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The Golden Book of Wisdom: Revelation of the 4th Tarot Card According to Franz Bardon
ISBN: 9781499256284 / Angielski / Miękka / 54 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Seila Orienta wrote this description of the 4th Tarot Card according to the system of Franz Bardon. For the first time in the history of occult literature, this 4th Tarot Card of the great Hermes Trismegistos is being described and revealed. Included are unknown concentration and meditation exercises. Furthermore, there is reference to the difference of magic and mysticism, as well as the dangers of a one-sided path. Ultimately, upon completion of the 4th Tarot Card, there will be a technique of unification with the universal God, who is the master of the sun sphere. In Kabbala, this master...
Seila Orienta wrote this description of the 4th Tarot Card according to the system of Franz Bardon. For the first time in the history of occult litera...
40,64 zł |
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Traditional Arcane Teachings
ISBN: 9781477458440 / Angielski / Miękka / 126 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Volume I in the Fimbul Winter Mythology Series /// Independent Review: "Great well of information for a pilgrim." Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn /// Author's Description: Western mythology and Hermeticism in chart form. Useful as a reference tool for archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and students of mythology. Tables for Magick, Qabalah, Alchemy, the Five Elements, Divination, and Gemstones. Qabalistic attributions include the Planets, Zodiac, Major Arcana, Archangels, Archdaemons, Angels of the Firmament, Angels of the Qlipoth, and all mundane orders of existence, actual and...
Volume I in the Fimbul Winter Mythology Series /// Independent Review: "Great well of information for a pilgrim." Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn //...
31,59 zł |
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Monita Secreta Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
ISBN: 9781477520697 / Angielski / Miękka / 246 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Containing: THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA MONITA SECRETA Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu VERUS JESUITARIUM LIBELLUS
91,49 zł |
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The Rosicrucian Mysteries: An Elementary Exposition of Their Secret Teachings
ISBN: 9781481237826 / Angielski / Miękka / 134 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
49,68 zł |
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Freemasonry and Catholicism
ISBN: 9781481883085 / Angielski / Miękka / 94 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Max Heindel's mysticism is set firmly in the western tradition of the Gnosis. Following a series of disappointments and ill health, Heindel claims to have been visited by a Spiritual Being, who he identified as an Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian Order. From this entity he received a compelling explanation of the spiritual evolution of both the Cosmos and Humanity, couched in terms best suited to the logical, linear mind of western culture. Freemasonry and Catholicism expounds upon these teachings and training methods, and acts as a perfect representation of the philosophy of this important...
Max Heindel's mysticism is set firmly in the western tradition of the Gnosis. Following a series of disappointments and ill health, Heindel claims to ...
45,16 zł |
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The Thesaurus Thesaurorum or the Treasures of Treasures of the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosy-Cross
ISBN: 9781482613872 / Angielski / Miękka / 162 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
802,80 zł |
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Fulcanelli: His True Identity Revealed
ISBN: 9781897244494 / Angielski / Miękka / 197 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The alchemist Fulcanelli was the most famous adept of the 20th century, the man who achieved the Great Work less than 100 years ago, but his true identity has always been shrouded in myth and uninformed speculation...until now. Patrick Riviere reveals with profuse documentary evidence the true identity of the enigmatic and prestigious author of The Mystery of the Cathedrals and The Dwellings of the Philosophers. Beginning with an overview of French alchemical life at the turn of the 20th century, Riviere carefully builds his case step-by-step with facts, documents, and photographs,...
The alchemist Fulcanelli was the most famous adept of the 20th century, the man who achieved the Great Work less than 100 years ago, but his true iden...
122,05 zł |
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Sexuelle Energie als Schlüssel zur Manifestation Ihrer Wünsche: Der einmalige Kurs zur sicheren Anwendung des Gesetzes der Anziehung
ISBN: 9781500631017 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 146 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Wenn man ein Haus bauen will benotigt man Steine. Will man ein Kunstwerk erschaffen, braucht es dazu eines geeigneten Materials. Das ist ganz selbstverstandlich fur uns.
Was aber ist das Baumaterial aus dem sich unsere Wunsche manifestieren lassen? Und welche Energien mussen wir anwenden um unsere Ziele zu verwirklichen. Katie Patton beantwortet all diese und noch weitaus mehr fragen. In ihrem Buch listet sie auf wie man sich auf aktive Wunscherfullung vorbereitet. Sie sollten dieses Buch jedoch nicht kaufen wenn Sie ein weiteres esoterisches Standardwerk uber das LOA-Gesetz... Wenn man ein Haus bauen will benotigt man Steine. Will man ein Kunstwerk erschaffen, braucht es dazu eines geeigneten Materials. Das ist ganz selbstve...
