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An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN: 9780195128956 / Angielski / Twarda / 560 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Game-theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. An Introduction to Game Theory, by Martin J. Osborne, presents the main principles of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic, social, political, and biological phenomena. The book introduces in an accessible manner the main ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression. All concepts are defined precisely, and logical reasoning is used throughout. The book requires an understanding of basic mathematics but assumes no specific...
Game-theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. An Introduction to Game Theory,...
952,17 zł |
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Playing for Real: A Text on Game Theory
ISBN: 9780195300574 / Angielski / Twarda / 656 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ken Binmore's previous game theory textbook, Fun and Games (D.C. Heath, 1991), carved out a significant niche in the advanced undergraduate market; it was intellectually serious and more up-to-date than its competitors, but also accessibly written. Its central thesis was that game theory allows us to understand many kinds of interactions between people, a point that Binmore amply demonstrated through a rich range of examples and applications. This replacement for the now out-of-date 1991 textbook retains the entertaining examples, but changes the organization to match how game theory...
Ken Binmore's previous game theory textbook, Fun and Games (D.C. Heath, 1991), carved out a significant niche in the advanced undergraduate m...
576,70 zł |
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Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN: 9780199218462 / Angielski / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Games are everywhere: Drivers maneuvering in heavy traffic are playing a driving game. Bargain hunters bidding on eBay are playing an auctioning game. The supermarket's price for corn flakes is decided by playing an economic game. This Very Short Introduction offers a succinct tour of the fascinating world of game theory, a ground-breaking field that analyzes how to play games in a rational way. Ken Binmore, a renowned game theorist, explains the theory in a way that is both entertaining and non-mathematical yet also deeply insightful, revealing how game theory can shed light on...
Games are everywhere: Drivers maneuvering in heavy traffic are playing a driving game. Bargain hunters bidding on eBay are playing an auctioning game....
50,04 zł |
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Games, Rationality and Behaviour: Essays on Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments
ISBN: 9780230520813 / Angielski / Twarda / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book covers a wide spectrum of issues in behavioural game theory (BGT), ranging from players' heterogeneity, social preferences and reciprocity, to learning, information and punishment in public good games. The book opens up the interdisciplinary aspects of BGT, and presents models which are tested through experimental methods.
This book covers a wide spectrum of issues in behavioural game theory (BGT), ranging from players' heterogeneity, social preferences and reciprocity, ...
400,64 zł |
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Applied Differential Games
ISBN: 9780306428975 / Angielski / Twarda / 207 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book grew out of a set of lecture notes for a one semester course on dynamic game theory held at the University of Technology, Vienna. It is intended primarily at the graduate level for students in operations research, management science, applied mathematics, and eco nomics. I hope that I have been able to give the reader an accessible introduction to the subject of nonzero-sum dif ferential games with particular emphasis on applications. It would be irrational to try to re ach total com prehensiveness in a single volume. Therefore, I have resisted the temptation to "over-cannibalize"...
This book grew out of a set of lecture notes for a one semester course on dynamic game theory held at the University of Technology, Vienna. It is inte...
400,64 zł |
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States of Consciousness: Models for Psychology and Psychotherapy
ISBN: 9780387327570 / Angielski / Twarda / 261 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Consciousness has always been a particularly elusive concept and one vigorously argued in the scientific community. This new volume takes on the task of defining normal and altered consciousness in their most relevant clinical terms. In States of Consciousness, Andrzej Kokoszka expands on the pioneering work of J.H. Jackson, offering contemporary models for studying consciousness as it applies to both pathology and normal altered states, e.g., relaxation, sleep, meditation, and hypnosis. He makes clear distinctions between the neuroscientific and... Consciousness has always been a particularly elusive concept and one vigorously argued in the scientific community. This new volume takes on the ta... |
400,64 zł |
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Introduction to Optimization
ISBN: 9780387403984 / Angielski / Twarda / 246 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This undergraduate textbook introduces students of science and engineering to the fascinating field of optimization. It is a unique book that brings together the subfields of mathematical programming, variational calculus, and optimal control, thus giving students an overall view of all aspects of optimization in a single reference. As a primer on optimization, its main goal is to provide a succinct and accessible introduction to linear programming, nonlinear programming, numerical optimization algorithms, variational problems, dynamic programming, and optimal control. Prerequisites have... This undergraduate textbook introduces students of science and engineering to the fascinating field of optimization. It is a unique book that bring... |
300,47 zł |
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Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN: 9780387942841 / Angielski / Miękka / 252 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The mathematical theory of games has as its purpose the analysis of a wide range of competitive situations. These include most of the recreations which people usually call "games" such as chess, poker, bridge, backgam- mon, baseball, and so forth, but also contests between companies, military forces, and nations. For the purposes of developing the theory, all these competitive situations are called games. The analysis of games has two goals. First, there is the descriptive goal of understanding why the parties ("players") in competitive situations behave as they do. The second is the more...
