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The Supreme Court on Church and State
ISBN: 9780195050295 / Angielski / Miękka / 464 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In revising and updating Joseph Tussman's The Supreme Court on Church and State, Robert Alley has collected the major Supreme Court decisions on the separation of church and state to provide a comprehensive and non-partisan guide to the Court's opinions. Cases are presented in their entirety, with many essential dissenting opinions, and cover a representative sample of significant issues. With a historical introduction and a chart of Supreme Court Justices's votes, this book is an important reference on a timely subject.
In revising and updating Joseph Tussman's The Supreme Court on Church and State, Robert Alley has collected the major Supreme Court decisions...
863,99 zł |
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Redefining Equality
ISBN: 9780195116656 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The idea of equality is central to American civic life and one of the foundations of our national identity. Charges of unequal treatment continue to be voiced nationwide, in both the public discourse and the courts, yet there is no consensus on the meaning of equality. Competing views on this topic have erupted into a cultural conflict that looms large in contemporary American politics.
In this collection of insightful essays, distinguished scholars in law, history, and social science present varying perspectives on this fundamental concept. Addressing the specific cases behind the... The idea of equality is central to American civic life and one of the foundations of our national identity. Charges of unequal treatment continue to b...
291,50 zł |
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Thinking about Sexual Harassment: A Guide for the Perplexed
ISBN: 9780195143775 / Angielski / Miękka / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This illuminating work on one of today's most provocative issues provides all the necessary information for careful, critical thinking about the concept of sexual harassment. Consisting mainly of two parts, it first traces the construction of the concept of sexual harassment from the original public uses of the term to its definitions in the law, in legal cases, and in empirical research. It then analyzes philosophical definitions of sexual harassment and a number of issues that have arisen in the law, including the reasonable woman standard and whether same-sex harassment should be...
This illuminating work on one of today's most provocative issues provides all the necessary information for careful, critical thinking about the conce...
167,86 zł |
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Unfinished Business: Racial Equality in American History
ISBN: 9780195304282 / Angielski / Twarda / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Michael J. Klarman, author of From Jim Crow to Civil Rights, which won the prestigious Bancroft Prize in American History, is one of the leading authorities on the history of civil rights law in the United States. In Unfinished Business, he illuminates the course of racial equality in America, revealing that we have made less progress than we like to think. Indeed, African Americans have had to fight for everything they have achieved. Klarman highlights a variety of social and political factors that have influenced the path of racial progress--wars, migrations, urbanization, shifting...
Michael J. Klarman, author of From Jim Crow to Civil Rights, which won the prestigious Bancroft Prize in American History, is one of the leading autho...
152,05 zł |
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From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Racial Equality
ISBN: 9780195310184 / Angielski / Miękka / 672 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A monumental investigation of the Supreme Court's rulings on race, From Jim Crow To Civil Rights spells out in compelling detail the political and social context within which the Supreme Court Justices operate and the consequences of their decisions for American race relations. In a highly provocative interpretation of the decision's connection to the civil rights movement, Klarman argues that Brown was more important for mobilizing southern white opposition to racial change than for encouraging direct-action protest. Brown unquestioningly had a significant...
A monumental investigation of the Supreme Court's rulings on race, From Jim Crow To Civil Rights spells out in compelling detail the politica...
129,84 zł |
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A Theory of Constitutional Rights
ISBN: 9780198258216 / Angielski / Twarda / 700 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In any country where there is a Bill of Rights, constitutional rights reasoning is an important part of the legal process. As more and more countries adopt Human Rights legislation and accede to international human rights agreements, and as the European Union introduces its own Bill of Rights, judges struggle to implement these rights consistently and sometimes the reasoning behind them is lost. Examining the practice in other jurisdictions can be a valuable guide. Robert Alexy's classic work reconstructs the reasoning behind the jurisprudence of the German Basic Law and in doing so provides...
In any country where there is a Bill of Rights, constitutional rights reasoning is an important part of the legal process. As more and more countries ...