83,62 zł |
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Os Pilares da Pansofia
ISBN: 9789974995604 / Portugalski / Miękka / 150 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Segundo os ensinamentos da Filosofia Perene, existe uma Doutrina-Mae, uma ciencia sagrada primordial, conhecida tambem como Gnosis, Sabedoria Antiga ou Pansofia, que remonta as suas origens a um tempo idilico onde o ser humano estava em comunhao com os deuses. Esta obra convida o leitor a realizar uma viagem simbolica ao interior de um monumental edificio no qual se conservam os primeiros ensinamentos sapienciais desta ciencia iniciatica. Atraves de um percurso imaginario pelas 12 salas do templo pansofico, o leitor podera encontrar respostas a algumas de suas perguntas existenciais e...
Segundo os ensinamentos da Filosofia Perene, existe uma Doutrina-Mae, uma ciencia sagrada primordial, conhecida tambem como Gnosis, Sabedoria Antiga o...
49,73 zł |
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O Temple Secreto de Aleister Crowley: Os Sete Palacious e a obra da Carruagem
ISBN: 9781502506085 / Portugalski / Miękka / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Liber AL vel Legis e uma fascinante obra de arte. A sua mensagem consegue inspirar uma vida de estudo e aprendizado e compelir o aspirante a Grande Obra. E a pedra angular do sistema magico da A.'.A.'. mas e tambem um livro selado e oculto, e abertamente proclama-se como tal. Crowley conta-nos que ha cifras, criptografia e gematria escondida no interior do livro, e diz-nos que a Palavra Perdida esta ai oculta sob uma cifra..."
Liber AL vel Legis e uma fascinante obra de arte. A sua mensagem consegue inspirar uma vida de estudo e aprendizado e compelir o aspirante a Grande Ob...
75,26 zł |
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Light on the Path: A Study Guide for Qabala, Alchemy, & Astrology
ISBN: 9781502405739 / Angielski / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Light on the Path - A Study Guide for Qabala, Alchemy, and Astrology from the Institute for Hermetic Studies is a self-paced program for the study and practice of Western esotericism. Using Hermetic Qabala as its core, individuals or groups can use this program to progressively study and apply the principles of ritual magic, practical alchemy (spagyrics and mineral) and astrology (natal, horary, and mundane). Designed as a four year course of study, each "Year" is approached in twenty-four bi-weekly sessions (for groups meeting twice a month) or can be done at your own pace. Each "Year" has...
Light on the Path - A Study Guide for Qabala, Alchemy, and Astrology from the Institute for Hermetic Studies is a self-paced program for the study and...
112,78 zł |
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The Rosicrucians: Their Rights And Mysteries
ISBN: 9781492128663 / Angielski / Miękka / 390 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Published in 1870, this is an explanation of the rites and mysteries of the fraternal order known as the Rosicrucians.
Published in 1870, this is an explanation of the rites and mysteries of the fraternal order known as the Rosicrucians.
70,07 zł |
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La puerta hermética
ISBN: 9781505617979 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 126 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La Puerta Hermetica, obra del Maestro Giuliano Kremmerz, salio a la luz en 1910 y desde entonces ha sido reeditada en diversas ocasiones pero solamente en italiano. Se trata de un tratado con indicaciones e instrucciones teoricas y practicas para conseguir que el Adpepto realice la sintesis entre la materia y el espiritu, entre lo humano y lo divino. De hecho, lo que se conoce como Magia no son mas que las ciencias de la naturaleza y del hombre, no vistas como elementos separados sino como una unidad esencial e indivisible.
Hiperbola Janus tiene el placer de hacer llegar por primera vez... La Puerta Hermetica, obra del Maestro Giuliano Kremmerz, salio a la luz en 1910 y desde entonces ha sido reeditada en diversas ocasiones pero solament...
85,89 zł |
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The Greater Mysteries of the Divine Trinity, the Logos-Word and Creation
ISBN: 9780994007728 / Angielski / Miękka / 166 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Divine Trinity - the greatest of all Christian mysteries. How is it that the one God is a unity of three divine persons? Christ-Jesus first revealed this mystery to his disciples when on earth. Later, around the sixth century, the Trinitarian mystery was theologically clarified and outlined by the formulation of the Athanasian Creed. Conceptual understanding of the divine Trinity has changed very little in Western society since then. Similarly with the theological understanding of the Logos-Word as mentioned in the Gospel of St. John. The traditional understanding that has remained...
