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The Devil's Chain: Prostitution and Social Control in Partitioned Poland
ISBN: 9780801454196 / Angielski / Twarda / 392 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In the half-century before Poland's long-awaited political independence in 1918, anxiety surrounding the country's burgeoning sex industry fueled nearly constant public debate. The Devil's Chain is the first book to examine the world of commercial sex throughout the partitioned Polish territories, uncovering a previously hidden conversation about sexuality, gender propriety, and social class. Keely Stauter-Halsted situates the preoccupation with prostitution in the context of Poland's struggle for political independence and its difficult transition to modernity. She traces the... In the half-century before Poland's long-awaited political independence in 1918, anxiety surrounding the country's burgeoning sex industry fueled n... |
191,04 zł |
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Institutionalizing Gender Equality: Historical and Global Perspectives
ISBN: 9781498516730 / Angielski / Twarda / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Forty years have passed since the first UN-organized World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. In that time, women's rights, and later gender equality, have become firmly established as an important area of global politics and human rights. What shape have these processes taken in different parts of the world? How do global and internationally designed institutions adapt to local cultural, religious, political, and economic contexts? What are the problems and contradictions embedded in this process when viewed from a global perspective? What effects do grassroots, local, and national...
Forty years have passed since the first UN-organized World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. In that time, women's rights, and later gender ...
539,78 zł |
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Behind the Shades: A Female Secret Service Agent's True Story
ISBN: 9780996159500 / Angielski / Miękka / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Behind the Shades tells the story of the life of a female agent entering the male dominated world of the Secret Service. It is a story of personal sacrifice, adventure, acceptance and rejection, tenacity, endurance, and hard work during trying times. Sue Ann Baker was on the front lines of history and observed it being made on a larger scale. She is one of the pioneers who paved the way for the many capable female agents that followed in her footsteps, and I am proud to say I served with her. Clinton J. Hill, Assistant Director, Protective Forces (Retired) United States Secret Service NY...
Behind the Shades tells the story of the life of a female agent entering the male dominated world of the Secret Service. It is a story of personal sac...
65,15 zł |
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Liberation Des Femmes Et Revolution Socialiste
ISBN: 9780902869493 / Francuski / Miękka / 318 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
70,62 zł |
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Kein Duke zum Verlieben: Love is waiting
ISBN: 9781514852217 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 310 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Als notorischer Frauenheld trifft es Lord Nathan Mannings schwer, dass seine eigene Braut ihn in der Hochzeitsnacht verschmaht. Fortan versucht er sie aus seinen Gedanken zu verbannen. Lady Annabell Mannings, von ihrem Onkel in die Ehe geprugelt, nimmt, nach jahrelang erduldeter Verbannung, ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand. Eine Scheidung muss her und zwar schnell "
Als notorischer Frauenheld trifft es Lord Nathan Mannings schwer, dass seine eigene Braut ihn in der Hochzeitsnacht verschmaht. Fortan versucht er sie...
64,33 zł |
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Ce Que Vaut une Femme
ISBN: 9781910220580 / Francuski / Miękka / 162 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Qu'adviendrait-il de notre pays le jour ou la femme se trouverait detournee de sa destination naturelle, ou la jeune fille pourrait supposer qu'il existe autre chose pour elle que la mission noble et sainte d'etre epouse, d'etre mere. C'est la pensee de cette mission, nous dirons plus, de cet apostolat de la femme dans la famille qui devrait etre l'unique regle de son education, et rien ne devrait lui etre enseigne qui n'ait pour but plus ou moins direct d'en faire la fille devouee, la mere sage et prevoyante, l'epouse tendre et digne, c'est-a-dire l'ornement, la consolation, le soutien moral...
Qu'adviendrait-il de notre pays le jour ou la femme se trouverait detournee de sa destination naturelle, ou la jeune fille pourrait supposer qu'il exi...
82,34 zł |
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Women in Transnational History: Connecting the Local and the Global
ISBN: 9781138905788 / Angielski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Women in Transnational History offers a range of fresh perspectives on the field of women s history, exploring how cross-border connections and global developments since the nineteenth century have shaped diverse women s lives and the gendered social, cultural, political and economic histories of specific localities. The book is divided into three thematically-organised parts, covering gendered histories of transnational networks, women s agency in the intersecting histories of imperialisms and nationalisms, and the concept of localizing the global and globalizing the local. Discussing... Women in Transnational History offers a range of fresh perspectives on the field of women s history, exploring how cross-border connections and glo... |
211,10 zł |
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Busy Moments of an Idle Woman
ISBN: 9780692494554 / Angielski / Miękka / 338 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman is a collection of five stories about the social lives and romantic exploits of women in the Antebellum era. Originally published in 1853, this edition has been edited and updated with a new foreword by Angela Hanyak.