The mathematical theory of games has as its purpose the analysis of a wide range of competitive situations. These include most of the recreations whic...
280,43 zł |
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Differentiable Optimization and Equation Solving: A Treatise on Algorithmic Science and the Karmarkar Revolution
ISBN: 9780387955728 / Angielski / Twarda / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1984, N. Karmarkar published a seminal paper on algorithmic linear programming. During the subsequent decade, it stimulated a huge outpouring of new algorithmic results by researchers world-wide in many areas of mathematical programming and numerical computation. This book gives an overview of the resulting, dramatic reorganization that has occurred in one of these areas: algorithmic differentiable optimization and equation-solving, or, more simply, algorithmic differentiable programming. The book is aimed at readers familiar with advanced calculus, numerical analysis, in particular...
In 1984, N. Karmarkar published a seminal paper on algorithmic linear programming. During the subsequent decade, it stimulated a huge outpouring of ne...
400,64 zł |
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Moral Calculations: Game Theory, Logic, and Human Frailty
ISBN: 9780387984193 / Angielski / Twarda / 276 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Are people ever rational? Consider this: You auction off a one-dollar bill to the highest bidder, but you set the rules so that the second highest bidder also has to pay the amount of his last bid, even though he gets nothing. Would people ever enter such an auction? Not only do they, but according to Martin Shubik, the game's inventor, the average winning bid (for a dollar, remember) is $3.40. Many winners report that they bid so high only because their opponent "went completely crazy." This game lies at the intersection of three subjects of eternal fascination: human psychology, morality,...
Are people ever rational? Consider this: You auction off a one-dollar bill to the highest bidder, but you set the rules so that the second highest bid...
220,33 zł |
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practical optimization methods: with mathematica(r) applications
ISBN: 9780387986319 / Angielski / Twarda / 715 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The goal of this book is to present basic optimization theory and modern computational algorithms in a concise manner. The book is suitable for un dergraduate and graduate students in all branches of engineering, operations research, and management information systems. The book should also be use ful for practitioners who are interested in learning optimization and using these techniques on their own. Most available books in the field tend to be either too theoretical or present computational algorithms in a cookbook style. An approach that falls some where in between these two extremes is...
The goal of this book is to present basic optimization theory and modern computational algorithms in a concise manner. The book is suitable for un der...
560,91 zł |
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The History of Game Theory, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to 1945
ISBN: 9780415072571 / Angielski / Twarda / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Game Theory - the formal modelling of conflict and cooperation - first emerged as a recognized field with a publication of John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour in 1944. Since then, game-theoretic thinking about choice of strategies and the interdependence of people's actions has influenced all the social sciences. However, little is known about the history of the theory of strategic games prior to this publication.
In this volume, the history of strategic games - from its origins up to 1945 - is traced through the work of: * 19th... Game Theory - the formal modelling of conflict and cooperation - first emerged as a recognized field with a publication of John von Neumann and Oskar ...
903,14 zł |
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Game Theory : Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences
ISBN: 9780415222402 / Angielski / Twarda / 1640 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Game theory is rapidly becoming one of the cornerstones of the social sciences. The articles gathered here chart the intellectual history of game theory from its place in the Enlightenment tradition to issues of current debate.
Game theory is rapidly becoming one of the cornerstones of the social sciences. The articles gathered here chart the intellectual history of game theo...
