ilość książek w kategorii: 3497
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The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works
ISBN: 9780140430677 / Angielski / Miękka / 512 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Pamphleteer, poet, story-teller, satirist, scholar, moralist and jester . . ."
Thomas Nashe, a contemporary of Shakespeare, was writing in the 1590s, the zenith of the English Renaissance. Rebellious in spirit, conservative in philosophy, Nashe's brilliant and comic invective earned him a reputation as the "English Juvenal" who "carried the deadly stockado in his pen." In its mingling of the devout and bawdy, scholarship and slang, its brutality and its constant awareness of the imminence of death, his work epitomizes the ambivalence of the Elizabethans. Above all, Nashe was a... "Pamphleteer, poet, story-teller, satirist, scholar, moralist and jester . . ."
Thomas Nashe, a contemporary of Shakespeare, was writing in... |
85,10 zł |
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Abinger Harvest
ISBN: 9780156026109 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This collection of articles, essays, reviews, and poems, written by the author of A Passage to India, contains such well-known pieces as "Notes on the English Character, '' ''Adrift in India," and "Me, Them and You." Also collected are essays on literary figures whose work Forster especially admired.
This collection of articles, essays, reviews, and poems, written by the author of A Passage to India, contains such well-known pieces as "Notes on the...
123,44 zł |
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The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Volume III: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century
ISBN: 9780195016147 / Angielski / Miękka / 848 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
749,60 zł |
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The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Volume VI: Modern British Literature
ISBN: 9780195016529 / Angielski / Miękka / 768 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume includes Shaw's St. Joan, twenty poems by Hardy, thirty by Yeats, Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and Lawrence's The Prussian Officer, the complete St. Mawr, Pornography and Obscenity, and eleven poems. It also features Joyce's The Dead, excerpts from The Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, and Finnegan's Wake, and works by T. S. Eliot, including The Waste Land and Little Gidding.
This volume includes Shaw's St. Joan, twenty poems by Hardy, thirty by Yeats, Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and Lawrence's The Pru...
870,61 zł |
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The Galesia Trilogy and Selected Manuscript Poems of Jane Barker
ISBN: 9780195086515 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Novelist, poet, manager of farm property, convert to Roman Catholicism, Jacobite in exile in France, and woman unmarried by choice, Jane Barker (1652-1732) wrote on a remarkable variety of subjects and displayed an equally remarkable variety of genres. Her multifaceted work is important in understanding the woman artist, the shifting literary marketplace, and the response of women to a society torn apart by endless wars, religious intolerance, and a legal and economic system that consistently disadvantaged them.
Love Intrigues (1713), A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies... Novelist, poet, manager of farm property, convert to Roman Catholicism, Jacobite in exile in France, and woman unmarried by choice, Jane Barker (1652-...
190,34 zł |
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Selected Fiction and Drama of Eliza Haywood
ISBN: 9780195108460 / Angielski / Twarda / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This exciting edition gathers together for the first time a sampling of Haywood's writings generous enough to represent the full range of her fiction and drama and includes material from each decade of her long writing life. All texts come back into print here and here alone. The collection features six fictions, including both racy early work and later experimental prose fiction, two plays, and some powerful political writing.
This exciting edition gathers together for the first time a sampling of Haywood's writings generous enough to represent the full range of her fiction ...
479,69 zł |
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The Examinations of Anne Askew
ISBN: 9780195108491 / Angielski / Miękka / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this vivid first-person narrative, Anne Askew (1521-1546), a member of the Reformed church, records her imprisonment for heresy and her interrogation by officials of church and state in the last days of Henry VIII. She represents herself arguing forcefully, learnedly, and wittingly with her accusers, continually demonstrating their theological errors and her own refusal to be the traditional silent woman in public debate on religion. As a spiritual autobiography, a historical document, and a carefully crafted polemic, this work gives new insight into Reformation politics and society in...
In this vivid first-person narrative, Anne Askew (1521-1546), a member of the Reformed church, records her imprisonment for heresy and her interrogati...
