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Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky
ISBN: 9780415278379 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Written in the late 1950s at the height of popular fascination with UFO's, Flying Saucers is the great psychologist's brilliantly prescient meditation on the phenomenon that gripped the world. A self-confessed sceptic in such matters, Jung was nevertheless intrigued, not so much by their reality or unreality, but by their psychic aspect. He saw flying saucers as a modern myth in the making, to be passed down the generations just as we have received such myths from our ancestors. In this wonderful and enlightening book Jung sees UFO's as 'visionary rumours', the centre of a...
Written in the late 1950s at the height of popular fascination with UFO's, Flying Saucers is the great psychologist's brilliantly prescient m...
65,31 zł |
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The Stairway to Heaven (Book II)
ISBN: 9780939680894 / Angielski / Twarda / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Since earliest times, humanity has pondered the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe, life...and the afterlife. In The Stairway to Heaven, the second book of Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series, the author answers these fundamental questions: Was there somewhere on Earth where, after death, mortal man could join the immortal Gods? Where was this place? By whom was it established? And does it still exist today? After years of painstaking research--combining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts--Sitchin has identified the legendary Land...
Since earliest times, humanity has pondered the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe, life...and the afterlife. In The Stairway to Heaven...
98,03 zł |
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The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim: The Untold Story of Fallen Angels, Giants on the Earth, and Their Extraterrestrial Origins
ISBN: 9781601631978 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
77,41 zł |
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Science, Seti, and Mathematics
ISBN: 9781782380696 / Angielski / Twarda / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Mathematics is as much a part of our humanity as music and art. And it is our mathematics that might be understandable, even familiar, to a distant race and might provide the basis for mutual communication. This book discusses, in a conversational way, the role of mathematics in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The author explores the science behind that search, its history, and the many questions associated with it, including those regarding the nature of language and the philosophical/psychological motivation behind this search. Mathematics is as much a part of our humanity as music and art. And it is our mathematics that might be understandable, even familiar, to a distan... |
497,71 zł |
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The Aliens Are Coming!: The Extraordinary Science Behind Our Search for Life in the Universe
ISBN: 9781615193653 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Actor and bestselling science writer Ben Miller takes readers to the cutting edge of one of the greatest questions of all: Is there life beyond Earth?
For millennia, we have looked up at the stars and wondered whether we are alone in the universe, but in the last few years as our probes begin to escape the solar system, and our telescopes reveal thousands of Earthlike planets scientists have taken huge leaps toward an answer. Forget science fiction, author Ben Miller writes. We are living through one of the most extraordinary revolutions in the history of science: the... Actor and bestselling science writer Ben Miller takes readers to the cutting edge of one of the greatest questions of all: Is there life beyond Ear...
65,15 zł |
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Taken Up: Theresa of Ascension
ISBN: 9781494231729 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Taken Up Series of Books by Thomas R & Theresa J Morris to share experiences of the extraordinary kind. We have been privileged to know each other and to share the military intelligence field in the USA. We now share our stories with those who find their way to become a part of our worlds. There is information hidden in plain sight for those who love mysteries, secrets, and intrigue. Friends in the Alien ET UFO Community now share there may be room for more than disclosure of the multi-dimensional kind with the various ways to describe the universe in both spiritual and scientific ways. The...
Taken Up Series of Books by Thomas R & Theresa J Morris to share experiences of the extraordinary kind. We have been privileged to know each other and...
60,00 zł |
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TIME-LIFE Mysteries of the Unknown : Inside the World of the Strange and Unexplained
ISBN: 9781618933522 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Could the strange actually be true? This book takes readers on a tour of the eerie and unexplained - from the search for vanished civilizations to the science of real-life zombies, from famous UFO sightings to encounters with ghosts and otherworldly creatures, and much more.
Could the strange actually be true? This book takes readers on a tour of the eerie and unexplained - from the search for vanished civilizations to the...
