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The Climate of Workplace Relations
ISBN: 9781138777811 / Angielski / Twarda / 232 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. First published in 1991, this book investigates not only the processes of industrial relations themselves but also the climate in which they work. As we all as studying union behaviour, it views the topic from the wider perspective of human resource management and integrates theories of industrial relations and organizational analysis. The extensive empirical evidence presented, which draws on manufacturing and service industries in Canada, is used to examine such areas as cooperation between union and management, employee perceptions and corporate culture.
First published in 1991, this book investigates not only the processes of industrial relations themselves but also the climate in which they work. As ...
776,16 zł |
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Daily Planner for Professionals
ISBN: 9781630224103 / Angielski / Miękka / 374 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Daily Planner for Professionals can help the business person on the go to keep accurate make a note of contact information or persons that they meet with on a daily basis. It helps to cut down on the possibility of losing vital information due to the lack of a planner. It enables the user to make quick jottings and make a note of appointments as well.
The Daily Planner for Professionals can help the business person on the go to keep accurate make a note of contact information or persons that they me...
130,33 zł |
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Planificador Diario Para Profesionales
ISBN: 9781630225926 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 374 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. El "Planificador Diario para Profesionales" ayuda a las personas de negocios en transito mantener una anotacion exacta de la informacion de contacto o de las personas con las que se reunen de forma diaria. Ayuda reducir la posibilidad de perder informacion vital debido a la falta de un planificador. Permite al usuario hacer apuntes rapidos y tomar nota de las citas.
El "Planificador Diario para Profesionales" ayuda a las personas de negocios en transito mantener una anotacion exacta de la informacion de contacto o...
130,33 zł |
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Tagesplaner Fur Experten
ISBN: 9781630226091 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 374 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Der Tagesplaner fur Experten kann dem viel beschaftigten Geschaftsmann dabei helfen, auf taglicher Basis genaue Notizen uber neue Kontakte oder die Personen, die sie bei einem Meeting treffen, zu machen. Es hilft ihnen dabei, den Verlust von wichtigen Informationen aufgrund eines fehlenden Planers zu vermeiden. Es ermoglicht dem Benutzer schnelle Notizen zu machen und ebenfalls Termine festzuhalten.
Der Tagesplaner fur Experten kann dem viel beschaftigten Geschaftsmann dabei helfen, auf taglicher Basis genaue Notizen uber neue Kontakte oder die Pe...
130,33 zł |
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Address Book for Professionals on the Go
ISBN: 9781630224097 / Angielski / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. If you have challenges keeping your contacts organized or you have become frustrated with the address books that you are currently using then you are in need of a professional address book. This book is the best method that is currently available to help the user to keep addresses, telephone, numbers, email addresses and any other contact details properly organized.
If you have challenges keeping your contacts organized or you have become frustrated with the address books that you are currently using then you are ...
65,14 zł |
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Password Journal -The Complete Password Protector
ISBN: 9781630224219 / Angielski / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. If you have a challenge remembering the various passwords that you have for various websites and other things that you have to access online tit would be in your best interest to get a copy of the "Password Journal: The Complete Password Protector Journal." This a book that you can use to log all of the important websites, email addresses and the logins that go with them. Of course this book has to be kept in a safe place but you are free to code the passwords any which way you prefer.
If you have a challenge remembering the various passwords that you have for various websites and other things that you have to access online tit would...
56,99 zł |
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Daily Planner for Busy Moms
ISBN: 9781630224349 / Angielski / Miękka / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A daily planner is something that everyone needs to be able to keep track of their daily activities. Even Moms need to keep a track of what errands they need to run or the meetings that they have to attend. That is why the "Daily Planner for Busy Moms" is ideal for any mom.
A daily planner is something that everyone needs to be able to keep track of their daily activities. Even Moms need to keep a track of what errands th...
