Deception, also known as "lying," is a pervasive and fundamental social behavior in which a person attempts to persuade another to accept as true what the deceiver believes to be untrue. Because of its essential role in our social life, it is important for social neuroscience to reveal the inner workings of deception. This special issue provides a representative sample of new empirical research on the cognitive and neural processes associated with producing deceptive responses. Eight contributions report studies employing a variety of paradigms and techniques (behavioral, functional...
Deception, also known as "lying," is a pervasive and fundamental social behavior in which a person attempts to persuade another to accept as true w...
In this comprehensive handbook, Ragin and Keenan present an all-encompassing analysis of the variety of different methods used in health psychology research. Featuring interdisciplinary collaborations from leading academics, this meticulously written volume is a guide to conducting cutting-edge research using tested and vetted best practices. It explains important research techniques, why they are selected and how they are conducted. The book critically examines both cutting-edge methods, such as those used in NextGen genetics, nudge theory, and the brain’s vulnerability to addiction, as...
In this comprehensive handbook, Ragin and Keenan present an all-encompassing analysis of the variety of different methods used in health psychology re...