W grudniu 1922 roku nowa Rzeczpospolita Polska demokratycznie wybrała swego pierwszego prezydenta Gabriela Narutowicza. Ponieważ zagłosowała na niego między innymi partia żydowska, wroga jej frakcja antysemitów domagała się od niego rezygnacji. Już po kilku godzinach w Warszawie wybuchły krwawe rozruchy, a tydzień później prezydenta zamordowano. Po tych zdarzeniach radykalna prawica umocniła się w swym twierdzeniu, że tylko „etniczni Polacy” powinni rządzić Polską, a lewica po cichu na to przystała.
Opowiadając tę...
Zamach, który zmienił nasz naród.
W grudniu 1922 roku nowa Rzeczpospolita Polska demokratycznie wybrała swego pierwszego prezydenta Gabri...
Ronald Stuart Thomas (1913-2000) był walijskim poetą tworzącym w języku angielskim i pastorem kościoła anglikańskiego w Walii. Wydał 26 zbiorów poezji, nie licząc wydań okolicznościowych czy wierszy zebranych. Został uznany, obok Dylana Thomasa, za najwybitniejszego przedstawiciela tzw. poezji anglowalijskiej XX wieku i stał się jednym z ważniejszych współczesnych poetów brytyjskich. Był wielokrotnie nagradzany, a zainteresowanie jego poezją nie słabnie. Niniejsza książka jest pierwszą napisaną po polsku monografią twórczości R.S. Thomasa, a jej głównym celem...
Ronald Stuart Thomas (1913-2000) był walijskim poetą tworzącym w języku angielskim i pastorem kościoła anglikańskiego w Walii. Wydał 26 zbior...
Leon Wyczółkowski – wybitny malarz, grafik i rysownik okresu Młodej Polski. Reprezentant nurtu realistycznego w polskiej sztuce. Prace artysty cechowała wszechstronność; eksperymentował w zakresie stosowanych technik: oleju, akwareli, tuszu, temperze, pastelu, ołówku i w grafice. Znane są zarówno jego pejzaże, jak i portrety miast. Mistrzostwo osiągnął Wyczółkowski także w dziedzinie sztuki portretowej. Uprawiał grafikę oryginalną, stając się jednym z pionierów tej dyscypliny w Polsce. Dzieła pokazane w albumie pozwalają prześledzić etapy rozwoju twórczości...
Leon Wyczółkowski – wybitny malarz, grafik i rysownik okresu Młodej Polski. Reprezentant nurtu realistycznego w polskiej sztuce. Prace artysty ce...
Communicative Syllabus Design provides an ideal resource for identifying and selecting the syllabus content relevant to the needs of different types or groups of foreign-language learner. Clear examples are given at every stage of the explanation with two detailed studies of how the model works in practice. It should be invaluable to anyone writing ESP courses. Teachers who are involved in planning general courses should also find it relevant and informative since the criteria for analysing communicative needs can easily be adapted for their purposes.
Communicative Syllabus Design provides an ideal resource for identifying and selecting the syllabus content relevant to the needs of different types o...
This book is a collection of absorbing and thought-provoking questionnaires and quizzes with related activities for students of English at upper-intermediate and more advanced levels. Questions requiring a personal response from the reader can serve as an enjoyable and provocative starting-point for fluency practice in the language classroom. The book is designed for use in the classroom, but much of the material can be used by students working alone. Those sections best suited to the individual reader are indicated by a special symbol in the text. At the end of the book both teachers and...
This book is a collection of absorbing and thought-provoking questionnaires and quizzes with related activities for students of English at upper-inter...
This book is designed to give language teachers a basis for introducing a cultural component into their teaching. The paperback edition is a collection of selected essays that attempts to provide language teachers with a basis for introducing a cultural component into their teaching. It includes essays written especially for the volume, as well as some that have been previously published.
This book is designed to give language teachers a basis for introducing a cultural component into their teaching. The paperback edition is a collectio...
In order to read effectively in English, advanced learners need to develop a range of skills. Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting, up-to-date reading material with challenging and motivating exercises which develop the relevant skills. All the texts are authentic and come from many different sources including contemporary British and American novels, newspapers, magazines and advertising. Each unit contains one or two reading passages, four or five skills exercises, and suggestions for further work. The Teacher's Book gives useful background information on the texts,...
In order to read effectively in English, advanced learners need to develop a range of skills. Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting...
English for Specific Purposes offers the teacher a new perspective on this important field. The main concern is effective learning and how this can best be achieved in ESP courses. The authors discuss the evolution of ESP and its position today; the role of the ESP teacher; course design; syllabuses; materials; teaching methods, and evaluation procedures. It will be of interest to all teachers who are concerned with ESP. Those who are new to the field will find it a thorough, practical introduction while those with more extensive experience will find its approach both stimulating and...
English for Specific Purposes offers the teacher a new perspective on this important field. The main concern is effective learning and how this can be...
Intonation in Context is for upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English who want to improve their intonation. It aims to make learners aware of the main features of intonation and provides enjoyable activities for both controlled and freer practice in a range of conversational situations. Intonation is presented as a system which has an important communicative function in any interaction between speaker and listener. Learners first explore the meaning conveyed by the parts of this system before going on to a variety of production exercises. The book is intended to be used alongside...
Intonation in Context is for upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English who want to improve their intonation. It aims to make learners aware ...
Intonation in Context is for upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English who want to improve their intonation. It aims to make learners aware of the main features of intonation and provides enjoyable activities for both controlled and freer practice in a range of conversational situations. Intonation is presented as a system which has an important communicative function in any interaction between speaker and listener. Learners first explore the meaning conveyed by the parts of this system before going on to a variety of production exercises. The book is intended to be used alongside...
Intonation in Context is for upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English who want to improve their intonation. It aims to make learners aware ...