Busy Moments of an Idle Woman is a collection of five stories about the social lives and romantic exploits of women in the Antebellum era. Originally ...
59,83 zł |
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In Their Own Words: Women Who Served in WW II
ISBN: 9781861513946 / Angielski / Miękka / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Rachel Vogeleisen is a professional photographer specializing in women's portraits and fashion. Her fascination with the Second World War was sparked by her discovery as a child that her grandfather, from Alsace, had had to fight for the Germans against Russia. This book, the culmination of ten years of research, is a collection of portraits and testimonials recording the experiences of 21 women who volunteered during World War II, interviewed by the author. The accounts have been left as far as possible in the women's original words, so that their voices can be heard clearly and faithfully....
Rachel Vogeleisen is a professional photographer specializing in women's portraits and fashion. Her fascination with the Second World War was sparked ...
101,72 zł |
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Radical Reformers and Respectable Rebels: How the Two Lives of Grace Oakeshott Defined an Era
ISBN: 9781137311832 / Angielski / Twarda / 233 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1907, Grace Oakeshott faked her own death by drowning. Aged 35, she left a marriage and a successful professional life in England and fled with her lover, Walter Reeve, to New Zealand. What prompted her to do so? Jocelyn Robson traces her life story through social, political and religious reform movements of the fin de siecle period.
In 1907, Grace Oakeshott faked her own death by drowning. Aged 35, she left a marriage and a successful professional life in England and fled with her...
107,89 zł |
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Buying a Bride: An Engaging History of Mail-Order Matches
ISBN: 9780814771815 / Angielski / Twarda / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. There have always been mail-order brides in America--but we haven't always thought about them in the same ways. In Buying a Bride, Marcia A. Zug starts with the so-called -Tobacco Wives- of the Jamestown colony and moves all the way forward to today's modern same-sex mail-order grooms to explore the advantages and disadvantages of mail-order marriage. It's a history of deception, physical abuse, and failed unions. It's also the story of how mail-order marriage can offer women surprising and empowering opportunities. Drawing on a forgotten trove of colorful mail-order marriage court...
There have always been mail-order brides in America--but we haven't always thought about them in the same ways. In Buying a Bride, Marcia A. ...
140,72 zł |
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On Gender, Labor, and Inequality
ISBN: 9780252040320 / Angielski / Twarda / 344 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ruth Milkman's groundbreaking research in women's labor history has contributed important perspectives on work and unionism in the United States. On Gender, Labor, and Inequality presents four decades of Milkman's essential writings, tracing the parallel evolutions of her ideas and the field she helped define. Milkman's introduction frames a career-spanning scholarly project: her interrogation of historical and contemporary intersections of class and gender inequalities in the workplace, and the efforts to challenge those inequalities. Early chapters focus on her pioneering work on women's...
Ruth Milkman's groundbreaking research in women's labor history has contributed important perspectives on work and unionism in the United States. On G...
517,82 zł |
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On Gender, Labor, and Inequality
ISBN: 9780252081774 / Angielski / Miękka / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ruth Milkman's groundbreaking research in women's labor history has contributed important perspectives on work and unionism in the United States. On Gender, Labor, and Inequality presents four decades of Milkman's essential writings, tracing the parallel evolutions of her ideas and the field she helped define. Milkman's introduction frames a career-spanning scholarly project: her interrogation of historical and contemporary intersections of class and gender inequalities in the workplace, and the efforts to challenge those inequalities. Early chapters focus on her pioneering work on women's...
Ruth Milkman's groundbreaking research in women's labor history has contributed important perspectives on work and unionism in the United States. On G...
110,55 zł |
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Mrs Luther and Her Sisters: Women in the Reformation
ISBN: 9780745956350 / Angielski / Twarda / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Women have made crucial contributions to the life of the Church from New Testament times onwards, but the Reformation saw an explosion in their involvement. Having benefited alongside their brothers from the Renaissance's emphasis on learning, and with the increasing casting aside of the belief that they were intellectually inferior, women learned to read in ever increasing numbers and most of them wanted to read the Bible. As a result, many started to interpret Scripture for themselves, putting them on a collision course with the Church."
Women have made crucial contributions to the life of the Church from New Testament times onwards, but the Reformation saw an explosion in their involv...
