Deluxe 1st Hardback Edition with an introduction by Steven Ashe, author of Qabalah of 50 Gates. The Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers who fathered the Nephilim. The fallen angels then went to Enoch to intercede on their behalf with God. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's visit to Heaven in the form of a vision, and his revelations. The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions...
Deluxe 1st Hardback Edition with an introduction by Steven Ashe, author of Qabalah of 50 Gates. The Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers w...
Liber AL vel Legis e uma fascinante obra de arte. A sua mensagem consegue inspirar uma vida de estudo e aprendizado e compelir o aspirante a Grande Obra. E a pedra angular do sistema magico da A.'.A.'. mas e tambem um livro selado e oculto, e abertamente proclama-se como tal. Crowley conta-nos que ha cifras, criptografia e gematria escondida no interior do livro, e diz-nos que a Palavra Perdida esta ai oculta sob uma cifra..."
Liber AL vel Legis e uma fascinante obra de arte. A sua mensagem consegue inspirar uma vida de estudo e aprendizado e compelir o aspirante a Grande Ob...
Ask almost anyone their view on Aleister Crowley and opinions will polarize: he was a genius; a psychopath; a drug riddled sex maniac; a champion of sexual freedom against the restrictions of Victorian prudery and hypocrisy; he was a secret agent; a lost-soul poet; a playboy with little better to do than dabble in magic; a lifestyle imitator of Oscar Wilde and Richard Burton; a drug addict; a narcissistic sadist; a visionary artist. Few commentators are qualified to critique Crowley's esoteric motivations and ambitions and most simply dismiss him as a Black Magician who had fallen from the...
Ask almost anyone their view on Aleister Crowley and opinions will polarize: he was a genius; a psychopath; a drug riddled sex maniac; a champion of s...