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Discovering the Unexpected: Comparative Legal Studies in Eastern and Central Europe
ISBN: 9781616196554 / Angielski / Twarda / 562 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
814,86 zł |
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Contemporary International Law of Civilized Peoples: General Part
ISBN: 9781616196608 / Angielski / Twarda / 418 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
814,86 zł |
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Contemporary International Law of Civilized Peoples: Special Part
ISBN: 9781616196660 / Angielski / Twarda / 532 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
814,86 zł |
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The Comparative Method in the Science of Law
ISBN: 9781616196653 / Angielski / Twarda / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
814,86 zł |
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Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte: Land Und Stadt Bürger Und Bauer Im Alten Europa
ISBN: 9783540663072 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 886 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die Autoren legen eine Darstellung der Rechtsgeschichte vom Ende des westromischen Reiches bis zum Umbruch um 1800 vor, die sich in Gliederung und Perspektive von der alteren, ausgesprochen oder unausgesprochen auf den Staat bezogenen Rechtsgeschichte lost. Bezugspunkt der Rechtsentwicklung ist vielmehr der genossenschaftliche Lebenszusammenhang, der sich seit dem Hochmittelalter in der landlichen und der stadtischen Gemeinde oder Kommune verdichtet und rechtlich ausformt. Die Entwicklung der traditionalen Rechtsformen wie auch das Eindringen des gelehrten Rechtsdenkens werden so von ihren...
Die Autoren legen eine Darstellung der Rechtsgeschichte vom Ende des westromischen Reiches bis zum Umbruch um 1800 vor, die sich in Gliederung und Per...
819,91 zł |
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Dokumente Zum Europäischen Recht: Band 3: Kartellrecht (Bis 1957)
ISBN: 9783540634997 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 659 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Das Europaische Kartellrecht gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung und uberlagert in vielfaltiger Weise das deutsche System der Kontrolle von Marktabsprachen und Fusionen. So wichtig die Vorschriften im EG-Vertrag zum Kartellrecht sind, so wenig sind bislang deren historische Wurzeln untersucht worden. Dies hangt damit zusammen, da die Archive der Europaischen Gemeinschaften bis 1983 nicht zuganglich waren. Erst mit der Offnung der Archive lat sich rekonstruieren, was sich die Vater der Vertrage bei deren Abfassung in den funfziger Jahren gedacht haben. Im vorliegenden Band werden die...
Das Europaische Kartellrecht gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung und uberlagert in vielfaltiger Weise das deutsche System der Kontrolle von Marktabsprache...
819,91 zł |
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Erläuterungsbuch zum Erbschaftssteuergesetz mit sämtlichen einschlägigen Gesetzen und Verordnungen nach dem Stand vom 1. Juli 1924
ISBN: 9783112374658 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 681 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
820,63 zł |
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A History of Serbian Mediaeval Law
ISBN: 9789004529366 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book explores the complete history of Serbian law in the Middle Ages, covering the 12th to the 15th centuries, which until now has been largely unstudied in international scholarship. Firmly rooted in primary source research and showing strong awareness of the contemporary historical context, this comprehensive study examines different types of law – such as criminal law, constitutional law, and civil law – and the various legal systems and procedures in place during this time, offering a valuable synthesis while also presenting new views and novel interpretations of Serbian legal...
This book explores the complete history of Serbian law in the Middle Ages, covering the 12th to the 15th centuries, which until now has been largely u...
820,85 zł |
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A History of Public Law in Germany 1914-1945
ISBN: 9780199269365 / Angielski / Twarda / 504 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This history of the discipline of public law in Germany covers three dramatic decades of the Twentieth century. It opens with the First World War, analyses the highly creative years of the Weimar Republic, and recounts the decline of German public law that began in 1933 and extended to the downfall of the Third Reich.
This history of the discipline of public law in Germany covers three dramatic decades of the Twentieth century. It opens with the First World War, ana...
