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The Essential Financial Toolkit: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Finance But Were Afraid to Ask
ISBN: 9781349328888 / Angielski / Miękka / 183 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Math and jargon make essential financial concepts seem intimidating, but that is simply because most books do not have the goal of being accessible to interested readers - this book does. In ten easy-to-read chapters, it explains all the essential financial tools and concepts, fully illustrated with real-world examples and Excel implementations.
Math and jargon make essential financial concepts seem intimidating, but that is simply because most books do not have the goal of being accessible to...
199,83 zł |
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The Internet Supply Chain: Impact on Accounting and Logistics
ISBN: 9781349427055 / Angielski / Miękka / 298 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The rapid advancement of technology and of Internet commerce in a globalized market has brought change at an unprecedented rate. Credit institutions, manufacturing, merchandising and service companies are finding that their traditional methods and tools for accounting and logistics no longer suffice. They must develop more efficient processes, able to assure management control in real-time, promote transparency in accounts, and make immediate corrective action possible. The earlier they prepare to take advantage of the Internet supply chain, the greater the benefits will be. This book focuses...
The rapid advancement of technology and of Internet commerce in a globalized market has brought change at an unprecedented rate. Credit institutions, ...
399,69 zł |
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An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: A Deterministic Approach
ISBN: 9780081013021 / Angielski / Miękka / 464 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: A Deterministic Approach, 2e, offers a highly illustrated introduction to mathematical finance, with a special emphasis on interest rates. This revision of the McCutcheon-Scott classic follows the core subjects covered by the first professional exam required of UK actuaries, the CT1 exam. It realigns the table of contents with the CT1 exam and includes sample questions from past exams of both The Actuarial Profession and the CFA Institute. With a wealth of solved problems and interesting applications, An Introduction to the... An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: A Deterministic Approach, 2e, offers a highly illustrated introduction to mathematical finan... |
276,45 zł |
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Selbstcontrolling Für Selbständige Und Kleine Unternehmen
ISBN: 9783658093624 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 259 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dieses Buch zeigt, dass systematisches Selbstcontrolling in Kleinstunternehmen gar nicht so anspruchsvoll sein muss. Es braucht vor allem ein systematisches und planvolles Herangehen und das Einrichten eines Management-Cockpits, aus dem zu jedem Zeitpunkt fur die Fuhrungskraft mit wenig Aufwand ersichtlich ist, wie das Unternehmen strategisch und unter Vermogens-, Erfolgs-, Liquiditats- und Risikoaspekten dasteht. Selbstcontrolling bezeichnet controllinggerechtes Verhalten bzw. Controlling durch Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer bzw. Geschaftsfuhrerinnen und Geschaftsfuhrer selbst, das heit... Dieses Buch zeigt, dass systematisches Selbstcontrolling in Kleinstunternehmen gar nicht so anspruchsvoll sein muss. Es braucht vor allem ein syste... |
168,08 zł |
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Performancesteigerung Im Unternehmen: Innovative Tools Und Techniken
ISBN: 9783658129873 / Niemiecki / Twarda Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dieses Buch zeigt, welche Faktoren den Erfolg eines Unternehmens bestimmen und wie dieser gesteigert werden kann. Zur Erfolgsmessung hat die BWL verschiedene Methoden entwickelt, bspw. Controlling und betriebliche Kennzahlen. Doch allein durch Anwendung der richtigen Technik lasst sich unternehmerischer Erfolg nicht nachhaltig erzielen. Neben den richtigen Techniken, dem "Toolset," mussen Unternehmen daher eine Unternehmenskultur, ein "Mindset," etablieren. Im Zusammenspiel lasst sich die Unternehmensleistung erheblich steigern.Von dieser Idee ausgehend wird zunachst das erforderliche Mindset...
Dieses Buch zeigt, welche Faktoren den Erfolg eines Unternehmens bestimmen und wie dieser gesteigert werden kann. Zur Erfolgsmessung hat die BWL versc...
317,51 zł |
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Die Steuerung Von Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften: Zwischen Managementorientierter Und Berufsständischer Logik
ISBN: 9783658145422 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 331 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Georg Loscher untersucht, welche managementorientierten und berufsstandischen Steuerungspraktiken in Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaften existieren und durch welche Mechanismen diese Steuerungspraktiken integriert werden. Der Autor zeigt auf, wie Praktiker mit Konflikten aus den Anforderungen aus Management und Berufsstand umgehen und welche Rolle berufsstandische Institutionen fur die Steuerung von Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaften spielen. Die Arbeit verknupft Praxistheorie und Neoinstitutionalismus auf innovative Weise, um das Phanomen "Steuerung von Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaften"... Georg Loscher untersucht, welche managementorientierten und berufsstandischen Steuerungspraktiken in Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaften existieren u... |
224,13 zł |
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Capital Budgeting and Divisional Performance Measurement
ISBN: 9781680831245 / Angielski / Miękka / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Capital Budgeting and Divisional Performance Measurement synthesizes recent work on the use of capital budgeting mechanisms to coordinate decentralized investment decisions in multi-division firms with a focus on two-stage investment problems. Divisional managers often have private information about investment profitability that evolves over time and divisional investments can create positive or negative externalities for other divisions at individual investment stages. The authors show that in these circumstances, formal capital budgeting mechanisms that allocate investment costs to...
