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ISBN: 9781490955308 / Angielski / Miękka / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Lady Samantha Montgomery was born the third daughter of the Duke and Duchess. The Duke wanted a son and found his wife unable to give him one. He decided to raise Samantha as the son he always wanted. He sought out the teachers of his time to teach Samantha skills that only a man would be privileged to know. Samantha's father died when she was thirteen. Her mother remarried a man who did not approve of her upbringing. He insisted that Samantha be schooled in becoming the Lady she was always meant to be. As Samantha reaches her seventeenth birthday, Prince Michael is scheduled to go through...
Lady Samantha Montgomery was born the third daughter of the Duke and Duchess. The Duke wanted a son and found his wife unable to give him one. He deci...
43,00 zł |
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The Broadview Anthology of Medieval Drama
ISBN: 9781554810567 / Angielski / Miękka / 650 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An important collection of over forty fully annotated plays from the medieval period with substantial introductions.
An important collection of over forty fully annotated plays from the medieval period with substantial introductions.
374,72 zł |
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The Tables Turned
ISBN: 9781447470571 / Angielski / Miękka / 60 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This early work by William Morris was originally published in 1899 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. William Morris was born in London, England in 1834. Arguably best known as a textile designer, he founded a design partnership which deeply influenced the decoration of churches and homes during the early 20th century. However, he is also considered an important Romantic writer and pioneer of the modern fantasy genre, being a direct influence on authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien. As well as fiction, Morris penned poetry and essays. We are republishing these...
This early work by William Morris was originally published in 1899 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. William Mor...
59,88 zł |
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Una Batalla Épica: El juego del ingenio
ISBN: 9781517365783 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 36 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Un cuento para ninos y jovenes donde se relata una ola de ataques de guerreros epicos. Tropas de ajedrez en batalla para vencer al enemigo, es la trama de esta emocionante historia. Con relatos ingeniosos donde se desarrolla la estrategia y se construye una estratagema heroica."
Un cuento para ninos y jovenes donde se relata una ola de ataques de guerreros epicos. Tropas de ajedrez en batalla para vencer al enemigo, es la tram...
23,25 zł |
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Theatre in the Round: The Staging of Cornish Medieval Drama
ISBN: 9781484947050 / Angielski / Miękka / 194 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The important and rich collection of medieval plays from Cornwall has, in the past, been all but ignored by the majority of drama historians and critics. In this book, Sydney Higgins shows why this is a mistaken and ill-informed view. The oldest of the three surviving manuscripts is the Cornish Cycle - performed on three consecutive days - that is probably the earliest surviving British drama script. Next is 'Buenans Meriasek' ('The Life of St. Meriasek') that is the only full-length medieval saint's play to have survived in the literature of Great Britain. The last of the three, 'The...
The important and rich collection of medieval plays from Cornwall has, in the past, been all but ignored by the majority of drama historians and criti...
34,58 zł |
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Vitez Plamenog Tucka: The Knight of the Burning Pestle
ISBN: 9788682791409 / Serbian / Miękka / 162 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
86,39 zł |
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The Children's Crusade: A Play for Children and Adults
ISBN: 9781479141012 / Angielski / Miękka / 56 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Children's Crusade is a play in four scenes, with a cast of 21 children and adults plus more children as needed, with music and knightly pageantry.
The Children's Crusade is a play in four scenes, with a cast of 21 children and adults plus more children as needed, with music and knightly pageantry...
23,25 zł |
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ISBN: 9781496118073 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 64 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Tragicomedia basada en un hecho historico acaecido en la villa de Pedroche durante el reinado de los Reyes Catolicos (1474-1504), como es la destruccion de su castillo a manos de sus propios vecinos, sublevados contra la tirania de la nobleza."
Tragicomedia basada en un hecho historico acaecido en la villa de Pedroche durante el reinado de los Reyes Catolicos (1474-1504), como es la destrucci...
32,15 zł |
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The Dog Hunters Illustrated: The Adventures of Llewelyn & Gelert Book One
ISBN: 9781499697056 / Angielski / Miękka / 390 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The epic retelling of the legend of Gelert the Wolfhound, now fully illustrated by the author with over 230 wrist manglingly detailed drawings. While Welshmen die fighting English invaders, Prince Llewelyn is forced to study Plato. But then a mighty Chinese war fleet arrives, offering to annihilate Wales's hated enemy. Their price? Llewelyn's oldest friend, the mighty wolfhound, Gelert. Boy and dog are stolen in the night and dragged across storm tossed oceans and scorpion-infested deserts in a nightmare journey involving flying dogs, berserk baboons, and thousand-year-old sailors. Thoughts...