98,15 zł |
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Vampires, Werewolves and Things That Go Bump in the Night
ISBN: 9781933951744 / Angielski / Miękka / 238 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
73,32 zł |
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Force Fields: Alien Visitations to a Planet Living in the Dark
ISBN: 9780991433513 / Angielski / Miękka / 462 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. ..".evocative of iconoclastic sci-fi author Harlan Ellison at his snarkiest." --Kirkus Reviews The UFO field needs a new voice. It's time for a wake-up call. In our 21st century info-saturated lives we can surf ourselves into a frenzied sensory overload, and we do. The data blur can so overwhelm that general humanity zones out and abandons hope of finding a semblance of truth. It's become a fierce challenge to connect the dots of the UFO and alien visitation realities, to filter out the facts from the ugly sludge of lies and disinformation. Wade Vernon is a seasoned UFO... ..".evocative of iconoclastic sci-fi author Harlan Ellison at his snarkiest." --Kirkus Reviews The UFO field needs a new voice. It'... |
105,17 zł |
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Britain's X-traordinary Files
ISBN: 9781472904935 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. David Clarke opens The National Archives' own X Files to uncover the secret, official accounts behind legendary paranormal and extraordinary phenomena. From mediums employed by the police to help with psychic crime-busting to sea monster sightings reported to the Royal Navy, Britain's X-traordinary Files brings to light a range of secret documents created by military intelligence and government agencies who have investigated and even used extraordinary phenomena or powers in recent history. David Clarke opens The National Archives' own X Files to uncover the secret, official accounts behind legendary paranormal and extraordinary phenom... |
85,42 zł |
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Zobaczyć więcej
ISBN: 9788363860080 / Angielski / Kartonowa Foliowana / 230 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Zbudowana wokół niezwykłych historii siedmiu osób, które, nie z własnej woli, odwiedziły świat duchowy, książka „Zobaczyć więcej” bada tematy reinkarnacji, związku pomiędzy karmą a przeznaczeniem, rozdzielenia religii od duchowości, zadań ludzkości w tworzeniu i wyłanianiu się nowej zachodniej duchowości, prowadzącej nas do następnego etapu ewolucji świadomości.
W „Zobaczyć więcej”, autor, Garry Gilfoy, ujawnia swoje własne duchowe doświadczenia oraz opowiada nam historie innych, jak na przykład Joy, która została odesłana z królestwa ducha bez... Zbudowana wokół niezwykłych historii siedmiu osób, które, nie z własnej woli, odwiedziły świat duchowy, książka „Zobaczyć więcej” bada...
31,02 zł |
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The Guide: For Interstellar and Time Travel
ISBN: 9781490403335 / Angielski / Miękka / 342 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. THE GUIDE: For Interstellar and Time Travel. Through your intention focusing workbook you will empower our seven days of creation. 1. Monday - Clear the Way 2. Tuesday - Inspire Dreams 3. Wednesday - Feel Love 4. Thursday - Experience Presence 5. Friday - Ground Wisdom 6. Saturday - Cultivate Compassion 7. Sunday - Awaken Oneness As we know these are the profound transformational times predicted by many traditions. All life on earth is now experiencing an evolutionary moment. From increasing global warming, massive species extinctions, pollution and population explosion, life on earth is...
THE GUIDE: For Interstellar and Time Travel. Through your intention focusing workbook you will empower our seven days of creation. 1. Monday - Clear t...
80,98 zł |
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Między człowiekiem a zwierzęciem
ISBN: 9788360528662 / Polski / Miękka / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Książka ta systematyzuje obecną wiedzę na temat zagadkowej istoty, która jednoczy w sobie cechy zwierzęce i ludzkie. W popularnej literaturze jest ona nazywana śnieżnym człowiekiem lub yeti. Systematyzacji i analizy zgromadzonego na ten temat materiału autor dokonał w duchu kryptobiologii, dziedziny, wprowadzającej tajemnicze zjawiska biologii w krąg wiedzy naukowej. Kryptobiologia odwołuje się między innymi do osiągnięć historii, matematyki i kryminologii; śnieżny człowiek jest przez tę dyscyplinę nauki traktowany jako zwykły i istniejący realnie gatunek...
Książka ta systematyzuje obecną wiedzę na temat zagadkowej istoty, która jednoczy w sobie cechy zwierzęce i ludzkie. W popularnej literaturze je...
24,00 zł |
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Book of the Throne: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume I: The Law of Time and the Reformulation of the Human Mind
ISBN: 9780976775980 / Angielski / Miękka / 292 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Using as a foundation a sequence of 260 two-hour galactic mind transmissions, the Cosmic History Chronicles are a system of thought and technique to be learned and applied in order that the human being can take the next steps on the road of evolution into a holographic perceptual system. Through the Cosmic History Chronicles, the great gift of the Law of Time is ripened into a vehicle of universal upliftment, propelling us into our next stage of spiritual-mental evolution.