The Divine Trinity - the greatest of all Christian mysteries. How is it that the one God is a unity of three divine persons? Christ-Jesus first reveal...
54,15 zł |
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El Tarot y la Filosofía
ISBN: 9781505845907 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. El Tarot y la filosofia fue publicada originariamente como una compilacion de articulos que, obedeciendo a una logica mas argumental que cronologica, vio la luz por primera vez en el ano 1944 bajo el titulo I tarocchi dal punto di vista filosofico, en Milan, y a cargo del grupo editorial Fratelli Bocca.
Dichos articulos, utilizando algunos de los arcanos mayores mas significativos del Tarot (El Loco, Los Amantes y La Muerte), describe de una manera bastante particular, a modo de dialogo entre El Loco y el lector, cuales eran las corrientes de pensamiento predominantes a principios del s.... El Tarot y la filosofia fue publicada originariamente como una compilacion de articulos que, obedeciendo a una logica mas argumental que cronologica, ...
67,81 zł |
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The Star of Higher Knowledge: The Five Guiding Mysteries of Esoteric Christianity
ISBN: 9780994007735 / Angielski / Miękka / 326 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When Christ-Jesus walked the earth, over two thousand years ago, he established a two-fold division in his teaching that has continued to this day. To the general public, he simplified his teaching and presented it in pictorial, allegorical and figurative imagery in the form of stories, parables and lessons that could be imaginatively and intuitively understood. To his inner circle of disciples (who were sufficiently prepared), however, he taught more plainly and directly in the form of intellectual concepts, clear ideas and logical reasoning that could be understood on a much deeper and...
When Christ-Jesus walked the earth, over two thousand years ago, he established a two-fold division in his teaching that has continued to this day. To...
67,62 zł |
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Principia Theologiae Fanaticae (1619): The Principles of the Fanatic Theology
ISBN: 9781891469275 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Nicolaus Hunnius (1585-1643) was one of the most significant theologians of the Age of Lutheran Orthodoxy. Hunnius was a professor of theology and philosophy at the University of Wittenberg by the age of 24. He eventually became the superintendent (bishop) of Lubeck, where he led the clergy in an effort to defend and restore the Church in that city.
Hunnius was the author of numerous theological works, including the "Diaskepsis Theologica" (1626). His "Principia Theologiae Fanaticae" was a careful analysis of the theological principles of those whom he deemed 'fanatics'-the followers of... Nicolaus Hunnius (1585-1643) was one of the most significant theologians of the Age of Lutheran Orthodoxy. Hunnius was a professor of theology and phi...
58,72 zł |
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The Alchemy Collection: The Work of Johannes Weidenfeld: Authentic Manuscript Reprint
ISBN: 9781512066920 / Angielski / Miękka / 408 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Alchemy Collection: The Work of Johannes Weidenfeld - Concerning the Secrets of the Adepts, or the Use of Lully's Spirit of Wine. An authentic manuscript reprint in color of the Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld 1685 manuscript This work focuses on the production of various menstruums of the vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms. It contains 150 processes to produce a wide variety of menstruums, from tinging, to non-tinging, and even some that glow in the dark This book contains all the secrets of the adepts as mentioned by Weidenfeld Purchase now to own an authentic manuscript reprint in...
The Alchemy Collection: The Work of Johannes Weidenfeld - Concerning the Secrets of the Adepts, or the Use of Lully's Spirit of Wine. An authentic man...
388,51 zł |
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The Hermetic Arcanum: The Secret Work of the Hermetic Philosophy
ISBN: 9781514156865 / Angielski / Miękka / 26 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The light of this knowledge is the gift of God, which by His will He bestoweth upon whom He pleaseth. Let none therefore set himself to the study hereof, until having cleared and purified his heart, he devote himself wholly unto God, and be emptied of all affection and desire unto the impure things of this world.
The light of this knowledge is the gift of God, which by His will He bestoweth upon whom He pleaseth. Let none therefore set himself to the study here...
31,65 zł |
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The Revised New Art Tarot: Mysticism and Qabalah in the Knapp - Hall Tarot
ISBN: 9781511731171 / Angielski / Miękka / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
271,22 zł |