873,79 zł |
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Childbirth and the Law
ISBN: 9780198264682 / Angielski / Twarda / 424 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Childbirth and the Law examines aspects of English, United States, Canadian, and Australian law as it applies to the fetus, the pregnant woman, and the doctor or midwife who provides antenatal and perinatal care. A major part of the book consists of a critical examination of the law's attempts to protect the fetus, which is threatened by conduct such as a criminal assault, maternal drug-taking or parental refusal of medical treatment. The remainder of the work deals with the rapidly expanding and increasingly complex body of law on the liability of obstetricians, general practitioners, and...
Childbirth and the Law examines aspects of English, United States, Canadian, and Australian law as it applies to the fetus, the pregnant woman, and th...
802,48 zł |
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Pluralism, Justice, and Equality
ISBN: 9780198279372 / Angielski / Twarda / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The essays in this book by a group of leading political theorists assess and develop the central ideas of Michael Walzer's path-breaking Spheres of Justice. Is social justice a radically plural notion, with its principles determined by the different social goods that men and women allocate to one another? Is it possible to prevent the unequal distribution of money and power from distorting the allocation of other goods? If different goods are distributed by different mechanisms, what (if any) kind of social equality is possible? Are there universal principles of jusstice which apply...
The essays in this book by a group of leading political theorists assess and develop the central ideas of Michael Walzer's path-breaking Spheres of Ju...
305,76 zł |
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Defamation and Freedom of Speech
ISBN: 9780199204922 / Angielski / Twarda / 270 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The law of defamation contemplates the clash of two fundamental rights; the right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the media, and the right to reputation. The rules of defamation law are designed to mediate between these two rights. Defamation and Freedom of Speech argues that fundamental rules and procedures of defamation law need to be reformed to take into account the dual importance of public interest speech, on the one hand, and the right to human dignity on the other. In particular, the presumptions that defamatory allegations are false and have caused damage, the...
The law of defamation contemplates the clash of two fundamental rights; the right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the media, and the ri...
648,01 zł |
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Judicial Review and the Rights of Private Parties in EU Law
ISBN: 9780199206865 / Angielski / Miękka / 500 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book details the rights of private parties to enforce principles of EU law, both before the national courts and the European courts of First Instance and Justice in Luxembourg. These originally amounted to two distinct bodies of case law. However, particularly since the advent of Member State liability in damages, there have been increasing trends toward convergence in relevant principles in private party EU litigation; whether the defendant is a Member State government authority or an EU institution. On the other hand, emphasis on 'individual rights' continues to be greater in cases...
This book details the rights of private parties to enforce principles of EU law, both before the national courts and the European courts of First Inst...
517,28 zł |
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Universal Minority Rights: A Commentary on the Jurisprudence of International Courts and Treaty Bodies
ISBN: 9780199208517 / Angielski / Twarda / 504 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The development of international standards for the protection of minorities has been slow and fragmented. In the absence of a comprehensive and universal binding set of rules, the development of minority protection has been left to regional agreements and judicial interpretation of wider human rights treaties. Universal Minority Rights brings together, for the first time, the full set of all regional and international jurisprudence from courts and treaty bodies concerned with issues of minority rights.
The commentary is arranged around ten thematic areas of investigation, including... The development of international standards for the protection of minorities has been slow and fragmented. In the absence of a comprehensive and univer...
671,77 zł |
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Buying Social Justice: Equality, Government Procurement & Legal Change
ISBN: 9780199232420 / Angielski / Twarda / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Governments spend huge amounts of money buying goods and services from the private sector. How far should their spending power be affected by social policy? Arguments against the practice are often made by economists - on the grounds of inefficiency - and lawyers - on the grounds of free competition and international economic law.Buying Social Justice analyzes how governments in developed and developing countries use their contracting power in order to advance social equality and reduce discrimination, and argues that this approach is an entirely legitimate and efficient means of achieving...
Governments spend huge amounts of money buying goods and services from the private sector. How far should their spending power be affected by social p...
588,59 zł |
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Buying Social Justice: Equality, Government Procurement & Legal Change
ISBN: 9780199232437 / Angielski / Miękka / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Buying Social Justice analyses how governments in developed and developing countries use their contracting power in order to advance social equality and reduce discrimination, and argues that this approach is an entirely legitimate, and underused means of achieving social justice.
Buying Social Justice analyses how governments in developed and developing countries use their contracting power in order to advance social equality a...
