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Non-Semisimple Topological Quantum Field Theories for 3-Manifolds with Corners
ISBN: 9783540424161 / Angielski / Miękka / 383 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. d + 1-dimensional manifold, whose is a union of d-dimensional boundary disjoint v manifolds and d, a linear : -+ The manifold -Zod V(Md+l) V(Zod) V(Zld). ma- is with the orientation. The axiom in that z0g, Zod opposite gluing [Ati88] requires if we two such d + 1-manifolds a common d-subma- glue together along (closed) fold of in their the linear for the has to be the boundaries, composite compo- map tion of the linear of the individual d + 1-manifolds. maps the of and as in we can state categories functors, [Mac88], Using language axioms as follows: concisely Atiyah's very Definition 0.1.1 A...
d + 1-dimensional manifold, whose is a union of d-dimensional boundary disjoint v manifolds and d, a linear : -+ The manifold -Zod V(Md+l) V(Zod) V(Zl...
198,41 zł |
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Topics in Noncommutative Algebra: The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin
ISBN: 9783642225963 / Angielski / Miękka / 539 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Motivated by the importance of the Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, Dynkin Theorem in many different branches of Mathematics and Physics (Lie group-Lie algebra theory, linear PDEs, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Theoretical Physics, Control Theory, sub-Riemannian Geometry), this monograph is intended to: fully enable readers (graduates or specialists, mathematicians, physicists or applied scientists, acquainted with Algebra or not) to understand and apply the statements and numerous corollaries of the main result, provide a wide spectrum of proofs from the modern... Motivated by the importance of the Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, Dynkin Theorem in many different branches of Mathematics and Physics (Lie group-Lie ... |
357,17 zł |
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Geometric Aspects of Analysis and Mechanics: In Honor of the 65th Birthday of Hans Duistermaat
ISBN: 9780817682439 / Angielski / Twarda / 372 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Hans Duistermaat, an influential geometer-analyst, made substantial contributions to the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, symplectic, differential, and algebraic geometry, minimal surfaces, semisimple Lie groups, mechanics, mathematical physics, and related fields. Written in his honor, the invited and refereed articles in this volume contain important new results as well as surveys in some of these areas, clearly demonstrating the impact of Duistermaat's research and, in addition, exhibiting interrelationships among many of the topics. Hans Duistermaat, an influential geometer-analyst, made substantial contributions to the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, sym... |
595,31 zł |
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Zwischen Zwei Disziplinen: B. L. Van Der Waerden Und Die Entwicklung Der Quantenmechanik
ISBN: 9783642218248 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 426 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht ein bisher weitgehend unerforschtes Arbeitsgebiet des niederlandischen Mathematikers van der Waerden: seine Beitrage zur gruppentheoretischen Methode in der Quantenmechanik um 1930. Entstehungsgeschichte, Inhalt und Wirkung werden von der Autorin detailliert herausgearbeitet und die damalige Kontroverse um den Nutzen der gruppentheoretischen Methode erortert. Dadurch legt sie nicht nur die Vielschichtigkeit von Mathematisierungsprozessen offen, sondern auch ihre Ruckwirkung auf Entwicklungen in der reinen Mathematik."
Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht ein bisher weitgehend unerforschtes Arbeitsgebiet des niederlandischen Mathematikers van der Waerden: seine Beitrage zu...
241,08 zł |
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Algebras, Quivers and Representations: The Abel Symposium 2011
ISBN: 9783642394843 / Angielski / Twarda / 298 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book features survey and research papers from The Abel Symposium 2011: Algebras, quivers and representations, held in Balestrand, Norway 2011. It examines a very active research area that has had a growing influence and profound impact in many other areas of mathematics like, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and combinatorics. This volume illustrates and extends such connections with algebraic geometry, cluster algebra theory, commutative algebra, dynamical systems and triangulated categories. In addition, it includes contributions on further developments in... This book features survey and research papers from The Abel Symposium 2011: Algebras, quivers and representations, held in Balestrand, Norway 2011.... |
396,86 zł |
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Representing Finite Groups: A Semisimple Introduction
ISBN: 9781461412304 / Angielski / Twarda / 372 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This graduate textbook presents the basics of representation theory for finite groups from the point of view of semisimple algebras and modules over them. The presentation interweaves insights from specific examples with development of general and powerful tools based on the notion of semisimplicity. The elegant ideas of commutant duality are introduced, along with an introduction to representations of unitary groups.The text progresses systematically and the presentation is friendly and inviting. Central concepts are revisited and exploredfrom multiple viewpoints. Exercises at the end of... This graduate textbook presents the basics of representation theory for finite groups from the point of view of semisimple algebras and modules ove... |
198,41 zł |
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Classical Galois Theory
ISBN: 9781118091395 / Angielski / Twarda / 296 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. With a focus on one central theme (the impossibility theorem) throughout, this highly accessible introduction to Galois theory presents a classical treatment of the topic and poses questions related to the solvability of polynomial equations by radicals.