105,79 zł |
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La femme française dans les temps modernes
ISBN: 9781910220726 / Angielski / Miękka / 430 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Cest la famille patriarcale telle que Dieu la instituée au commencement du monde, et telle que le Christ la restaurée. Elle a traversé de bien mauvais jours, et peut-etre subit-elle maintenant la crise la plus périlleuse quelle ait jamais eu a combattre. Ce nest plus seulement, comme autrefois, la corruption des moeurs qui la menace ; cest lébranlement meme des principes sur lesquels elle repose : Dieu, lindissolubilité du mariage, lautorité paternelle. Plus que jamais il appartient a la femme detre a son foyer la gardienne vigilante de ces principes. Elle ne remplit pas seulement...
Cest la famille patriarcale telle que Dieu la instituée au commencement du monde, et telle que le Christ la restaurée. Elle a traversé de bien mauv...
114,37 zł |
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La Signora in Blu
ISBN: 9781517413002 / Włoski / Miękka / 42 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La storia di Sorella Maria di Agreda e gli indiani Jumano ...Tula stava giocando con sua bambola quando si senti improvvisamente uno scoppio caldo all'interno. Gesu, in occasione, aveva detto che quando guardiamo il mondo attraverso gli occhi diun bambino possiamo vedere il Regno dei cieli. Tula percepito che l'amore era accanto a lei. Quindi si sentiva l'amore della Vergine Maria e amore di Dio. Guardo verso il picacho rocciosodove all'inizio del giorno aveva imparato il significato delle pitture rupestri, grazie a sua madre. Tula, il piccolo Jumana di puro spirito, fu il primo che ha visto...
La storia di Sorella Maria di Agreda e gli indiani Jumano ...Tula stava giocando con sua bambola quando si senti improvvisamente uno scoppio caldo all...
55,71 zł |
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Westward the Women
ISBN: 9781943328086 / Angielski / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. WESTWARD THE WOMEN is a book about women of every kind and sort, from nuns to prostitutes, who participated in the greatest American adventure pioneering across the continent. Not only does the material represent half-forgotten history which the author garnered from attics, libraries, state historical museums, and the reminiscences of Far Western Old-timers but it is unique in presenting the woman s side of the story in this major American experience. With dramatic clarity the author of FARTHEST REACH has written the intimate and human stories of certain outstanding personalities among these...
WESTWARD THE WOMEN is a book about women of every kind and sort, from nuns to prostitutes, who participated in the greatest American adventure pioneer...
77,56 zł |
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Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice
ISBN: 9781608466177 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of women of color organizing for reproductive justiceon their own behalf.
Undivided Rights presents a textured understanding of the reproductive rights movement by placing the experiences, priorities, and activism of women of color in the foreground. Using historical research, original organizational case studies, and personal interviews, the authors illuminate how women of color have led the fight to control their own bodies and reproductive destinies. Undivided Rights shows how women of... Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of women of color organizing for reproductive justiceon their own b...
84,90 zł |
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New Orleans Women and the Poydras Home: More Durable Than Marble
ISBN: 9780807163221 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A two-hundred-year-old institution, the Poydras Home -- originally the Poydras Asylum -- stands as an exemplar of woman-led charitable organizations. In a thorough and engaging narrative, Pamela Tyler offers the first complete history of this remarkable New Orleans establishment from its founding as an orphanage for young girls to its present-day operation as a retirement community and assisted-living facility. Throughout, Tyler paints a vivid picture of the many women who faced down the challenges of war, disease, natural disaster, social unrest, and restrictive gender ideals to realize... A two-hundred-year-old institution, the Poydras Home -- originally the Poydras Asylum -- stands as an exemplar of woman-led charitable organization... |
205,86 zł |
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Stepping Lively in Place: The Not-Married, Free Women of Civil-War-Era Natchez, Mississippi
ISBN: 9780820349725 / Angielski / Miękka / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Enlivened with profiles and vignettes of some of the remarkable people whose histories inform this study, Stepping Lively in Place shows how free, single women navigated life in a busy slave-based river-port town before and during the Civil War, and how these women transitioned during Reconstruction, emancipation, and thereafter. It examines how free, single women in one city (including prostitutes, entrepreneurs, and elite plantation ladies) coped with life unencumbered, or unprotected, by husbands. The book pays close attention to the laws affecting southern gender and... Enlivened with profiles and vignettes of some of the remarkable people whose histories inform this study, Stepping Lively in Place shows how... |
190,17 zł |