65,14 zł |
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Agenda Diaria Para Madres Atareadas
ISBN: 9781630225919 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Un planificador diario es algo que todo el mundo necesita para poder hacer un seguimiento de sus actividades diarias. Incluso las madres tienen que hacer un seguimiento de los recados que tienen que realizar o las reuniones a las que tienen que asistir. Por eso, el " Agenda Diaria para Madres Atareadas" es ideal para cualquier madre.
Un planificador diario es algo que todo el mundo necesita para poder hacer un seguimiento de sus actividades diarias. Incluso las madres tienen que ha...
65,14 zł |
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Diario de Contrasenas: El Diario Completo de Proteccion de Contrasenas
ISBN: 9781630226015 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Si tienes problemas para recordar las diversas contrasenas que tienes para varias paginas web y otras cosas a las que tienes acceso online, seria muy provechoso para ti conseguir una copia del " Diario de Contrasenas: El Diario Completo de Proteccion de Contrasenas." Este libro lo puedes usar para registrar todas las paginas web importantes, las direcciones de email y los nombres de usuario que van con ellas. Por supuesto, este libro se tiene que guardar en un lugar seguro, pero puedes codificar las contrasenas de la forma que prefieras.
Si tienes problemas para recordar las diversas contrasenas que tienes para varias paginas web y otras cosas a las que tienes acceso online, seria muy ...
56,99 zł |
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Tagesplaner Fur Beschaftigte Mutter
ISBN: 9781630226084 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Jedermann benotigt einen Tagesplaner, um den Uberblick uber die taglichen Aktivitaten zu behalten. Sogar Mutter mussen planen, welche Besorgungen sie machen oder welche Termine sie einhalten mussen. Das ist der Grund, weshalb der Tagliche fur Beschaftigte Mutter fur jede Mutti ideal ist.
Jedermann benotigt einen Tagesplaner, um den Uberblick uber die taglichen Aktivitaten zu behalten. Sogar Mutter mussen planen, welche Besorgungen sie ...
65,14 zł |
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Passwort-Journal - Das Komplette Journal Fur Passwortschutz
ISBN: 9781630226183 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Wenn es Ihnen schwerfallt, sich an die vielen Passworter, die Sie fur die verschiedenen Webseiten und andere Dinge, auf die Sie online Zugang haben, zu erinnern, ware es in Ihrem eigenen besten Interesse, sich das "Passwort-Journal - Das Komplette Journal fur Passwortschutz" zu besorgen. In dieses Buch konnen Sie alle wichtigen Webseiten, E-Mail-Adressen und die dazugehorigen Anmeldungen (Log-ins) festhalten. Das Buch muss naturlich ein einem sicheren Ort aufbewahrt werden, doch ist es Ihnen uberlassen, die Passworter so zu verschlusseln, wie Sie es fur richtig halten.
Wenn es Ihnen schwerfallt, sich an die vielen Passworter, die Sie fur die verschiedenen Webseiten und andere Dinge, auf die Sie online Zugang haben, z...
56,99 zł |
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Calendrier Journalier Pour Les Meres Occupees
ISBN: 9781630226251 / Francuski / Miękka / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Un planificateur quotidien permet de garder une trace des activites quotidiennes. Les mamans ont elles aussi besoin de garder une trace des courses a faire ou des reunions auxquelles elles doivent assister. C'est pourquoi le 'Calendrier Journalier pour les Meres Occupees' est l'ideal pour toutes les mamans.
Un planificateur quotidien permet de garder une trace des activites quotidiennes. Les mamans ont elles aussi besoin de garder une trace des courses a ...
65,14 zł |
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Mot de Passe Du Journal
ISBN: 9781630226350 / Francuski / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Si vous avez des difficultes a vous rappeler les differents mots de passe que vous avez pour divers sites Web et autres acces online, vous avez tout interet a avoir un exemplaire du 'Mot De Passe Du Journal: Le Mot De Passe Complet Du Journal'. Vous pourrez enregistrer dans ce journal tous les sites importants, les adresses e-mail et les connexions qui vont avec. Bien sur, ce journal devra etre conserve dans un endroit sur, mais vous serez libre de coder les mots de passe de toutes les manieres possibles.