Capital Budgeting and Divisional Performance Measurement synthesizes recent work on the use of capital budgeting mechanisms to coordinate decentralize...
343,10 zł |
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Financial Reporting in the Pacific Asia Region
ISBN: 9789810230784 / Angielski / Twarda / 520 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Covers such areas as the cultural influence and economic significance of East and Southeast Asia, and the inter-relationships between these matters and accounting in Pacific Asia. The book includes chapers on accounting in individual countries (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia).
Covers such areas as the cultural influence and economic significance of East and Southeast Asia, and the inter-relationships between these matters an...
829,52 zł |
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Enterprise Management Control Systems in China
ISBN: 9783662523407 / Angielski / Miękka / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides an exhaustive view of China s Management Control Systems (MCS), examining the development of theory and practiceand presenting a framework that integrates China s unique enterprise regulations, corporate culture and managerial mindset into management control systems. The work offers detail about the effects of China s economic reforms on management control in Chinese enterprises and insightful comparisons with Western theory and Western examples. Readers will discover important themes and the evolution of theory in MCS, including discussions of frameworks and the links... This book provides an exhaustive view of China s Management Control Systems (MCS), examining the development of theory and practiceand presenting a... |
498,96 zł |
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Margins of Error in Accounting
ISBN: 9781349305391 / Angielski / Miękka / 171 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Margins of Error in Accounting covers the main reasons why published company accounts cannot be completely 'accurate' and the likely extent of the resulting errors. Separate chapters cover: the 'interim-ness' of accounts; the use of current value estimates; the cumulative effect of inflation on money as the unit of account.
Margins of Error in Accounting covers the main reasons why published company accounts cannot be completely 'accurate' and the likely extent of the res...
199,83 zł |
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Accounting Information and Equity Valuation: Theory, Evidence, and Applications
ISBN: 9781493943449 / Angielski / Miękka / 233 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The purpose of this book is to offer a more systematic and structured treatment of the research on accounting‐based valuation, with a primary focus on recent theoretical developments and the resulting empirical analyses that recognize the role of accounting information in making managerial decisions. Since its inception, valuation research in accounting has evolved primarily along an "empirically driven" path. In the absence of models constructed specifically to explain this topic, researchers have relied on economic intuition and theories from other disciplines (mainly finance... The purpose of this book is to offer a more systematic and structured treatment of the research on accounting‐based valuation, with a primary... |
479,64 zł |
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Konsolidierung Eines Umgekehrten Unternehmenserwerbs Nach Ifrs: Erstkonsolidierung Und Änderung Bestehender Beherrschungs- Und Beteiligungsverhältniss
ISBN: 9783658147549 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 313 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Katja Sachse widmet sich einer detaillierten Darstellung und Analyse der Vorschriften, die umgekehrte Unternehmenserwerbe regeln. Sie entwickelt erstmalig Losungen fur bestehende Regelungslucken der Erst- und Folgekonsolidierung sowie Hinweise zur praktischen Umsetzung. Bei diesen besonderen Unternehmenszusammenschlussen wird das rechtliche Tochterunternehmen als wirtschaftlicher Erwerber identifiziert. Fur die korrekte Abbildung dieser im IFRS-Konzernabschluss sind besondere Konsolidierungsvorschriften notwendig, weshalb in IFRS 3.B20 ff. entsprechende Konsolidierungsregeln vorgegeben...
Katja Sachse widmet sich einer detaillierten Darstellung und Analyse der Vorschriften, die umgekehrte Unternehmenserwerbe regeln. Sie entwickelt erstm...
