Charles Blackorby Walter Bossert David J. Donaldson
This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Basing rankings on the well-being, broadly conceived, of those who are alive (or ever lived), the axiomatic method is employed. Topics investigated include the measurement of individual well-being, social attitudes toward inequality of well-being, the main classes of population principles, principles that provide incomplete rankings or rank uncertain alternatives, best choices from feasible sets, and applications.
This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Ba...
Designed to be self-teaching, A Primer of Population Biology shows how to apply simple mathematical models in population biology, shows how to construct such models, and provides a sense of the creative work in this field. Numerical problems throughout the text enable readers to test their growing mastery of the subject. The major topics are population genetics, population and community ecology, and species equilibrium theory. Building from basic principles to advanced topics, the Primer fills a gap between introductory biology texts and advanced works in population...
Designed to be self-teaching, A Primer of Population Biology shows how to apply simple mathematical models in population biology, shows how t...
This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Basing rankings on the well-being, broadly conceived, of those who are alive (or ever lived), the axiomatic method is employed. Topics investigated include the measurement of individual well-being, social attitudes toward inequality of well-being, the main classes of population principles, principles that provide incomplete rankings or rank uncertain alternatives, best choices from feasible sets, and applications.
This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. Ba...
In Consistency, Choice, and Rationality, economic theorists Walter Bossert and Kotaro Suzumura present a thorough mathematical treatment of Suzumura consistency, an alternative to established coherence properties such as transitivity, quasi-transitivity, or acyclicity. Applications in individual and social choice theory, fields important not only to economics but also to philosophy and political science, are discussed. Specifically, the authors explore topics such as rational choice and revealed preference theory, and collective decision making in an atemporal framework...
In Consistency, Choice, and Rationality, economic theorists Walter Bossert and Kotaro Suzumura present a thorough mathematical tr...
Kollektive Entscheidungen, also Entscheidungen einer Gruppe von Personen fur die Gruppe, spielen in allen Bereichen menschlichen Zusammenlebens eine wichtige Rolle. Das Buch bietet eine systematische Einfuhrung in die moderne Theorie kollektiver Entscheidungen, wie sie insbesondere von Arrow begrundet wurde. Es richtet sich an Studenten der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften und behandelt die prominentesten Methoden, mit denen auf der Basis individueller Wertvorstellungen Gruppenentscheidungen getroffen werden. Ausgehend von konkreten Entscheidungsmechanismen, wie den diktatorischen,...
Kollektive Entscheidungen, also Entscheidungen einer Gruppe von Personen fur die Gruppe, spielen in allen Bereichen menschlichen Zusammenlebens eine w...