The epic retelling of the legend of Gelert the Wolfhound, now fully illustrated by the author with over 230 wrist manglingly detailed drawings. While ...
64,79 zł |
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El hombre que vino de las olas
ISBN: 9788494211737 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 292 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Toda esta historia transcurre en el norte de Dinamarca, en la region e Skagen. Alli donde el mar baltico y el mar del norte estrecha sus manos como gigantes en un pulso salvaje de la madre naturaleza. En ese bucolico enclave vive Hanne, que desde su ninez visita diariamente las desiertas playas de Skagen buscando un sentido a su vida, lejos del palacio Ejnar donde pasa el resto de sus dias. Los vientos de guerra contra el imperio britanico acechan y la posible invasion del pais es irremediable. Solo Hanne es la unica mujer en el reino capaz de cambiar el rumbo de la historia de su pais con la...
Toda esta historia transcurre en el norte de Dinamarca, en la region e Skagen. Alli donde el mar baltico y el mar del norte estrecha sus manos como gi...
76,15 zł |
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The Rose Never Forgets
ISBN: 9781490525853 / Angielski / Miękka / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A play in three acts. Scene: a small medieval town with a central well, time indeterminate. Four main characters, plus a circus practicing while being observed by the main character; otherwise, they are all inanimate. The characters are: the protagonist, his friend, a woman who draws water from the well, and a priest. Within the space of three days they will act out all of human history -- search, wars, love, and redemption.
A play in three acts. Scene: a small medieval town with a central well, time indeterminate. Four main characters, plus a circus practicing while being...
25,28 zł |
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Romard: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama, vol 52-53: The Ritual Life of Medieval Europe: Papers By and For C. Cliffo
ISBN: 9780991976027 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama is an academic journal devoted to the study of Medieval and Renaissance drama in Europe. Previously published under the title of Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama (RORD), the journal has been in publication since 1956. ROMARD is published annually at Western University (www.uwo.ca). For further details, please visit the ROMARD website at www.romard.org. The Ritual Life of Medieval Europe: Papers By and For C. Clifford Flanigan "Guest Editor: Robert L. A. Clark" "Chief Editor: Mario B. Longtin" Volume 52-53 is a double issue... ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama is an academic journal devoted to the study of Medieval and Renaissance drama in Europe. Previou... |
108,05 zł |
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Tecendo a teia da Vida: Por Pina, a Velha
ISBN: 9781500804145 / Portugalski / Miękka / 302 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. No seculo XX, uma Sacerdotisa Neo Paga, narra a historia de suas vidas pregressas a sua bisneta Lidyane. Mergulhando atraves do tempo e do espaco, ela aporta na mais antiga de suas vidas. A primeira delas. Ali, naquele cenario pre - historico, Pina, reve com riqueza de detalhes sua trajetoria de Sacerdotisa... Os homens abandonando as cavernas para formarem o primeiro povoado, Kennas, "A Terra dos Deuses." O surgimento da Ilha de Moon e suas sacerdotisas, "Senhoras da Magia..". O intercambio com o "Reino Encantado..". O peso e o poder dos Druidas (magos), e Senhores de Kennas... O Cla das...
No seculo XX, uma Sacerdotisa Neo Paga, narra a historia de suas vidas pregressas a sua bisneta Lidyane. Mergulhando atraves do tempo e do espaco, ela...
74,25 zł |
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The Battle for Bosworth Range: A Play in One Act
ISBN: 9781502396525 / Angielski / Miękka / 60 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Battle for Bosworth Range is a one act play about the murder of the princes in the Tower. The action is set in The Last Plantagenet Saloon, in the town of Raven, Bosworth County, in the American west of the late nineteenth century. The play suggests that Richard III was set up as culprit for a murder actually carried out by the person who had most to gain from the princes's death - their sister, Elizabeth of York, who on their death became the Yorkist heiress and so married Henry Tudor and became queen.
The Battle for Bosworth Range is a one act play about the murder of the princes in the Tower. The action is set in The Last Plantagenet Saloon, in the...
