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Economics and the Mind
ISBN: 9780415770569 / Angielski / Twarda / 238 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Economics is often defined as the science of choice or human action. But choice and action are essentially mental phenomena, an aspect rarely mentioned in the economics discourse. Choice, while not always a conscious or rational process, is held to involve beliefs, desires, intentions and arguably even free will. Actions are often opposed to mere bodily movements, with the former being in some sense only understandable in reference to mental processes while the latter are understandable in entirely non-mental, physical terms. While philosophers have long concerned themselves with... Economics is often defined as the science of choice or human action. But choice and action are essentially mental phenomena, an aspect rarely menti... |
801,19 zł |
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The Political Economy of Antitrust
ISBN: 9780444530936 / Angielski / Twarda / 508 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Motivated by recent events and experiences in antitrust enforcement and policy in the United States and the European Union, and new insights and findings from academic research, this book presents a collection of theoretical, empirical and public policy-oriented articles representing recent research on the political-economy of antitrust. Political-economy is defined broadly to include the demand-side drivers of antitrust activity such as market failures and interest-groups, along with supply-side drivers including ideology and partisan politics as well as the importance of informational...
Motivated by recent events and experiences in antitrust enforcement and policy in the United States and the European Union, and new insights and findi...
1343,72 zł |
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The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures
ISBN: 9780470821701 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this updated, second edition of the highly acclaimed international best seller, The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures, Richard Duncan describes the flaws in the international monetary system that have destabilized the global economy and that may soon culminate in a deflation-induced worldwide economic slump.
The Dollar Crisis is divided into five parts: Part One describes how the US trade deficits, which now exceed US$1 million a minute, have destabilized the global economy by creating a worldwide credit bubble. Part Two explains why... In this updated, second edition of the highly acclaimed international best seller, The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures, Richard Dunc...
142,39 zł |
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Purposive Diversification and Economic Performance
ISBN: 9780521022583 / Angielski / Miękka / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book examines product-line diversification of large manufacturing firms. It introduces and applies methodology that discerns groups of manufacturing industries related by complementarities in production, marketing, distribution, and research and development activities. Manufacturing firms intentionally vary production to exploit these complementarities, and Professor Scott uses evidence from U.S. manaufacturing to explore hypotheses about such purposive diversification and ensuing economic performance, including product diversification's effects on both static efficiency and the...
This book examines product-line diversification of large manufacturing firms. It introduces and applies methodology that discerns groups of manufactur...
203,57 zł |
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Russia in the 21st Century: The Prodigal Superpower
ISBN: 9780521545297 / Angielski / Miękka / 268 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book demonstrates that Russia intends to re-emerge as a full-fledged superpower before 2010--challenging America and China and potentially threatening a new arms race. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this goal would appear to be easily within the Kremlin's grasp, but the cost to the Russian people and global security would be immense. Hence, Steven Rosefielde proposes a sophisticated strategy to dissuade President Vladimir Putin from pursuing the destabilizing course. His analysis conflicts with the post-cold-war image of the Soviet Union as a westernizing, mass consumption society...
This book demonstrates that Russia intends to re-emerge as a full-fledged superpower before 2010--challenging America and China and potentially threat...
189,02 zł |
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Monetary Transmission in Diverse Economies
ISBN: 9780521813464 / Angielski / Twarda / 276 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Monetary policy mistakes can cause serious economic damage. Central banks and their worldwide observers must strive to understand the transmission mechanism of monetary policy so that they know what monetary policy can do and what it should do to stabilize inflation and output--however imprecise that understanding may be. This volume sets out different aspects of the transmission mechanism, covering practical difficulties, as well as focusing on key areas such as the exchange rate and the monetary sector. The experiences of many countries are explained.
Monetary policy mistakes can cause serious economic damage. Central banks and their worldwide observers must strive to understand the transmission mec...
300,43 zł |
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Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics, and Ethics
ISBN: 9780521825511 / Angielski / Twarda / 378 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Basing rankings on the well-being, broadly conceived, of those who are alive (or ever lived), the axiomatic method is employed. Topics investigated include the measurement of individual well-being, social attitudes toward inequality of well-being, the main classes of population principles, principles that provide incomplete rankings or rank uncertain alternatives, best choices from feasible sets, and applications.
