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Dynamic Thought or The Law of Vibrant Energy
ISBN: 9781532821561 / Angielski / Miękka / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
29,98 zł |
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Sensational Subjects: The Dramatization of Experience in the Modern World
ISBN: 9781472535597 / Angielski / Miękka / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Under what conditions does 'sensation' become 'sensational'? In the early nineteenth century murder was a staple of the sensationalizing popular press and gruesome descriptions were deployed to make a direct impact on the sensations of the reader. By the end of the century, public concern with the thrills, spills, and shocks of modern life was increasingly articulated in the language of sensation. Media sensationalism contributed to this process and magnified its impact, just as sensation was, in turn, taken up by literature, art and film. In the contemporary world the dramatization... Under what conditions does 'sensation' become 'sensational'? In the early nineteenth century murder was a staple of the sensationalizing pop... |
160,83 zł |
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Sensational Subjects: The Dramatization of Experience in the Modern World
ISBN: 9781472535634 / Angielski / Twarda / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Under what conditions does 'sensation' become 'sensational'? In the early nineteenth century murder was a staple of the sensationalizing popular press and gruesome descriptions were deployed to make a direct impact on the sensations of the reader. By the end of the century, public concern with the thrills, spills, and shocks of modern life was increasingly articulated in the language of sensation. Media sensationalism contributed to this process and magnified its impact, just as sensation was, in turn, taken up by literature, art and film. In the contemporary world the dramatization... Under what conditions does 'sensation' become 'sensational'? In the early nineteenth century murder was a staple of the sensationalizing pop... |
603,29 zł |
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Philosophische Wissenschaftshistorie: Grundsatzfragen / Verlaufsmodelle
ISBN: 9783528066918 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 258 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 1474 wird in Basel ein stolzer Jiingling, angeklagt. Die Meinung der Experten ist eindeu tig. Es liege ein lusus naturae der iibelsten Sorte vor, ein wahrhaftes crimen, veriibt durch Hexerkraft. Die feierliche Hinrichtung findet wie iiblich vor einer begeisterten Menge auf dem Rathausplatz statt. Bei dem Angeklagten handelt es sich urn einen kleinen Hahn, be schuldigt und iiberfiihrt, ein Ei gelegt zu haben. l Die Zeiten iindem sich und die Expertenmeinungen mit ihnen. Die meisten Menschen aufgeklarterer Epochen wiirden wohl einiges darauf wetten, daB der Hahn unschuldig sein und ein...
1474 wird in Basel ein stolzer Jiingling, angeklagt. Die Meinung der Experten ist eindeu tig. Es liege ein lusus naturae der iibelsten Sorte vor, ein ...
205,42 zł |
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Sozialphilosophie Der Industriellen Arbeit
ISBN: 9783663016847 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 472 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
224,13 zł |
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A Theory of Social Action
ISBN: 9789400963191 / Angielski / Miękka / 534 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. It is somewhat surprising to find out how little serious theorizing there is in philosophy (and in social psychology as well as sociology) on the nature of social actions or joint act. hons in the sense of actions performed together by several agents. Actions performed by single agents have been extensively discussed both in philosophy and in psycho ogy. There is, ac cordingly, a booming field called action theory in philosophy but it has so far strongly concentrated on actions performed by single agents only. We of course should not forget game theory, a discipline that systematically...
It is somewhat surprising to find out how little serious theorizing there is in philosophy (and in social psychology as well as sociology) on the natu...
799,43 zł |
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Praxiological Studies: Polish Contributions to the Science of Efficient Action
ISBN: 9789400969452 / Angielski / Miękka / 432 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. noting in this connection that KotarbiIiski's assumptions were proved true many years later, and that increasingly representatives of various scientific disciplines have come to observe paradigms of efficiency which had often tended to be ignored; empirical studies involving a large concentration of personnel, financial resources and equipment are now guided by the principles of efficiency and economy. In his second paper Kotarbiriski referred to Alfred Espinas, the French philosopher and sociologist, and to other authors who repre- sented the praxiological viewpoint, together with that of...
noting in this connection that KotarbiIiski's assumptions were proved true many years later, and that increasingly representatives of various scientif...
199,83 zł |
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The Intoxication of Power: An Analysis of Civil Religion in Relation to Ideology
ISBN: 9789400994997 / Angielski / Miękka / 234 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When the Soviet people will enjoy the [God) wQl com11Ul1ld a ble',ing on u, In ble,"ngr of Communism, new hundred, all our way" '0 that we ,hall,ee much more of Hi, wisdom, power, goodnell8, of mOlion, of people on earth will BIly: and truth than we have formerly known. 'We are for CommuniBml' It i, not We ,haH find that the God of I8TIlei is through war with other countries, but by , among U', and ten of us shall be able to the example of a more perfect organiza- tion of society, by rapid progress in rellist a thouBIlnd of our enemie,. The Lord will make our name a prai,e and developing the...
When the Soviet people will enjoy the [God) wQl com11Ul1ld a ble',ing on u, In ble,"ngr of Communism, new hundred, all our way" '0 that we ,hall,ee mu...
399,69 zł |
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Methodology of Sociological Research: General Problems
ISBN: 9789401011198 / Angielski / Miękka / 521 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is the first part of a textbook for students of sociology, and for those students of other social sciences who wish to make use in their work of the research methods elaborated in the course of the develop ment of empirical sociology over the last few decades. The development of empirical sociological research in our country and the growing demand both for a practical application of its results and for graduates of sociological studies in various fields of social practice testifies to a much broader trend. It is evidence of a desire to base our understanding and conscious transformation...
This is the first part of a textbook for students of sociology, and for those students of other social sciences who wish to make use in their work of ...