219,04 zł |
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When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth-Century Libertine Literature
ISBN: 9780195161878 / Angielski / Twarda / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When Flesh Becomes Word collects nine different examples of British libertine literature that appeared before 1750. Three of these--The School of Venus (1680), Venus in the Cloister (1725), and A Dialogue Between a Married Lady and a Maid (1740)--are famous "whore dialogues," dramatic conversations between an older, experienced woman and a younger, inexperienced maid. Previously unavailable to the modern reader, these dialogues combine sex education, medical folklore, and erotic literature in a decidedly proto-pornographic form. This edition presents other...
When Flesh Becomes Word collects nine different examples of British libertine literature that appeared before 1750. Three of these--The S...
711,61 zł |
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Three Alliterative Saints' Hymns: Late Middle English Stanzaic Poems
ISBN: 9780197223246 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This new edition presents three odes to saints in alliterative and stanzaic form, composed in the north and east Midlands around 1400. The hymns address St. Katherine of Alexandria (from Bodley Rolls 22), St. John the Evangelist (Lincoln Cathedral Library MS91), and St. John the Baptist (British Library, MS Additional 39574). The edition contains a full account of extensive recent scholarship on the Middle English alliterative verse tradition, as well as the hymns' hagiographical and historical context.
This new edition presents three odes to saints in alliterative and stanzaic form, composed in the north and east Midlands around 1400. The hymns addre...
197,57 zł |
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The Godwinian Novel: The Rational Fictions of Godwin, Brockden Brown, Mary Shelley
ISBN: 9780198112204 / Angielski / Twarda / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Godwinian Novel is a pioneering analysis of the school of fiction inaugurated by William Godwin, and developed in the works of his principal followers, Charles Brockden Brown and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. In the first study of these authors as a historically specific group, Pamela Clemit argues for a greater unity between Godwin's fictional techniques and his radical political philosophy than has been perceived. Her analysis of the works of Brown and Mary Shelley, moreover, reveals how these writers modified, reshaped, and redefined Godwin's distinctive themes and techniques in...
The Godwinian Novel is a pioneering analysis of the school of fiction inaugurated by William Godwin, and developed in the works of his principal follo...
254,95 zł |
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D.H. Lawrence: Aesthetics and Ideology
ISBN: 9780198112358 / Angielski / Twarda / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The vast body of Lawrence scholarship has veered between the extremes of uncritical celebration and violent denigration. This first extended study of Lawrence's aesthetics draws on a number of modern critical approaches to present an original and balanced analysis of Lawrence's literary and art criticism, and of the complex cultural context from which it emerged. This fascinating and lucid study reveals Lawrence's art criticism as pluralistic and anti-authoritarian, a necessary antidote to his sometimes brutally authoritarian politics and to the dogma and rigidity that pervades so many other...
The vast body of Lawrence scholarship has veered between the extremes of uncritical celebration and violent denigration. This first extended study of ...
663,79 zł |
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Complete Critical Edition: 8: The Poems; The Prose Works
ISBN: 9780198113591 / Angielski / Twarda / 692 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A scholarly edition of works by by Ben Jonson. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
A scholarly edition of works by by Ben Jonson. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and schola...
878,97 zł |
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The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats: Volume IV: 1905-1907
ISBN: 9780198126843 / Angielski / Twarda / 1188 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume covers a tumultuous period in Yeats's public and personal life, beginning with the acrimonious collapse of Maud Gonne's marriage to Major MacBride (who not only accused Yeats of being her lover but also threatened to shoot him), and encompassing the fiery disputes in the Abbey Theatre as it changed from an amateur society into a professional company. Through all this, we see Yeats maturing as an artist: writing and revising poems and plays, and preparing an eight-volume Collected Works through which he hoped to define his artistic personality. The letters not only record an...
This volume covers a tumultuous period in Yeats's public and personal life, beginning with the acrimonious collapse of Maud Gonne's marriage to Major ...