This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Ba...
528,13 zł |
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Russia in the 21st Century: The Prodigal Superpower
ISBN: 9780521836784 / Angielski / Twarda / 268 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book demonstrates that Russia intends to re-emerge as a full-fledged superpower before 2010--challenging America and China and potentially threatening a new arms race. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this goal would appear to be easily within the Kremlin's grasp, but the cost to the Russian people and global security would be immense. Hence, Steven Rosefielde proposes a sophisticated strategy to dissuade President Vladimir Putin from pursuing the destabilizing course. His analysis conflicts with the post-cold-war image of the Soviet Union as a westernizing, mass consumption society...
This book demonstrates that Russia intends to re-emerge as a full-fledged superpower before 2010--challenging America and China and potentially threat...
257,72 zł |
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New Geography of Global Income Inequality
ISBN: 9780674019874 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The surprising finding of this book is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, global income inequality is decreasing. Critics of globalization and others maintain that the spread of consumer capitalism is dramatically polarizing the worldwide distribution of income. But as the demographer Glenn Firebaugh carefully shows, income inequality for the world peaked in the late twentieth century and is now heading downward because of declining income inequality across nations. Furthermore, as income inequality declines across nations, it is rising within nations (though not as rapidly as it is... The surprising finding of this book is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, global income inequality is decreasing. Critics of globalization and ... |
184,22 zł |
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New Foundations of Cost-Benefit Analysis
ISBN: 9780674022799 / Angielski / Twarda / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been an important policy tool of government since the 1980s, when the Reagan administration ordered that all major new regulations be subjected to a rigorous test of whether their projected benefits would outweigh their costs. Not surprisingly, CBA has been criticized by many who claim that it neglects, especially on the benefit side, important values that are hard to measure. In this book, the authors reconceptualize cost-benefit analysis, arguing that its objective should be overall well-being rather than economic efficiency. They show why the link... Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been an important policy tool of government since the 1980s, when the Reagan administration ordered that all major ... |
363,44 zł |
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Technological Innovation and Economic Performance
ISBN: 9780691090917 / Angielski / Miękka / 488 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Information technology accounts for over one-third of recent U.S. GDP growth and nearly two-thirds of corporate capital investment. ''The New Economy'' appears omnipresent, but little is actually known about its workings. This seminal volume brings together the research and critical thinking of many of the world's top macro and micro economists to provide a unique, multifaceted perspective. Through the use of detailed, up-to-date country and industry studies, this book provides the most authoritative and detailed analysis ever assembled into the causes of technological innovation and... Information technology accounts for over one-third of recent U.S. GDP growth and nearly two-thirds of corporate capital investment. ''The New Econo... |
432,22 zł |
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The Limits of Convergence: Globalization and Organizational Change in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain
ISBN: 9780691116334 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book challenges the widely accepted notion that globalization encourages economic convergence--and, by extension, cultural homogenization--across national borders. A systematic comparison of organizational change in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain since 1950 finds that global competition forces countries to exploit their distinctive strengths, resulting in unique development trajectories. Analyzing the social, political, and economic conditions underpinning the rise of various organizational forms, Guillen shows that business groups, small enterprises, and foreign... This book challenges the widely accepted notion that globalization encourages economic convergence--and, by extension, cultural homogenization--acr... |
287,18 zł |
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Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism
ISBN: 9780691126296 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The doctrine of "Islamic economics" entered debates over the social role of Islam in the mid-twentieth century. Since then it has pursued the goal of restructuring economies according to perceived Islamic teachings. Beyond its most visible practical achievement--the establishment of Islamic banks meant to avoid interest--it has promoted Islamic norms of economic behavior and founded redistribution systems modeled after early Islamic fiscal practices. In this bold and timely critique, Timur Kuran argues that the doctrine of Islamic economics is simplistic, incoherent, and... The doctrine of "Islamic economics" entered debates over the social role of Islam in the mid-twentieth century. Since then it has pursued the goal ... |
184,49 zł |
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The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States
ISBN: 9780691133843 / Angielski / Miękka / 232 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Is there one best way to run the modern business corporation? What is the appropriate balance between shareholders, executives, and employees? These questions are being vigorously debated as layoffs, scandals, and restructurings rattle companies around the world. The common assumption is that globalization is merging the varieties of corporate capitalism. Yet, as this book shows, corporations in Japan and the United States are responding differently to the pressures unleashed by globalization. In The Embedded Corporation, Sanford Jacoby traces this diversity to national differences... Is there one best way to run the modern business corporation? What is the appropriate balance between shareholders, executives, and employees? Thes... |
158,13 zł |
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The Atlantic Economy: Britain, the Us and Ireland
ISBN: 9780719059742 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Examines how the economic power of Britain and the US limits the opportunities for small states to develop. Follows the history of the Atlantic economy since the sixteenth century and shows how Ireland's repeated attempts to industrialise were transformed by British and American power. Explains the problems of economic growth and industrialisation from the perspectives of both the developed and developing countries. Addresses the most important question in developmental politics - how can a developing country emerge from a historical cycle of underdevelopment?. Ends with a radical critique of...