824,63 zł |
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New Perspectives in the Roman Law of Property: Essays for Barry Nicholas
ISBN: 9780198256144 / Angielski / Twarda / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An important contribution to the study of Roman law, this festschrift, assembled in honor of Barry Nicholas, has been hailed worldwide as the most significant recent work on restitution.
An important contribution to the study of Roman law, this festschrift, assembled in honor of Barry Nicholas, has been hailed worldwide as the most sig...
824,63 zł |
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The Colorado State Constitution
ISBN: 9780190907723 / Angielski / Twarda / 546 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
824,63 zł |
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The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government Ad 284-324
ISBN: 9780198149842 / Angielski / Twarda / 424 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The era of Diocletian and Constantine--when the Christian church passed from persecution to imperial favor--saw far-reaching administrative changes that established the structure of government in the Roman Empire for three hundred years. This was a complex period of cooperation and rivalry between co-emperors, the result of Diocletian's experiment in government by four rulers, the tetrarchs. Drawing together material from a wide variety of sources, Corcoran studies the vast range of documents issued by the emperors and their officials, and assesses how effectively the machinery of government...
The era of Diocletian and Constantine--when the Christian church passed from persecution to imperial favor--saw far-reaching administrative changes th...
824,63 zł |
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Contributory Negligence: A Historical and Comparative Study
ISBN: 9789004278714 / Angielski / Twarda / 498 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
825,05 zł |
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The Judges of the New York Court of Appeals: A Biographical History
ISBN: 9780823227631 / Angielski / Twarda / 1300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. New York's Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state, created in 1847 to articulate statewide principles of law in the context of deciding particular lawsuits. Focusing on broad issues of law rather than individual disputes, the Court now consists of seven judges-one chief judge and six associate judges-appointed by the governor to terms of fourteen years.Since its creation, the Court of Appeals has often been at the forefront of shaping American law; its judges have been among the nation's most influential jurists. And now, this important reference work finally provides a...
New York's Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state, created in 1847 to articulate statewide principles of law in the context of deciding pa...
826,23 zł |
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European Union Internal Market
ISBN: 9781138150461 / Angielski / Twarda / 252 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
826,23 zł |
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Law and Revolution: Past Experiences, Future Challenges
ISBN: 9781032350035 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
826,23 zł |
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Legal Responses to Mass Migration: From the Nineteenth Century to World War II
ISBN: 9781032910130 / Angielski / 11-04-2025 Książka dostępna od: 11-04-2025 |
Termin ukazania się książki: 11-04-2025
Książkę można już zamówić z rabatem 5% |
784,92 zł |
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Law and Industrial Relations: China and Japan After World War II: China and Japan After World War II
ISBN: 9789041110756 / Angielski / Twarda / 209 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
826,50 zł |
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Historic Waters in the Law of the Sea: A Modern Re-Appraisal
ISBN: 9789004163508 / Angielski / Twarda / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This work reassesses the doctrine, and present-day status, of historic waters in the law of the sea, particularly in the light of the most recent decisions of the International Court of Justice which have referred to the topic and in the United States, such as Alaska v. US(2005) in which the author acted as expert witness for the US federal Government. The latter case forms a continuous theme throughout the book. Detailed and critical examination is made of the alleged rules in international customary law, including matters such as burden of proof.
This work reassesses the doctrine, and present-day status, of historic waters in the law of the sea, particularly in the light of the most recent deci...
829,26 zł |
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Regeneration and Hegemony: Franco-Batavian Relations in the Revolutionary Era, 1795-1803
ISBN: 9789004185586 / Angielski / Twarda / 808 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. What is the relevance of law to a world dominated by a hegemon? What is the relation between power and law at the international level? In this volume, these questions are approached based on a case study of relations between France and the Netherlands throughout the Revolutionary Wars. It shows that power and law are not isolated phenomena and that their relation is not as one-dimensional as it is commonly portrayed. Law can be an instrument of power, while law poses a normative force even a superpower cannot ignore. Thereto, the case study sketches a context in which an international law...
What is the relevance of law to a world dominated by a hegemon? What is the relation between power and law at the international level? In this volume,...
833,47 zł |