1428,86 zł |
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Lord Byron: The Complete Poetical Works: Volume V: Don Juan
ISBN: 9780198127574 / Angielski / Twarda / 794 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Complete Poetical Works Volume 5: Don Juan
The Complete Poetical Works Volume 5: Don Juan
1871,16 zł |
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Plays, Poems, and Miscellaneous Writings Associated with George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham: Two-Volume Set
ISBN: 9780198127611 / Angielski / Twarda / 1312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham (1628-1687) was one of the most scandalous and controversial figures of the Restoration period. He was the principal author of The Rehearsal (1671), an enormously successful burlesque play that ridiculed John Dryden and the rhymed heroic drama. Historians remember Buckingham as an opponent who helped topple Clarendon from power in 1667, as a member of the "Cabal" government in the early 1670s, and as an ally of the Earl of Shaftesbury in the political crisis of 1678-1683. The duke was prominent among the "court wits" (Rochester, Etherege, Sedley,...
George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham (1628-1687) was one of the most scandalous and controversial figures of the Restoration period. He was the ...
2361,29 zł |
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Henry VI, Part I: The Oxford Shakespeare
ISBN: 9780198183921 / Angielski / Twarda / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Henry VI: Part One is a dramatic tale of the lives of soldiers, diplomats, kings, and insurrectionists. It depicts the fractious instability of the court and nobility of fifteenth-century England, and their squabbles with their French counterparts.
Despite its debut performance in 1592, however, Henry VI: Part One does not appear in printed form until some thirty years later, in the 1623 folio. There are many questions, therefore, surrounding exactly how many people wrote the play, when they did so, how it was performed, who played what part, and the nature of the... Henry VI: Part One is a dramatic tale of the lives of soldiers, diplomats, kings, and insurrectionists. It depicts the fractious instability ...
1058,27 zł |
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Contributions to the Champion, and Related Writings
ISBN: 9780198185109 / Angielski / Twarda / 816 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume, which completes the edition's coverage of Henry Fielding's journalism, provides a view of eighteenth-century journalism very different from the more genteel Tatler-Spectator tradition, and complicates the familiar image of Fielding the moralist. Fielding's contributions to The Champion are not only among his most energetic and intriguing works in the genre; they also have a dense political background, of interest to historians studying the interface between journalism and politicians of the time, as well as the role of newspaper publishers.
This volume, which completes the edition's coverage of Henry Fielding's journalism, provides a view of eighteenth-century journalism very different fr...
2170,02 zł |
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The Letters of Charlotte Brontë: With a Selection of Letters by Family and Friends, Volume III: 1852-1855
ISBN: 9780198185994 / Angielski / Twarda / 444 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume covers the period from 1852 until Charlotte Brontes tragically early death in March 1855. We read of her long struggle to complete Villette, and her indignation when Harriet Martineau finds in it evidence that her mind is "full of the subject of one passion-love." Complete texts of many letters to Mrs. Gaskell illuminate Charlotte's friendship with the fellow-novelist who was to be her biographer. Subsequent letters touchingly reveal her love for her husband, her "tenderest nurse" during her last illness.
" This volume covers the period from 1852 until Charlotte Brontes tragically early death in March 1855. We read of her long struggle to complete Villett...
1357,14 zł |
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The Poems and Plays of Isaac Rosenberg
ISBN: 9780198187158 / Angielski / Twarda / 476 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is the first scholarly edition of the poetry of Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918). Although he is generally described as a First World War poet, this edition also highlights his pre-war achievement as a writer of powerful individual work. Drawing on a detailed analysis of manuscript sources, it offers unrivalled insight into the process of his poetic thought. His numerous drafts have been transcribed in full or given as textual variants so that, for the first time, the reader is able to follow the extraordinary way in which he built up his poems by composing individual lines which he then...
This is the first scholarly edition of the poetry of Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918). Although he is generally described as a First World War poet, this e...
1572,31 zł |
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Letters: Volume 3
ISBN: 9780198187448 / Angielski / Twarda / 604 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is a reprint of the authoritative six-volume edition of the Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Superbly edited by Earl Leslie Griggs, each volume contains illustrations, appendices, and an index.
This is a reprint of the authoritative six-volume edition of the Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Superbly edited by Earl Leslie Griggs, ...
1141,96 zł |