With a focus on one central theme (the impossibility theorem) throughout, this highly accessible introduction to Galois theory presents a classical tr...
368,71 zł |
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Noncommutative Spacetimes: Symmetries in Noncommutative Geometry and Field Theory
ISBN: 9783642242496 / Angielski / Miękka / 199 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. There are many approaches to noncommutative geometry and to its use in physics. This volume combines the deformation quantization approach, based on the notion of star-product, and the deformed quantum symmetries methods, based on the theory of quantum groups.
There are many approaches to noncommutative geometry and to its use in physics. This volume combines the deformation quantization approach, based on t...
257,94 zł |
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Semigroups and Languages 2002: Proceedings of the Workshop
ISBN: 9789812389176 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In recent years, semigroups and languages have seen huge developments and found their motivation in other fields of mathematics as well as in computer science. This book is a collection of original contributions in those fields.
In recent years, semigroups and languages have seen huge developments and found their motivation in other fields of mathematics as well as in computer...
560,84 zł |
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Abstract Algebra 4e
ISBN: 9781118135358 / Angielski / Twarda / 560 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Praise for the Third Edition -. . . an expository masterpiece of the highest didactic value that has gained additional attractivity through the various improvements . . .---Zentralblatt MATH The Fourth Edition of Introduction to Abstract Algebra continues to provide an accessible approach to the basic structures of abstract algebra: groups, rings, and fields. The book's unique presentation helps readers advance to abstract theory by presenting concrete examples of induction, number theory, integers modulo n, and permutations before the abstract structures... Praise for the Third Edition -. . . an expository masterpiece of the highest didactic value that has gained additional attractivit... |
980,63 zł |
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Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem: A Mathematical Excursion
ISBN: 9783034802239 / Angielski / Twarda / 429 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The chief purpose of the book is to present, in detail, a compilation of proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem (CBT) published through the years since the 1870's. Over thirty such proofs are surveyed. The book comprises five parts. In the first part the discussion covers the role of CBT and related notions in the writings of Cantor and Dedekind. New views are presented, especially regarding the general proof of CBT obtained by Cantor, his proof of the Comparability Theorem, the ruptures in the Cantor-Dedekind correspondence and the origin of Dedekind's proof of CBT. The second... The chief purpose of the book is to present, in detail, a compilation of proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem (CBT) published through the years s... |
396,86 zł |
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Clifford Algebras: An Introduction
ISBN: 9781107096387 / Angielski / Twarda / 210 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Clifford algebras, built up from quadratic spaces, have applications in many areas of mathematics, as natural generalizations of complex numbers and the quaternions. They are famously used in proofs of the Atiyah Singer index theorem, to provide double covers (spin groups) of the classical groups and to generalize the Hilbert transform. They also have their place in physics, setting the scene for Maxwell's equations in electromagnetic theory, for the spin of elementary particles and for the Dirac equation. This straightforward introduction to Clifford algebras makes the necessary algebraic...
Clifford algebras, built up from quadratic spaces, have applications in many areas of mathematics, as natural generalizations of complex numbers and t...
509,16 zł |
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Dynamical Systems of Algebraic Origin
ISBN: 9783034802765 / Angielski / Miękka / 310 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Although much of classical ergodic theory is concerned with single transformations and one-parameter flows, the subject inherits from statistical mechanics not only its name, but also an obligation to analyze spatially extended systems with multidimensional symmetry groups. However, the wealth of concrete and natural examples which has contributed so much to the appeal and development of classical dynamics, is noticeably absent in this more general theory. The purpose of this book is to help remedy this scarcity of explicit examples by introducing a class of continuous Zd-actions diverse...
Although much of classical ergodic theory is concerned with single transformations and one-parameter flows, the subject inherits from statistical mech...
