeiten der Texterschliessung hinzugekommen. Ausgehend...
Ein deutschsprachiger wissenschaftlicher Gesamtkommentar zu Homers Ilias ist seit dem Kommentar von Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913) nicht mehr erschien...
231,86 zł |
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The Voronezh Notebooks
ISBN: 9781590179109 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Osip Mandelstam is one of the greatest of twentieth-century poets and Voronezh Notebooks, a sequence of poems composed between 1935 and 1937 when he was living in internal exile in the Soviet city of Voronezh, is his last and most exploratory work. Meditating on death and survival, on power and poetry, on marriage, madness, friendship, and memory, challenging Stalin between lines that are full of the sights and sounds of the steppes, blue sky and black earth, the roads, winter breath, spring with its birds and flowers and bees, the notebooks are a continual improvisation and an...
Osip Mandelstam is one of the greatest of twentieth-century poets and Voronezh Notebooks, a sequence of poems composed between 1935 and 1937 wh...
59,92 zł |
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Selected Poems by C.P. Cavafy
ISBN: 9780691646282 / Angielski / Twarda / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933) is now considered by many to be the most original and influential Greek poet of this century. The qualities of his poetry that were unfashionable during his lifetime are the very ones that make his work endure: his sparing use of metaphor; his evocation of spoken rhythms and colloquialisms; his use of epigrammatic and dramatic modes; his aesthetic perfectionism; his frank treatment of homosexual themes; his brilliantly alive sense of history; and his commitment to Hellenism, coupled with an astute cynicism about politics. The translations in Selected... C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933) is now considered by many to be the most original and influential Greek poet of this century. The qualities of his poetry t... |
494,35 zł |
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The Concept of Negritude in the Poetry of Leopold Sedar Senghor
ISBN: 9780691645902 / Angielski / Twarda / 318 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Negritude has been defined by Leopold Sedar Senghor as "the sum of the cultural values of the black world as they are expressed in the life, the institutions, and the works of black men." Sylvia Washington Ba analyzes Senghor's poetry to show how the concept of negritude infuses it at every level. A biographical sketch describes his childhood in Senegal, his distinguished academic career in France, and his election as President of Senegal. Themes of alienation and exile pervade Senghor's poetry, but it was by the opposition of his sensitivity and values to those of Europe that he was... Negritude has been defined by Leopold Sedar Senghor as "the sum of the cultural values of the black world as they are expressed in the life, the in... |
706,21 zł |
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La Cortigiana
ISBN: 9781512316919 / Włoski / Miękka / 100 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "La Cortigiana" from Pietro Aretino. Poeta, scrittore e drammaturgo italiano (1492-1556).
"La Cortigiana" from Pietro Aretino. Poeta, scrittore e drammaturgo italiano (1492-1556).
63,90 zł |
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La coltivazione degli olivi
ISBN: 9781512317398 / Włoski / Miękka / 66 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "La coltivazione degli olivi" from Cesare Arici. Poeta italiano (1782-1836).
"La coltivazione degli olivi" from Cesare Arici. Poeta italiano (1782-1836).
63,90 zł |
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Elegia di madonna Fiammetta
ISBN: 9781512338867 / Włoski / Miękka / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Elegia di madonna Fiammetta" from Giovanni Boccaccio. Scrittore e poeta italiano (1313-1375).
"Elegia di madonna Fiammetta" from Giovanni Boccaccio. Scrittore e poeta italiano (1313-1375).
63,90 zł |
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In morte di Lorenzo Mascheroni
ISBN: 9781512363296 / Włoski / Miękka / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. -In morte di Lorenzo Mascheroni- from Vincenzo Monti. Poeta, scrittore, drammaturgo e traduttore italiano (1754-1828).
-In morte di Lorenzo Mascheroni- from Vincenzo Monti. Poeta, scrittore, drammaturgo e traduttore italiano (1754-1828).
63,90 zł |
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ISBN: 9781512387056 / Włoski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Sonetti" from Cesare Pascarella. Poeta e pittore italiano (1858-1940).
"Sonetti" from Cesare Pascarella. Poeta e pittore italiano (1858-1940).
63,90 zł |
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Canti di Castelvecchio
ISBN: 9781512387193 / Włoski / Miękka / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Canti di Castelvecchio" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
"Canti di Castelvecchio" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
68,19 zł |
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ISBN: 9781512387667 / Włoski / Miękka / 146 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Myricae" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
"Myricae" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
68,19 zł |
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Nuovi poemetti
ISBN: 9781512387773 / Włoski / Miękka / 154 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Nuovi poemetti" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
"Nuovi poemetti" from Giovanni Pascoli. Poeta e accademico italiano (1855-1912).
68,19 zł |