Si vous avez des difficultes a vous rappeler les differents mots de passe que vous avez pour divers sites Web et autres acces online, vous avez tout i...
56,99 zł |
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Calendrier Journalier Pour Professionnels
ISBN: 9781630226268 / Francuski / Miękka / 374 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le 'Calendrier Journalier pour Professionnels' peut aider l'homme d'affaires en deplacement a rester precis en notant les details des personnes qu'il rencontre quotidiennement. Le planificateur aide a diminuer la perte d'informations vitales due a l'absence d'un planificateur et permet de faire des annotations rapides ainsi que de noter des rendez-vous.
Le 'Calendrier Journalier pour Professionnels' peut aider l'homme d'affaires en deplacement a rester precis en notant les details des personnes qu'il ...
130,33 zł |
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Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management
ISBN: 9781137405135 / Angielski / Twarda / 182 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management develops a change model designed to challenge prevailing paradigms in the literature and conversations about equal employment opportunity, diversity, and intercultural management.
Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management develops a change model designed to challenge prevailing paradigms in the literature and conversations a...
400,64 zł |
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Meeting Planner for Professionals: 365 Day Planner
ISBN: 9781631870019 / Angielski / Miękka / 376 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Benefits and uses of a Meeting Planner for Professionals The lifestyles of working individuals is something that can be difficult for the toughest working horses to get used to. The demands of an office job can sometimes take a toll on the most disciplined individuals if they do not plan accordingly. A meeting planner is a tool that working professionals should utilize to keep themselves aware of any scheduled appointments coming up, any assignments that are due, or any errands they may need to tend to. A meeting planner is a tool that can be very beneficial to the brand new intern of a...
The Benefits and uses of a Meeting Planner for Professionals The lifestyles of working individuals is something that can be difficult for the toughest...
130,33 zł |
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Speak Up, Show Up, and Stand Out: The 9 Communication Rules You Need to Succeed
ISBN: 9780071837545 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. MASTER A NEW WAY OF COMMUNICATING TO BUILD INFLUENCE AND ACHIEVE UNPARALLELED SUCCESS
Speak Up, Show Up, and Stand Out provides the rules for exemplary business communication. This lean and effective guide isn't just about choosing the right words; it's a whole new way of communicating to achieve unparalleled success. It offers the tools and skills readers need to build influence, deliver results, and significantly increase their communication effectiveness. MASTER A NEW WAY OF COMMUNICATING TO BUILD INFLUENCE AND ACHIEVE UNPARALLELED SUCCESS
Speak Up, Show Up, and Stand Out provides the rules fo... |
118,15 zł |
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Conceptions of Leadership: Enduring Ideas and Emerging Insights
ISBN: 9781137472014 / Angielski / Twarda / 250 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An exploration of both classic and contemporary conceptions of leadership, focusing on social psychological approaches to central questions such as the way people think about leaders and leadership, the personality attributes of leaders, power and influence, trust, and the qualities that sustain positive relationships between leaders and followers.
An exploration of both classic and contemporary conceptions of leadership, focusing on social psychological approaches to central questions such as th...
400,64 zł |
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Conceptions of Leadership: Enduring Ideas and Emerging Insights
ISBN: 9781137472021 / Angielski / Miękka / 250 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An exploration of both classic and contemporary conceptions of leadership, focusing on social psychological approaches to central questions such as the way people think about leaders and leadership, the personality attributes of leaders, power and influence, trust, and the qualities that sustain positive relationships between leaders and followers.
An exploration of both classic and contemporary conceptions of leadership, focusing on social psychological approaches to central questions such as th...
440,71 zł |
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Human Foundations of Management: Understanding the Homo Humanus
ISBN: 9780230368934 / Angielski / Twarda / 268 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Human Foundations of Management explores the human foundation of management and economic activity in a way that is accessible to readers. The structure and contents of this book examines those aspects of the human being which are relevant to management and economic activities.
Human Foundations of Management explores the human foundation of management and economic activity in a way that is accessible to readers. The structur...
400,64 zł |