198,41 zł |
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Elements of the Representation Theory of the Jacobi Group
ISBN: 9783034802826 / Angielski / Miękka / 213 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. After Pyatetski-Shapiro PS1] and Satake Sa1] introduced, independent of one another, an early form of the Jacobi Theory in 1969 (while not naming it as such), this theory was given a de?nite push by the book The Theory of Jacobi Forms by Eichler and Zagier in 1985. Now, there are some overview articles describing the developments in the theory of the Jacobigroupandits autom- phic forms, for instance by Skoruppa Sk2], Berndt Be5] and Kohnen Ko]. We refertotheseformorehistoricaldetailsandmanymorenamesofauthorsactive inthistheory, whichstretchesnowfromnumbertheoryandalgebraicgeometry to...
After Pyatetski-Shapiro PS1] and Satake Sa1] introduced, independent of one another, an early form of the Jacobi Theory in 1969 (while not naming it ...
198,41 zł |
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Algebra in the Stone-Cech Compactification: Theory and Applications
ISBN: 9783110256239 / Angielski / Twarda / 608 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book now in its second revised and extended edition is a self-contained exposition of the theory of compact right semigroupsfor discrete semigroups and the algebraic properties of these objects. The methods applied in the book constitute a mosaic of infinite combinatorics, algebra, and topology. The reader will find numerous combinatorial applications of the theory, including the central sets theorem, partition regularity of matrices, multidimensional Ramsey theory, and many more. "This book now in its second revised and extended edition is a self-contained exposition of the theory of compact right semigroupsfor discrete semig... |
314,00 zł |
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Syzygies and Homotopy Theory
ISBN: 9781447122937 / Angielski / Twarda / 296 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The most important invariant of a topological space is its fundamental group. When this is trivial, the resulting homotopy theory is well researched and familiar. In the general case, however, homotopy theory over nontrivial fundamental groups is much more problematic and far less well understood.
Syzygies and Homotopy Theory explores the problem of nonsimply connected homotopy in the first nontrivial cases and presents, for the first time, a systematic rehabilitation of Hilbert's method of syzygies in the context of non-simply connected homotopy theory. The first part... The most important invariant of a topological space is its fundamental group. When this is trivial, the resulting homotopy theory is well researche... |
198,41 zł |
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Metric and Differential Geometry: The Jeff Cheeger Anniversary Volume
ISBN: 9783034802567 / Angielski / Twarda / 364 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Metric and Differential Geometry grew out ofa similarly named conference held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin and Capital Normal University, Beijing. The various contributions to this volume cover a broad range of topics in metric and differential geometry, including metric spaces, Ricci flow, Einstein manifolds, Kahler geometry, index theory, hypoelliptic Laplacian and analytic torsion. It offers the most recent advances as well as surveys the new developments. Contributors: M.T. Anderson J.-M. Bismut X. Chen X. Dai R.... Metric and Differential Geometry grew out ofa similarly named conference held at Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin and Capital Normal ... |
396,86 zł |
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Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules: Volume 1 – Approximations / Volume 2 – Predictions
ISBN: 9783110218107 / Angielski / Twarda / 1024 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This second, revised and substantially extended edition of Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules reflects both the depth and the width of recent developments in the area since the first edition appeared in 2006. The new division of the monograph into two volumes roughly corresponds to its two central topics, approximation theory (Volume 1) and realization theorems for modules (Volume 2). It is a widely accepted fact that the category of all modules over a general associative ring is too complex to admit classification. Unless the ring is of finite... This second, revised and substantially extended edition of Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules reflects both the depth and... |
1592,01 zł |
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Markov Bases in Algebraic Statistics
ISBN: 9781461437185 / Angielski / Twarda / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Algebraic statistics is a rapidly developing field, where ideas from statistics and algebra meet and stimulate new research directions. One of the origins of algebraic statistics is the work by Diaconis and Sturmfels in 1998 on the use of Grobner bases for constructing a connected Markov chain for performing conditional tests of a discrete exponential family. In this book we take up this topic and present a detailed summary of developments following the seminal work of Diaconis and Sturmfels. This book is intended for statisticians with minimal backgrounds in algebra. As we ourselves... Algebraic statistics is a rapidly developing field, where ideas from statistics and algebra meet and stimulate new research directions. One of the ... |
396,86 zł |
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Foundations of Micropolar Mechanics
ISBN: 9783642283529 / Angielski / Miękka / 142 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book presents foundations of the micropolar continuum mechanics including a short but comprehensive introduction of stress and strain measures, derivation of motion equations and discussion of the difference between Cosserat and classical (Cauchy) continua, and the discussion of more specific problems related to the constitutive modeling, i.e. constitutive inequalities, symmetry groups, acceleration waves, etc.
The book presents foundations of the micropolar continuum mechanics including a short but comprehensive introduction of stress and strain measures, de...
198,41 zł |