261,47 zł |
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Kwalifikacja A.36. Prowadzenie rachunkowości cz.1
ISBN: 9788328326606 / Miękka / 480 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Kwalifikacja A.36. Część 1. Prowadzenie rachunkowości. Podręcznik do nauki zawodów technik ekonomista i technik rachunkowości
Najbardziej aktualny podręcznik do rachunkowości na rynku według stanu prawnego na dzień 1 lipca 2016 roku. Ta wiedza się opłaca! Ekonomista to zawód powszechny w gospodarce rynkowej. Zatrudnienie wykwalifikowanego ekonomisty gwarantuje sukces finansowy przedsiębiorstwa. Taki pracownik przygotowuje informacje będące podstawą decyzji podejmowanych przez kadrę kierowniczą. Uczeń kształcący się w zawodzie technika ekonomisty po ukończeniu edukacji... Kwalifikacja A.36. Część 1. Prowadzenie rachunkowości. Podręcznik do nauki zawodów technik ekonomista i technik rachunkowości
Najbardziej a... |
49,90 zł |
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The Handbook of Carbon Accounting
ISBN: 9781783533169 / Angielski / Twarda / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organizations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the causes and impacts of climate change becomes increasingly urgent, emissions calculations and inventories are a vital first step towards mastering climatic risk.
The Handbook of Carbon Accounting offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the discipline. The book examines different methods or instruments implemented by countries and companies - such as carbon taxation, carbon markets and voluntary offsetting - while... Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organizations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the cau...
527,88 zł |
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The Handbook of Carbon Accounting
ISBN: 9781783533176 / Angielski / Miękka / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organizations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the causes and impacts of climate change becomes increasingly urgent, emissions calculations and inventories are a vital first step towards mastering climatic risk.
The Handbook of Carbon Accounting offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the discipline. The book examines different methods or instruments implemented by countries and companies - such as carbon taxation, carbon markets and voluntary offsetting - while... Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organizations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the cau...
165,86 zł |
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Performance Measurement and Incentive Systems in Purchasing: More Than Just Savings
ISBN: 9783662524541 / Angielski / Miękka / 182 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book presents a holistic approach for purchasing performance measurement and the incentive systems associated with it. Includes ten steps for sustained performance measurement in purchasing.
This book presents a holistic approach for purchasing performance measurement and the incentive systems associated with it. Includes ten steps for sus...
249,46 zł |
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Accounting and Regulation: New Insights on Governance, Markets and Institutions
ISBN: 9781493943463 / Angielski / Miękka / 412 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Since 1998, the world's leading experts on accounting and regulation have convened in a series of workshops to explore and analyze emerging issues in the field. They have covered a wide array of topics, including corporate governance, auditing, financial disclosure, international standards boards, and the dynamics of markets and institutions. Most recently, they have focused on the role that accounting practices and policies may have played in the global financial crisis of 2008. In this volume, the editors showcase contributions from the workshops that represent the full spectrum of issues...
Since 1998, the world's leading experts on accounting and regulation have convened in a series of workshops to explore and analyze emerging issues in ...
399,69 zł |
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Accounting and Valuation Guide: Testing Goodwill for Impairment
ISBN: 9781937352806 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This new guide provides accounting and valuation guidance for impairment testing of goodwill. Specifically, it focuses on practice issues related to the qualitative assessment and the first step of the two-step test. This resource is a valuable tool for auditors, accountants and valuation specialists seeking an advanced understanding of the accounting, valuation, and disclosures related to goodwill impairment testing (including the qualitative assessment). It is also a vital resource for preparers of financial statements of public and private companies that follow FASB guidance on... This new guide provides accounting and valuation guidance for impairment testing of goodwill. Specifically, it focuses on practice issues related t... |
396,90 zł |
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Gestaltung Anreizkompatibler Entlohnungssysteme Für Vorstand Und Aufsichtsrat
ISBN: 9783658163105 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 202 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Julia Ortner untersucht die geeignete Gestaltung von Entlohnungssystemen fur Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat vor dem Hintergrund der Wertorientierung. Im Fokus ihrer Untersuchung stehen die Implikationen einer Entlohnungskompetenz des Aufsichtsrats fur den Vorstand. Die Autorin leitet im Rahmen einer zweistufigen Prinzipal-Agenten-Beziehungen Anforderungen an die jeweiligen Entlohnungssysteme zur Herstellung von Interessenharmonie im Sinne von Anreizkompatibilitat her. Dabei werden sowohl der Fall bekannter Praferenzen als auch der Fall unbekannter Praferenzen betrachtet. Daruber hinaus spricht die...
Julia Ortner untersucht die geeignete Gestaltung von Entlohnungssystemen fur Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat vor dem Hintergrund der Wertorientierung. Im Fo...
224,13 zł |
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Financial Innovation in the Banking Industry: Case of Asset Securitization
ISBN: 9781138991057 / Angielski / Miękka / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book investigates the motivations behind the adoption of the technique of asset securitization by US commercial banks and its effects on the financial performances.
This book investigates the motivations behind the adoption of the technique of asset securitization by US commercial banks and its effects on the fina...
160,83 zł |