The main motivation for such lecture notes is the importance of the concept and mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking in modern theoretical physics and the relevance of a textbook exposition at the graduate student level beyond the oversimpli?ed (non-rigorous) treatments, often con?ned to speci?c models. One of the main points is to emphasize that the radical loss of symmetric behaviour requiresboth the existence of non-symmetric ground states and the in?nite extension of the system. The ?rst Part on SYMMETRY BREAKING IN CLASSICAL SYSTEMS is devoted to the mathematical understanding of...
The main motivation for such lecture notes is the importance of the concept and mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking in modern theoretical physi...
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has proved to be the most useful strategy for the description of elementary particle interactions and as such is regarded as a fundamental part of modern theoretical physics. In most presentations, the emphasis is on the effectiveness of the theory in producing experimentally testable predictions, which at present essentially means Perturbative QFT. However, after more than fifty years of QFT, we still are in the embarrassing situation of not knowing a single non-trivial (even non-realistic) model of QFT in 3+1 dimensions, allowing a non-perturbative control. As a...
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has proved to be the most useful strategy for the description of elementary particle interactions and as such is regarded a...
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has proved to be the most useful strategy for the description of elementary particle interactions and as such is regarded as a fundamental part of modern theoretical physics. In most presentations, the emphasis is on the effectiveness of the theory in producing experimentally testable predictions, which at present essentially means Perturbative QFT. However, after more than fifty years of QFT, we still are in the embarrassing situation of not knowing a single non-trivial (even non-realistic) model of QFT in 3+1 dimensions, allowing a non-perturbative control. As a...
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has proved to be the most useful strategy for the description of elementary particle interactions and as such is regarded a...