Discover the secrets of animal totems and their sacred, transformative powers.
Among traditional Native Americans and other tribal peoples, totems are the enduring animal symbols that allow these peoples to explore the mysteries of life and the spirit world. from the graceful Antelope to the aggressive Cougarto the wise and peaceful Turtle, each animal embodies certain strengths and attributes that the spiritual seeker can embrace and follow on the path of self -exploration. Now, Totems offers each of us the tools we need to tap into thepower of sacred animal totems by finding our...
Discover the secrets of animal totems and their sacred, transformative powers.
Among traditional Native Americans and other tribal peoples, t...
Revelation: The Divine Fire A Biblical prediction says that "In the latter days, your sons and daughters shall prophesy." Brad Steiger has communicated with literally hundreds of individuals who claim to have received messages directly from God -- or from spacemen, angels, spirit guides, or other superhuman entities. It would be easy to dismiss these latter-day prophets as deluded, but amazingly, their revelations all have an internal consistency, a common theme: a time of judgment is at hand, and humankind must change its ways to avert disaster. Moreover, contemporary housewives, business...
Revelation: The Divine Fire A Biblical prediction says that "In the latter days, your sons and daughters shall prophesy." Brad Steiger has communicate...
Including more than 200 true, thoughtprovoking stories, this inspirational collection provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of unexplained phenomena and survival against overwhelming odds. A wide range of topics and circumstances is covered, including angelic interventions, surviving airplane crashes and cataclysmic natural disasters, medical miracles, amazing sea rescues, miracles on the highway, and neardeath experiences. Remarkable stories include how a sky diver plummeted more than 4,000 feet and walked away with only a cut, how a mother and her children ride out a tornado atop an...
Including more than 200 true, thoughtprovoking stories, this inspirational collection provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of unexplained phe...
A chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first person interviews, this shocking account of occultist rituals and the inhuman forces that influence them shines a light on the horrifying truth. Revealing that real vampires are not immortal, do not have fangs or sleep in coffins, and have no fear of sunlight or crucifixes, the examination dispels many myths but also confirms the truth behind several traits of real vampires, such as the insatiable thirst for blood and the dream of an eternal soul....
A chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first person i...
Shocking true stories of those who walk among us . . . Just who has visited us in the past? Who might be coming next? And who walks among us today? Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds investigates the theories, the mysteries, and the facts surrounding alien involvement in the lives of Earthlings. Packed with thought-provoking stories and shocking revelations of more than 300 otherworldly incidents, including aliens living among us, spacecraft landings, interstellar cooperation, alien encounters, government conspiracies, hybrid children, mutilations,...
Shocking true stories of those who walk among us . . . Just who has visited us in the past? Who might be coming next? And who walks among u...
When Darkness Reigns and the Full Moon Glows, Terror Emerges to Stalk the Unsuspecting... From lycanthropic creatures found on television and film such as Teen Wolf, Twilight, and True Blood to the earliest folklore of shape-shifting creatures, The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shapeshifting Beings is an eye-opening, blood-pounding tour through the ages of monsters with the most amazing camouflage capabilities--they hide among us Along the way, you'll land at the doorstep of creatures like hirsute mass-murderer Albert Fish, and Fritz Haarman, who...
When Darkness Reigns and the Full Moon Glows, Terror Emerges to Stalk the Unsuspecting... From lycanthropic creatures found on television a...
The culmination of Brad Steiger's 50 years of paranormal research, this book is a bold telling of true ghost stories and first-person encounters with the super natural. Arranged topically, it covers every sort of ghost and haunting: poltergeists, shadow beings, and phantoms alongside haunted apartments, hotels, and trains.
The culmination of Brad Steiger's 50 years of paranormal research, this book is a bold telling of true ghost stories and first-person encounters with ...