Using as a foundation a sequence of 260 two-hour galactic mind transmissions, the Cosmic History Chronicles are a system of thought and technique to b...
162,92 zł |
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Book of the Mystery: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume III - Time and Art: Art as the Expression of the Absolute
ISBN: 9780978592417 / Angielski / Miękka / 252 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Book of the Mystery: Art and the Imaginal Realm is now available for purchase online or by calling the Foundation of the Law of Time. This book includes more than 60 color graphics and a unique full color fold-out of famous artists "galactic signatures." "It is the duty of the Book of the Mystery to bring to the forefront the fact that, yes, human civilization is swimming in an ever-increasing sea of images, and many people are depressed and struggling every day just to survive. Why? The reason lies in a whole system disconnect from Source reinforced by the bombardment of images.... The Book of the Mystery: Art and the Imaginal Realm is now available for purchase online or by calling the Foundation of the Law of Time. This book... |
162,92 zł |
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Book of the Transcendence: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VI - Time and the New Universe of Mind
ISBN: 9780978592431 / Angielski / Miękka / 278 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. We are at a time when knowledge is being renewed. We are being called to turn inward, away from the virtual cyber-world into the vast realm of our own mind - the ultimate supercomputer. Book of the Transcendence offers a comprehensive vision of new time knowledge and its path into the next stage of human evolution. This volume is packed with new information, new methods, and new forms of yoga or yogic discipline that help us bridge into galactic consciousness, which is governed by synchronicity. This text also contains new programs of information, and new practices to orient your mind and... We are at a time when knowledge is being renewed. We are being called to turn inward, away from the virtual cyber-world into the vast realm of our ... |
162,92 zł |
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Are the Planets Inhabited?
ISBN: 9781508856290 / Angielski / Miękka / 92 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The first thought that men had concerning the heavenly bodies was an obvious one: they were lights. There was a greater light to rule the day; a lesser light to rule the night; and there were the stars also. In those days there seemed an immense difference between the earth upon which men stood, and the bright objects that shone down upon it from the heavens above. The earth seemed to be vast, dark, and motionless; the celestial lights seemed to be small, and moved, and shone.
The first thought that men had concerning the heavenly bodies was an obvious one: they were lights. There was a greater light to rule the day; a lesse...
27,24 zł |
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Unplug From the Matrix: Truth is Sometimes Stranger Than Fiction
ISBN: 9781500838171 / Angielski / Miękka / 168 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book reads like the script for a science fiction movie, with a cast of malevolent and benevolent aliens, a league of human minions, a battle for the Earth, and an enslaved human populace. But sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. The Matrix is real. The Matrix movies came as close as possible to revealing the truth-we live in a carefully-constructed holographic reality that is based upon a single false premise. The entire artificial reality system of the Matrix is based upon a single kernel of false programming inserted into every one of us. More... This book reads like the script for a science fiction movie, with a cast of malevolent and benevolent aliens, a league of human minions, a ... |
68,53 zł |
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Ufos, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age: Millennial Conspiracism
ISBN: 9781474253208 / Angielski / Twarda / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. How-and why- were UFOs so prevalent in both conspiracy theories and the New Age milieu in the post-Cold War period? In this ground-breaking book, David G. Robertson argues that UFOs symbolized an uncertainty about the boundaries between scientific knowledge and other ways of validating knowledge, and thus became part of a shared vocabulary. Through historical and ethnographic case studies of three prominent figures-novelist and abductee Whitley Strieber; environmentalist and reptilian proponent David Icke; and David Wilcock, alleged reincarnation of Edgar Cayce-the investigation... How-and why- were UFOs so prevalent in both conspiracy theories and the New Age milieu in the post-Cold War period? In this ground-breaking book, D... |
653,56 zł |
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Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond, and Parallel Dimensions
ISBN: 9781578595419 / Angielski / Miękka / 448 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Are we alone or are there intelligent life-forms out there? Or are they already amongst us? Can we even know the Truth? Exploring the myths, stories, history, and facts of documented encounters, mysterious experiences, and unexplained visitors, Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond, and Parallel Dimensions by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger examines the "other" forms, entities and beings inhabiting our universe.
Building on their decades of research into the paranormal, mystical, and supernatural, the Steigers analyze the influences and theories behind these mysterious... Are we alone or are there intelligent life-forms out there? Or are they already amongst us? Can we even know the Truth? Exploring the myths, stories, ...
191,77 zł |