199,83 zł |
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Action Theory and Social Science: Some Formal Models
ISBN: 9789401012706 / Angielski / Miękka / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book is intended as a contribution to the foundations of the sciences of man, especially the social sciences. It has been argued with increasing frequency in recent years that the vocabulary of social science is to a large extent an action vocabulary and that any attempt to systematize concepts and establish bases for understanding in the field cannot, therefore, succeed unless it is firmly built on action theory. I think that these claims are sub stantially correct, but at the same time it seems to me that action theory, as it is relevant to social science, still awaits vital...
This book is intended as a contribution to the foundations of the sciences of man, especially the social sciences. It has been argued with increasing ...
399,69 zł |
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Einführung in den Jugoslawischen Marxismus-Leninismus: Organisation / Bibliographie
ISBN: 9789401036412 / Angielski / Miękka / 211 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die vorliegende Arbeit gehort zur Reihe der Untersuchungen uber den Marxismus-Leninismus in den nicht-sowjetischen kommunistischen Liin- dern Europas, welche im Auftrag des Osteuropa Instituts an der Uni- versiHit Freiburg/Schweiz in Angriff genommen sind. 1m Gegensatz zu den fruher veroffentlichten Werken handelt es sich jedoch nicht um eine vollstandige Monographie, sondern um eine Vorarbeit. Sie besteht im wesentlichen in einer Bibliographie des jugoslawischen philosophischen Schrifttums seit 1945 und in einer Ubersicht sowohl des organisatori- schen Rahmens als auch der Literatur. Der...
Die vorliegende Arbeit gehort zur Reihe der Untersuchungen uber den Marxismus-Leninismus in den nicht-sowjetischen kommunistischen Liin- dern Europas,...
199,83 zł |
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Conscience: An Interdisciplinary View: Salzburg Colloquium on Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities
ISBN: 9789401082006 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Value change and uncertainty about the validity of traditional moral convictions are frequently observed when scientific re search confronts us with new moral problems or challenges the moral responsibility of the scientist. Which ethics is to be relied on? Which principles are the most reasonable, the most humane ones? For want of an appropriate answer, moral authorities of ten point to conscience, the individual conscience, which seems to be man's unique, directly accessible and final source of moral contention. But what is meant by 'conscience'? There is hardly a notion as widely used and...
Value change and uncertainty about the validity of traditional moral convictions are frequently observed when scientific re search confronts us with n...
599,56 zł |
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Ideology and Social Science: Destutt de Tracy and French Liberalism
ISBN: 9789401087834 / Angielski / Miękka / 229 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book attempts to present a detailed and critical account of the thought of Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836). Major importance has been placed on the analysis of his published writings. Biographical details have been provided only to the extent necessary to elucidate the circumstances of the composition and publication of his writings: in particular, the intellectual and political currents in France during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods. The book has three main themes. The first is Tracy's philosophy of ideologie, which was concerned to clarify concepts and...
This book attempts to present a detailed and critical account of the thought of Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836). Major importance ha...
399,69 zł |
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Harvey Sacks Lectures 1964-1965
ISBN: 9789401568555 / Angielski / Miękka / 226 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
599,56 zł |
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Perspectives on Culture and Agent-Based Simulations: Integrating Cultures
ISBN: 9783319019512 / Angielski / Twarda / 249 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume analyses, from a computational point of view, how culture may arise, develop and evolve through time. The four sections in this book examine and analyse the modelling of culture, group and organisation culture, culture simulation, and culture-sensitive technology design. Different research disciplines have different perspectives on culture, making it difficult to compare and integrate different concepts and models of culture. By taking a computational perspective this book nevertheless enables the integration of concepts that play a role in culture, even though they might... This volume analyses, from a computational point of view, how culture may arise, develop and evolve through time. The four sections in this book ex... |
199,83 zł |
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Marx Und Die Verwirklichung Der Philosophie
ISBN: 9789024750337 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 445 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
205,42 zł |
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Revolutionary Changes in Understanding Man and Society: Scopes and Limits
ISBN: 9789401041652 / Angielski / Miękka / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. JOHANN GOTSCHL Over the last decades, social philosophers, economists. sociologists, utility and game theorists, biologists, mathematicians, moral philosophers and philosophers have created totally new concepts and methods of understanding the function and role of humans in their modern societies. The years between 1953 and 1990 brought drastic changes in the scientific foundations and dynamic of today's society. A burst of entirely new, revolutionary ideas, similar to those which heralded the beginning of the twentieth century in physics, dominates the picture. This book also discusses the...
JOHANN GOTSCHL Over the last decades, social philosophers, economists. sociologists, utility and game theorists, biologists, mathematicians, moral phi...
199,83 zł |
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The Nation in the History of Marxian Thought: The Concept of Nations with History and Nations Without History
ISBN: 9789401745758 / Angielski / Miękka / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This study is based upon the concept of nations with history and nations without history which was advanced in 1848/1849 in the pages of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, a Cologne based German newspaper under the editorship of Karl Marx. This theory is presented in this study as a model of opposites; historic nations and non-historic nations, respec tively revolutionary nations and counter-revolutionary national groups which Engels and Marx associated with the philosophy of Hegel. As Marx and Engels saw it, Hegel had taught that nature and history abounded in opposites, and this was believed to...
This study is based upon the concept of nations with history and nations without history which was advanced in 1848/1849 in the pages of the Neue Rhei...
199,83 zł |
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Journey to Aztlantica
ISBN: 9781493128983 / Angielski / Miękka / 210 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
77,72 zł |
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Journey to Aztlantica
ISBN: 9781493128990 / Angielski / Twarda / 210 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
111,74 zł |