Examines how the economic power of Britain and the US limits the opportunities for small states to develop. Follows the history of the Atlantic econom...
105,37 zł |
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Policymaking in the European Central Bank: The Masters of Europe's Money
ISBN: 9780742553668 / Angielski / Twarda / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Drawing on numerous interviews with high-ranking and founding members of the European Central Bank (ECB), Karl Kaltenthaler identifies and explains the factors that shape the bank's domestic and international monetary strategies. As at all institutions, politics are very much involved in policy-making at the ECB. Kaltenthaler finds that instead of being unconcerned with how the bank's policies impact the citizens of the Eurozone, the central bankers desire to keep the economy healthy. This desire is driven by the central bankers' two primary personal preferences: to appear competent to as...
Drawing on numerous interviews with high-ranking and founding members of the European Central Bank (ECB), Karl Kaltenthaler identifies and explains th...
579,81 zł |
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Policymaking in the European Central Bank: The Masters of Europe's Money
ISBN: 9780742553675 / Angielski / Miękka / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Drawing on numerous interviews with high-ranking and founding members of the European Central Bank (ECB), Karl Kaltenthaler identifies and explains the factors that shape the bank's domestic and international monetary strategies. As at all institutions, politics are very much involved in policy-making at the ECB. Kaltenthaler finds that instead of being unconcerned with how the bank's policies impact the citizens of the Eurozone, the central bankers desire to keep the economy healthy. This desire is driven by the central bankers' two primary personal preferences: to appear competent to as...
Drawing on numerous interviews with high-ranking and founding members of the European Central Bank (ECB), Karl Kaltenthaler identifies and explains th...
242,47 zł |
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Research in Economic History
ISBN: 9780762305759 / Angielski / Twarda / 268 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Hardbound. In the tradition of the new economic history, this collection includes seven carefully researched papers blending systematic empirical research with consideration of broader theoretical and analytical issues.
Hardbound. In the tradition of the new economic history, this collection includes seven carefully researched papers blending systematic empirical rese...
818,13 zł |
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Research in Economic History
ISBN: 9780762308378 / Angielski / Twarda / 316 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In the tradition of this series, this collection includes seven carefully researched papers blending systematic empirical research with consideration of broader theoretical and analytical issues.
In the tradition of this series, this collection includes seven carefully researched papers blending systematic empirical research with consideration ...
569,22 zł |
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Inequality and Poverty: Papers from the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality 's Inaugural Meeting
ISBN: 9780762313747 / Angielski / Twarda / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume is a collection of papers presented at the first meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). The Societys aims are to provide an international forum for all researchers interested in the study of economic inequality and related fields, bringing together the diversity of perspectives. The conference was held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain in July 2005. Over eighty parallel sessions were offered, providing novel and interesting work from both mature scholars and as well as new PhDs. With so much quality work from which to choose, it was necessary to limit the...
This volume is a collection of papers presented at the first meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). The Societys aims a...
1051,12 zł |