493,52 zł |
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Civil Liberties
ISBN: 9780199283002 / Angielski / Miękka / 230 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This title traces the origin of the term, civil liberties, and what it has come to mean today. The author argues that the protection of civil liberties is a vital front in the struggle to preserve political freedom and that a proper understanding of and commitment to civil liberties has never been more important.
This title traces the origin of the term, civil liberties, and what it has come to mean today. The author argues that the protection of civil libertie...
258,23 zł |
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Social Rights in Europe
ISBN: 9780199287994 / Angielski / Miękka / 422 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book is concerned with the legal framework for protecting and promoting social rights in Europe. Its chapters examine procedural and substantive aspects of the Council of Europe's European Social Charter and the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as the EU's so-called "acquis" in the area of social rights. They look at a range of issues, including the strengths and weaknesses of the two systems in terms of promoting and protecting social rights by examining the legal and political enforcement mechanisms as well as at some of the important substantive rights contained...
The book is concerned with the legal framework for protecting and promoting social rights in Europe. Its chapters examine procedural and substantive a...
434,10 zł |
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How Law Works: The Machinery and Impact of Civil Justice
ISBN: 9780199292073 / Angielski / Twarda / 340 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book looks at the civil justice system - the courts and what they do; legal aid and other methods of providing access to justice; lawyers and their conduct; and the role of legal procedure. It also looks at the impact the civil justice system has on wider society, and its relationship with economics and commercial development. The book is largely focussed on Britain, but includes material from the USA, the Indian sub-continent, south-east Asia, and Aboriginal society in Australia.
This book looks at the civil justice system - the courts and what they do; legal aid and other methods of providing access to justice; lawyers and the...
612,35 zł |
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The Constitutional Underclass: Gays, Lesbians, and the Failure of Class-Based Equal Protection
ISBN: 9780226288604 / Angielski / Miękka / 206 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When the Supreme Court struck down Colorado's Amendment 2 which would have nullified all state and local laws protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination it was widely regarded as a victory for gay rights. Yet many gays and lesbians still risk losing their jobs, custody of their children, and even their liberty under the law. Using the Colorado initiative as his focus, Gerstmann untangles the complex standards and subtle rhetoric the Supreme Court uses to apply the equal protection clause.
The Court divides people into legal classes that receive varying levels of protection; gays and... When the Supreme Court struck down Colorado's Amendment 2 which would have nullified all state and local laws protecting gays and lesbians from discri...
121,47 zł |
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The Gay Rights Question in Contemporary American Law
ISBN: 9780226451015 / Angielski / Miękka / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The gay rights question is whether the second-class legal status of gay people should be changed. In this book Andrew Koppelman shows the powerful legal and moral case for gay equality, but argues that courts cannot and should not impose it.
"The Gay Rights Question in Contemporary American Law" offers an unusually nuanced analysis of the most pressing gay rights issues. Does antigay discrimination violate the Constitution? Is there any sound moral objection to homosexual conduct? Are such objections the moral and constitutional equivalent of racism? Must state laws recognizing same-sex... The gay rights question is whether the second-class legal status of gay people should be changed. In this book Andrew Koppelman shows the powerful leg...
147,88 zł |
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Enduring Legacies: Native American Treaties and Contemporary Controversies
ISBN: 9780313321047 / Angielski / Twarda / 365 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Treaties are so fundamental to the lives of Native Americans and their nations in the United States and Canada that life without them would be difficult to imagine. Most contemporary issues, from land claims to resource ownership to gambling permits, are rooted in laws that derive much of their sustenance from such documents. Treaties are, therefore, vibrant documents that define important issues in our time. This book is an attempt to maintain a "national conversation" on the treaty basis of important contemporary laws and issues. While the texts of such treaties have long been available,...
Treaties are so fundamental to the lives of Native Americans and their nations in the United States and Canada that life without them would be difficu...
290,48 zł |
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The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies
ISBN: 9780415040105 / Angielski / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "The Domestication of Women is a feminist critique of international development agencies and programs. A researcher in development studies with past experience as a United Nations consultant, Barbara Rogers writes with a note of outrage about the pervasive biases against women that lead to wasteful and destructive bungling on the part of Western and Westernized men who dominate the field of development planning." - Amy Burce (Stanford University), Signs "The Domestication of Women is a feminist critique of international development agencies and programs. A researcher in development studies... |
200,64 zł |