6773,53 zł |
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Game Theory: A Critical Introduction
ISBN: 9780415250948 / Angielski / Twarda / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences. Its practitioners have great designs for it, claiming that it offers an opportunity to unify the social sciences and that it it the natural foundation of a rational theory of society. Game Theory is for those who are intrigued but baffled by these claims, and daunted by the technical demands of most introductions to the subject.
Requiring no more than simple arithmetic, the book: * Traces the origins of Game Theory and its philosophical premises In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences. Its practitioners have great designs for it, claiming that it offers an oppo...
727,52 zł |
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Game Theory : A Critical Introduction
ISBN: 9780415250955 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The second edition of this text incorporates recent advances in game theory into its clear introduction to the subject. It acts as a primer for those deterred by the technical nature of many textbooks and provides a clear explanation for the enduring popularity of game theory and its increasing importance to the teaching of economics. The text: lays bear the philosophy behind game theory and explains all its major concepts; conducts a clear explanation and careful analysis of all the main games, such as repeated games and the prisoner's dilemma, as well as less well-trodden topics such as...
The second edition of this text incorporates recent advances in game theory into its clear introduction to the subject. It acts as a primer for those ...
185,60 zł |
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Lyapunov Functions in Differential Games
ISBN: 9780415273411 / Angielski / Twarda / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A major step in differential games is determining an explicit form of the strategies of players who follow a certain optimality principle. To do this, the associated modification of Bellman dynamic programming problems has to be solved; for some differential games this could be Lyapunov functions whose "arsenal" has been supplied by stability theory. This approach, which combines dynamic programming and the Lyapunov function method, leads to coefficient criteria, or ratios of the game math model parameters with which optimal strategies of the players not only exist but their analytical form...
A major step in differential games is determining an explicit form of the strategies of players who follow a certain optimality principle. To do this,...
1078,75 zł |
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Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing
ISBN: 9780471930105 / Angielski / Twarda / 544 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Artificial neural networks can be employed to solve a wide spectrum of problems in optimization, parallel computing, matrix algebra and signal processing. Taking a computational approach, this book explains how ANNs provide solutions in real time, and allow the visualization and development of new techniques and architectures. Features include a guide to the fundamental mathematics of neurocomputing, a review of neural network models and an analysis of their associated algorithms, and state-of-the-art procedures to solve optimization problems. Computer simulation programs MATLAB, TUTSIM and...
Artificial neural networks can be employed to solve a wide spectrum of problems in optimization, parallel computing, matrix algebra and signal process...
1481,96 zł |
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Games, Theory and Applications
ISBN: 9780486432373 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Anyone with a knowledge of basic mathematics will find this an accessible and informative introduction to game theory. It opens with the theory of two-person zero-sum games, two-person non-zero sum games, and n-person games, at a level between nonmathematical introductory books and technical mathematical game theory books. Succeeding sections focus on a variety of applications -- including introductory explanations of gaming and meta games -- that offer nonspecialists information about new areas of game theory at a comprehensible level. Numerous exercises appear with full solutions, in...
Anyone with a knowledge of basic mathematics will find this an accessible and informative introduction to game theory. It opens with the theory of two...
122,34 zł |
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Differential Forms
ISBN: 9780486450100 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Addressed to 2nd- and 3rd-year students, this work by a world-famous teacher skillfully spans the pure and applied branches, so that applied aspects gain in rigor while pure mathematics loses none of its dignity. Equally essential as a text, a reference, or simply as a brilliant mathematical exercise. 1971 edition.
" Addressed to 2nd- and 3rd-year students, this work by a world-famous teacher skillfully spans the pure and applied branches, so that applied aspects g...
61,07 zł |
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Mathematical Methods of Game and Economic Theory
ISBN: 9780486462653 / Angielski / Miękka / 616 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Mathematical economics and game theory approached with the fundamental mathematical toolbox of nonlinear functional analysis are the central themes of this text. Both optimization and equilibrium theories are covered in full detail. The book's central application is the fundamental economic problem of allocating scarce resources among competing agents, which leads to considerations of the interrelated applications in game theory and the theory of optimization. Mathematicians, mathematical economists, and operations research specialists will find that it provides a solid foundation in...
Mathematical economics and game theory approached with the fundamental mathematical toolbox of nonlinear functional analysis are the central themes of...
134,59 zł |