54,02 zł |
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El Conde Lucanor
ISBN: 9781503120334 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. El conde Lucanor, escrita entre el ano 1330 y 1335 por el infante Don Juan Manuel, es una obra narrativa correspondiente a la literatura espanola medieval. Su titulo completo y original en castellano medieval es "Libro de los enxiemplos del Conde Lucanor et de Patronio" (Libro de los ejemplos del conde Lucanor y de Patronio). Esta compuesta originalmente por cinco partes, la mas conocida de las cuales es la primera parte, que corresponde a una serie de 51 exemplum o ensiemplo ("Ejemplo," escrito en castellano medieval con variadas grafias, como enxienplo, genero asentado en la tradicion...
El conde Lucanor, escrita entre el ano 1330 y 1335 por el infante Don Juan Manuel, es una obra narrativa correspondiente a la literatura espanola medi...
43,18 zł |
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Aliénor, la Reine aux deux couronnes
ISBN: 9781502960696 / Francuski / Miękka / 48 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Epouse divorcee du roi de France Louis VII, Alienor d'Aquitaine, alors agee de 31 ans, se remarie avec le roi d'Angleterre Henry II Plantagenet, d'onze ans son cadet. Le mariage de raison evolue vers une union passionnee et Alienor donne huit enfants a Henry II. Mais le roi devient tres vite infidele ce qui rend Alienor folle de jalousie. Elle dresse alors leurs fils Henry, Geoffroy, Richard et Jean contre leur pere. Une guerre s'ensuit, a l'issue de laquelle, Henry II vainqueur fait jeter Alienor dans une prison ou elle sejournera pendant seize ans. Elle sera liberee en 1189 a la mort de...
Epouse divorcee du roi de France Louis VII, Alienor d'Aquitaine, alors agee de 31 ans, se remarie avec le roi d'Angleterre Henry II Plantagenet, d'onz...
23,25 zł |
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La Espada del Tiempo
ISBN: 9781499357257 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La Espada del Tiempo. Una historia epica. Un asombroso espadachin y la historia completa de su vida. Una novela ambientada en la Francia medieval. Un joven herrero frances se prepara para unirse a la Primera Cruzada, pero luego se arrepiente y decide ayudar a los desdichados de su pueblo, que sufren de injusticias... Esta decision cambiara su vida por completo y para siempre, para bien y para mal... y la de quienes se unan a el. Muchos intereses se veran afectados... todo se volvera turbulento; mentiras, trampas, enganos, conspiraciones, amores, milagros, convicciones defendidas con la vida,...
La Espada del Tiempo. Una historia epica. Un asombroso espadachin y la historia completa de su vida. Una novela ambientada en la Francia medieval. Un ...
56,19 zł |
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Myths & Legends Medieval Fantasy Larp System 2015 Edition: Medieval Fantasy Live Action Role-play System of LarpCraft
ISBN: 9781507609866 / Angielski / Miękka / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The 2015 Myths & Legends Larp rule book brought to you by LarpCraft. This rule book is used worldwide for live action roleplay (Larp) events set to a medieval fantasy setting. LarpCraft rule books are designed and modified by the LarpCraft community using a worldwide voting process to insure games are fun, informative and diversified for all types of players.
The 2015 Myths & Legends Larp rule book brought to you by LarpCraft. This rule book is used worldwide for live action roleplay (Larp) events set to a ...
172,83 zł |
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La Leyenda de La torre del Homenaje: La Taifa de Alpuente
ISBN: 9781503181755 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Siglo XI. Las tropas del Cid Campeador estan apostadas frente al castillo de la Taifa de Alpuente. En medio de la batalla por la conquista de la fortaleza, surgira una romantica historia de amor entre Diego, uno de los caballeros de Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, y Samira, la hija del Rey Nizam Al Dawla."
Siglo XI. Las tropas del Cid Campeador estan apostadas frente al castillo de la Taifa de Alpuente. En medio de la batalla por la conquista de la forta...
31,55 zł |
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The Devil On God's Mountain
ISBN: 9780692613023 / Angielski / Miękka / 262 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Sequel to Chronicles of Jongleur, the Storyteller. Follow Father Simon, a former priest of a country monastery, as he abruptly leaves his home in England and journeys for ten years in France. It is a dangerous time in the 13th century. Father Simon knows he may never find who he seeks but he will not end this mission until he is dead, and neither will the Devil On God's Mountain.
Sequel to Chronicles of Jongleur, the Storyteller. Follow Father Simon, a former priest of a country monastery, as he abruptly leaves his home in Engl...
56,14 zł |